Other urls found in this thread:
So that's now
>The Pope
>A Supreme Court Justice
Can somebody update that Trump Curse photo to include Ginsburg?
Trump was right again
bitch got served
>orange juice
what did lia mean by this
>insult Trump
>realize that Trump is probably going to win
What'd she say?
What does the fox say?
She can't undo the damage she did. If Trump gets elected no one will take any of her opinions and rulings on Trump's policies seriously.
Half dead Jew just couldn't keep her mouth shut.
Is she still death cursed?
Justice Ginsburg is just the child of refugees putting the interest of refugees ahead of the interests of Americans like all refugees do.
Also, she's probably gonna break her hip falling in the bath one of these days because that's what happens to Trump's opposition.
She apologized and repented. May Lord KEK have mercy on her soul.
>implying there one to have mercy on
>has a soul
Pick one
she used to be such a qt3.14
>Making a woman apologizes from her words
She looks so familiar
what a babe
I don't get it.