How would I go about getting a bf in your country?

How would I go about getting a bf in your country?

You would go in my basement and I would pay your family 10,000$

be a slut that would a suck guy off anytime he wants, especially in public


>go to finland
>go to my house
>get free bj

I said a boyfriend. Not a slut.


I am also wondering about this.
But I am just a regular guy.

you could find one here, but end up being too shy to meet up


I'd actually feel sorry for the megumeme poster if he was the original

Aren't you guys supposed to be a couple?

Unfortunately, this seems to be the most realistic option.

The original?


Shh... only cocks now

>the lithuanians aren't interested in being a couple they only want to roleplay

>get a boner everytime you read "cock" or "cocks"

This thread is pure and not for lewd. Begone, finnish debaucherers!

how buout you go fuck yourself :)))))

I agree with the f*nn

how to get swedish gf (male)

what's wrong with northern europeans?

Tap water. Pic related is finnish male who consumed too much of it.

You would probably get beaten to death by brown skinned neo nazis.

>this is what the meguminposter and other gayfinns look like


I'm not a commie, so no.

>the dumbslutty tapwater drinking goblin replied to me

It's just chat whit other gays.
They literaly have more than 5 partnes/week here

>tfw no bf


That makes me feel bad.

Tap water is nice in rural areas, at least where I am.
Urban anything is just unbearable though.

you're disgusting
you hear me?

>Step1: Be female
That's all