>having pre-martial sex
If any of you do that you have no right to complain about feminism, rampart cuckoldry and degeneracy.
If you have sex outside of marriage you are actively partaking in degenerate behaviour and thus are part of the problem.
>having pre-martial sex
If any of you do that you have no right to complain about feminism, rampart cuckoldry and degeneracy.
If you have sex outside of marriage you are actively partaking in degenerate behaviour and thus are part of the problem.
Pawel there is a difference between an LTR and banging sluts.
did the cat eat the cake thing on the table
Yes good goy, don't let those silly morals keep you down from your "sexual liberation"
kotek :3
>rampart cuckoldry
>pre-martial sex
I never go into battle without ravaging a wench beforehand.
>pre-martial sex
Agreed, sex is a reward for slaughtering your foes.
Agreed OP. Pre-marital sex destroys the value of the sexual act and destroys you spiritually. To spill your seed anywhere save for in your wife is to disrespect yourself.
the problem is marriage is bullshit now
You're right and I'm ashamed of myself and working on being celibate unless I one day get married.
If it wasn't for the retarded economic situation I would've settled down with her.
You mean the pancake?
why is this kot blini so skini?
I agree, the hook up culture is a large of society's problem. It goes hand in hand with binge drinking, drug use, and other poor life decisions.
So because there's "retarded economic situation" you feel free to ruin morality and future of the white race?
Nice defeatist mentality cuck, though I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers tonight.
Economies, countries, politics all come and go. Not a good excuse.
>I, ___, take thee, ___, to be my wedded husband/wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith [or] pledge myself to you.
post-martial sex is a lot easier
Right, unfortunately I cannot get a job that pays enough for us to have a nice big house and some kids.
But that's totally in my control?
Remind me where I go to get my super high paying job that I made for myself?
I'm a savage barbarian, fuck you
t. Flabby beta who can't get laid
Alright alright I hear you and find myself in a similar boat.
If you're not ready to get married I totally understand.
I'm thinking about joining the Mormon church. I may not agree with everything they teach but they ultimately do more good than harm.
Maybe you should find a church or something. I don't have greater solutions to your problem.
For now I'm satisfied with being celibate and focusing on how to improve myself in hopes of one day finding a wife. Sorry for coming down on you like that.
There are women to get married to and women to fuck.
If you don't know the diference you are a numale or a beta.
If you only have sex with your girlfriend or wife then you're a beta.
Dude getting laid gets old and once I started grasping more of society's problems I started to resent myself for partaking in degeneracy.
Women need men to stand by. I feel terrible for having these relationships with these girls in the past only to eventually split up with them.
I should have been a stronger man. I should have done more to hold the relationship down or never participate to begin with. I can't help but wish I were still a virgin.
I was ready to marry her.
Unfortunately I possess the ability to think about consequences and saw that she cannot stay here forever since I cannot give her a place to live with me.
And so it goes.
And you believe this somehow enittles you to ruining european, christian morality?
You're not a fucking animal, you can control your urges. Have a look at for example.
Sorry you aren't able to get any OP. Things will change. Until then stop projecting your insecurities. Faggot.
Is that a poverty version of Blini cat?
I don't know why you're raging at me I don't bang sluts.
I really don't know but maybe if you had gotten married she would have been happy to stand by you if you if you can't offer her a house.
A lot of family on my mother's side are very strict Christian missionaries and are some of the happiest most well rounded and well adjusted people I've ever met.
All of his kids are girls and are happy to go through some of the hardships that life of a missionary in Honduras brings with it because they believe they are serving a higher purpose.
Again, I'm just speculating.
>I can't stop sperging long enough to convince a girl to fugg so I'm going to yell at people on the internet
GG kiddo
what happened to blini kot ? He's been sick ?
Dude there is so much more to life than just getting laid. You're just buying into degenerative propaganda. Fucking whores does not make you a decent man and it does not make for happy women.
>If you have sex outside of marriage you are actively partaking in degenerate behaviour
Fuck off, Ahmed.
Amazing how people still chomp down so happily on this bait.
That cat looks so happy with it's pancakes
Agreed. Life isn't all about sex. But OP is pretty transparently butt blasted and projecting his inability to even bang a chubby girl on OKC.
