What an ugly Jewish goblin
Term limits when
>Supreme Court now realizes that Trump's victory is inevitable, begin sucking up to him
Yeah, that's about right.
Now Ginsburg must CROAK. Kek wills it
>Term limits when
Fucking this.
>unelected and unaccountable patricians are the most powerful legislative branch in a country that professes to be a Republic
Has anyone made a "BTFO'd by Trump" list yet?
Oh shit what have I done
She looks like Sith lord.
kek what is it about Trump that makes leftist jews go into an autistic rage at the mere mention of his name?
Not even a Supreme Court Justice could keep herself from going full sperg.
the right and just thing...
No good use comes from a lame horse, save for glue.
Resign you old bitch.
Not good enough. She needs to resign. Somebody needs to start a petition.
There's a death list knocking around.
Swear Trump has a death note that has a choice between the life of them or their career.
Look at this physiognomy, a pure Jewish monster.
Look at this ugly hag, the soulless bloodthirsty Jewish eyes, the evil stare, the mouth ready to suck some Goyim blood, the facial expression of "genocide all Whites".
shell be fine
Kek wills her death
The policy rationale as to why Justices are unelected and have life-tenure is actually pretty sound: it's to reduce the likelihood that they will be influenced by politics and campaigning and monied influence, and instead can focus purely on the law. Unfortunately, ever since we started filling our diversity quotas the Court has become much more politicized.
It was her inner Jew speaking. She lost control of it and let it slip out.
When will Trump reveal his ultimate power level?
Kek wills it
Kek foresees her fate
Does Trump forgive?
idc shes dead while trump is in and the senate will happily vote on his pick
I believe a resignation is in order
praise kek
Trump might, but Kek does not. Soon she shall join the collages.
The constitution is basically the perfect document when you're talking about white Americans, Anglo-Saxons and then the more recent assimilated whites.
When you bring a bunch of niggers and other dindus in, the constitution doesn't work anymore. So let's get rid of the trashpeople and make the constitution a success again.
HAHAHAHA Holy shit, the nigger is reaching for the cop's gun!
Ben Garrison, everyone!
She'll be in the court through Trump's eight years. She'll literally be wearing adult diapers and asking the court where she is. Then, the second the next Democrat is sworn in, she'll drop dead.
>The constitution is basically the perfect document when you're talking about white Americans, Anglo-Saxons and then the more recent assimilated whites.
Why didn't this perfect document specify these things then?
>it's to reduce the likelihood that they will be influenced by politics and campaigning and monied influence,
First, that's no different than what Hillary wants to do, so that's a moot point.
Second, judges are appointed. Not elected.
This nigger gets it realclearpolitics.com
She should be impeached and disbarred.
America was supposed to only be white immigrants of good character .
>Do not worry Goyim, you surely can trust my judgements
>tfw kek
hey guys what do you think of my fresh content?
nobody thought there would be an emancipation movement for niggers
lincoln argued for the deportation of niggers to liberia; he was (((assassinated))) before that plan came to fruition, though
When is it Soros' time to have something bad happen to him?
regret isn't an apology. even if it were an apology her comments show a total lack of decorum and good judgement for which she should be impeached. make an example of her.
>one half of American top governing body are Jews who hate the constitution and would put Israel first
cucked hard
>elected judges
kill yourself m8
Fine in hell probably
Thats pretty good
Not even the founding fathers could predict the diversity meme.
I'd write that in there if I was to write the constitution.
It would be one of the first things I'd mention.
Regretting people dont agree with you is not an apology
You only think she is sorry about is the fact that more people didn't agree with her
Soros will suffer, but a different sort of way
Lord Baal protects him from the wrath of Kek. Why do you think jews get away with everything?
Did you know...
That Ruthy is 32 years young.
Lookin' good.
I don't think you understood my post.
praise kek
trump for pressie
Trump may, kek does not.
shut ur mouth u iliterate piece of shit
jew made ISIS destroyed the temple of baal-ammon-zeus in syria u fucktards
Too late, kike, you've already outed yourself as a globalist shill. So not only have they infiltrated our presidency and Congress, but even our Supreme Court? We're taking back our country!
That similiarity!
an old jewess, dry barren womb, past her expiration date, power hungry, ugly, abrasive, and mean. There ought to be a replacement before too long.
>Term limits when
When they die of old age or retire.
You only serve on SCOTUS once.
It was. That was verbiage.
It was changed under later amendments.
Seeya Goyburg
>tfw soaked 3 liters of Goy blood
Add Ginsburg to the list
eh the pope was funnier
I don't think they'll give her the Scalia treatment with the pillow over the head alone in an isolated border hotel near Mexico with no autopsy. That was murder, most surely, as per the evidence, and likely a high level assassination. But we go on as normal and nobody says a word.
Divorce cost Johnny Depp half his $400 million fortune
Trump brand is real
I misread
By apologizing, she admits fault. IMPEACH THIS BITCH WHEN TRUMP TAKES OFFICE!!!!
Moloch. And jews can't control their muslim pets. Now pay debts you lazy Greek.
oye vey there user. you might have given a warning before that pic. I threw up a little in my mouth.
The exact same facial expression as a vampire, /pol!
Notice how she threatened to leave tho country too.
Fucking kikes have no loyalty. Not even the ones on the SCOTUS.
Wtf why is it all blurry, useless phone
What did she do/say?
You don't want the judiciary changing whenever retards get sick of the current government and swing the other way.
What we need is to get rid of judicial activism and a return to the classical liberal interpretation of our contstitution. No more bullshit legislating from the bench. Do you guys realize that the Supreme Court just split 4:4 on whether Obama's Executive Amnesty was legal?
Had that decision gone Obama's way it would basically guarantee we become a dictatorship.
thats what libs do
and they never say "im off to mexico!"
Evidence for this?
We basically need a totalitarian dictatorship for 50 years to clean up all this fucking mess. We need a Pinochet!
SCOTUS judges serve for life. She could shoot Trump in the head during his swearing in ceremony, and she would still be a SCOTUS judge
nice, haven't seen this one
She tampered with forces beyond her reckoning
That's also why when retards say "hurr durr you can't have white nationalism, it has to be ethnic british or german or spanish nationalism" they are completely wrong, because that's literally what the U.S. was - a pan-european white nationalist country.
Fucking disgraceful. Has this ever happened before? The courts are intended to be completely impartial and apolitical, and we have not only an endorsement, but a full blown fucking denunciation of a candidate?
>What a time to be alive