We both agreed that if she cannot stay here with me that she will pursue her studies in the States.
We wanted to have it better than just scraping by, I was robbed by the government not by myself or the girl.
what is in russian blini that makes cats go wild?
or is it just a russian meme?
"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." —1st Corinthians 11:3
No, as a matter of fact I hae a GF of 4 years and we're on our way to getting married.
Also, everyone who blames their inability to marry on economical situation is just a weak-willed cuck. We both busted our assess just so that we could get a home and nice standard of living. It wasn't easy, but nobody said it would be.
If you give up so easy and cave in to degenerate behaviour it's no wander this continent is being take over by muslims.
ITT: Virgins
Will any of that actually make her happy though?
I've dated girls that have pursued these careers and what not and I don't it's healthy for them.
Women need to be wives and mothers. There place is at home or standing by their man at all costs.
It's healthy for them. It's what they need to feel secure.
She didn't want to live as both of us wageslaving to afford some tiny urban shithole and the only time we would spend together is passed out in bed, there wouldn't have been money for kids.
I've been with over 50 girls and deep in my heart am ashamed of every single one.
Those relationships have ultimately led to more and more unnecessary nihilism and narcissism instead of helping society.
Christianity works.
True OP.
Gas all sluts and philanderers. Virginity and marriage are sacred.
>having sex
I'm just like wondering why you cared for her opinion in the first place.
I'm really not trying to be rude or ultimately judgmental. It sounds like the relationship is over I just hope any information I have can help you in the future and any information you have can help me.
I wish my parents arranged my marriage just like the old times.
>i believe in sex only after marriage
>AHAHAHAHAHAH VIRGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well duh. i don't believe in it but expecting anything else is retarded
The ruble is too low, can't afford kitty feed.
>It sounds like the relationship is over I just hope any information I have can help you in the future and any information you have can help me.
It is over and has been for a few weeks now.
I didn't want to live wageslaving either, and so it came the way it did. She's a headstrong girl and didn't like it when I ignored her opinion too much.
It literally all would've been different if affording housing was a realistic option.
>tfw my castles walls outer walls are being climed by invading forces.
what's wrong with being a virgin?
Yeah, I mean I really don't know what to say.
First of all, I don't think women should be in the workforce except for maybe a few exceptions.
Part of me thinks both of you would have been better off homeless if it meant you two were married and monogamous.
I know that sounds extreme but it's what I've come to believe at this point in my life.
Real family and commitment means more than world comforts and status.
Absolutely nothing.
u no wut i liek teh moist?
>Part of me thinks both of you would have been better off homeless if it meant you two were married and monogamous.
We were monogamous.
But fuck being homeless man what the fuck.
>yes, goyim, out jewish cult is the prerequisite for sex
So you're implying that the women to fuck deserve to have their brain chemistry abused because they're not as prized as the women to marry. Even if this were a reasonable explanation in some fairy tale shit land, you'd be grabbing the low hanging fruit of substandard women that aren't worthy of marriage, which is degrading to her, and yourself.
What makes you trust her not to cheat.
Don't you think a woman shouldn't be trusted to be alone in society, like having a job?
What? When you finally do get married there's no guarantee that one day you'll have no choice but to be homeless. Your government could collapse. War could break out. Is that going to stop you from standing by your marriage?
There's a difference between being bombed and choosing to be homeless.
I think men who say shit like that are very insecure and need constant validation. Man-sluts and female-sluts are two sides of the same coin.
Are you getting my point though? Through better or worse. It sounds to me like you never really wanted to marry her to begin with. You never know. A week into the marriage she could become a vegetable. etc etc
where'd op go?
he didn't answer my question
You sound a fucking member of a cult.
A human being can do whatever they want with their life, regardless of what sex they are.
Well I picked her from a church and she's been loyal to me for all this time. Besides, I'm willing to risk a lot if it means continuation of the white race.
Mehhh I'm in no cult.
I can't even find a church worth going to. They've all given into the leftist.
I just want people to be healthy and happy and independent women are not healthy and happy.
They NEED a man to look up to and keep her in her place. They need that security.
You sound like a woman.
fair enough
I wish you two the best!
lol you're right
>source: some guy who probably has an average job and is fairly anti-social spends a lot of time reading ancient history and has a deeply religous family
I don't think marriage is what you're talking about. Being committed to a person is and I half agree with you. Outragous promiscuity is the d-gen
And you sound like a faggot.
You sound like an even bigger faggot.
You're treating human beings like they're animals or something.
No one needs anything, if someone wants to be independent and do whatever they want with their life they can.
It's their "god" given right.
Thank you user, it's always great to see someone with a working moral spine. If only european men were half as strong...
ITT: Cultist Christians that think their degenerate religion is still relevant. Sage.
So, you are a woman after all. You must be a slut, otherwise you wouldn't be advocating for degeneracy so much. I see it all the time, these sluts and manwhores go about fucking around, feeling miserabel, knowing they are wrong, but to try and avoid consequences and those feelings they shame the people that want what's right and commit to virginity out of faith.
All of you can burn in hell.
Religion allows us to not be animals.
>european men
Hey dude, I'm the minority and if you were to see me on the streets you would assume I was a super leftist faggot based on my appearance. I have long hair, a pretty face, vintage clothes, and somewhat skinny fat body.
I went to a church recently and told them that I agreed with Fred Phelps and they were appalled. I tell elderly Christians I think the fire and brimstone stuff is good and they just can't believe it. All the churches in this country have sold out. I think some of them believed it would help keep the youth interested but now everyone assumes Christianity is just a huge joke or they think it's just a get out of jail free card to get into heaven. Sad.
I try but women do not want to marry with me (or marry at all?). All I had is sex, short failed relationship, kisses or nothing from them.
Christianity works when everyone does it. Most "virgin" girls in the church today are only spiritual virgins that were forgive by God. Also, you'd be surprised by the amount of girls (and guys, for that matter) who think that BJs and anal don't count.
>All of you can burn in hell.
We are burning in hell. Every day on earth it gets worse and worse as we continue to given to vapid narcissism and nihilism instead of serving a higher purpose.
People don't want to accept how tried and true traditionalism is.
They just want to quickly pick out these little fairy tale parts that they see because they are insecure about their relationship with God.
Again, another cultist fanatic who thinks he's better than everyone.
I never once mentioned anything about virginity, I was talking about the fact that people are human beings have their own lives and they can do whatever they want. I'm a virgin and also believe that sex is for marriage.
But my point still stands.
I'm not advocating the churches I'm advocating Christianity which will be here as long as man is.
What sort of traditionalism do you think the west will be able to transition to after Christianity? It's just no possible. Either we invest in Christianity or we invest in degeneracy, destruction, and chaos. I'd rather be the minority if it's for a greater good.
This thread shows just how many degenerates who fell for Marxist thought come here. Sexual liberation was made to destroy our civilization. Even non religious should know the family holds society together.
>we are burning in hell
This place is nothing compared to what awaits the proud sinners. Every man sins, but not every man does so with pride, or tries to rationalize his sin to convert others to his degeneracy.
You are absolutely correct. You can't be truly redpilled if you're laying with a woman that isn't your wife, - even if you love each other - because all sex outside of marriage is degenerate and wrong.
Honestly, the double standards represented in this thread are amazing.
You got people who claim the western civilization is caving in to cultural marxism and the white race is dying, yet they would gladly partake in degenerate behavious, if given the chance.
True, but I don,t want to be uncertain if my wife is actually with me or not. For all I know she could be fucking the plumber when I go to work, and I just hate that kind of uncertainty.
I place some of the blame onto alt right characters like Milo, Stefan, and Gavin.
You could give Mormonism a shot.
And how do we know that?
They are probably from other boards and/or new. Or just here to troll.
It's just a meme. You actually believed cats eat pancakes? Did you also think the cat also spreads the smetana on them with a knife, rolls them up and eats them?
You are a degenerate and a liar. Also a fool. Women are never independent of men. Take away the laws that provide for women, such as discrimination and affirmative action laws, and women would all die, become actual street whores, or be married.
A woman's place is in the home, as it has been for millennia. A woman's job is the home and children.
And any woman that scoffs at her place in life is unfit to call herself even a woman. A woman is not in competition with men, because no woman will ever best a man without a government's help. Only fools can delude themselves into thinking otherwise.
>Not having pre-martial sex
>Using "degeneracy to justify you being a beta male.