Hillary supporter here. What exactly is wrong with you Trump supporters? I thought qualifications and experience mattered
Hillary supporter here. What exactly is wrong with you Trump supporters...
Its 2016, what difference does it make?
being a criminal is not good experience.
Between her voice, and Bernie's old man smell...I'm now a Shill4Bill
>1 post by this ID
She has experience in funding terrorist, lying about her emails, defending her rapist husband, ect
your right, i'm now #feelingtheclintoris
Experience at deceptiveness?
found the cuck. she is an criminal that will betray our nation for money and power.
He said racist things about blacks and mexicans, that's all the racist alt-right babbies care about.
>I thought qualifications and experience mattered
That's why Trump is the best choice.
Bait 1/10 because I responded.
Hillary supporters should purge themselves.
>1 post by this ID
Sage, report and hide.
Name me one living person with more practical knowledge than Clinton of how to run a government.
Then why did you vote for Obama?
It does. That's why I don't vote for criminals who make jokes about leaving Americans to be tortured to death.
What a faggot you are . No tolerance for other opinions because yours can only survive in an echo chamber. This is why Clinton's pragmatism will win out in the end
Any other candidates really
>criminal that will betray our nation for money and power.
sounds like trump to me.
hahahah right winger so butt blasted he breaks rules to tell people to report left wing opinions
eat shit my man. you're going to be eating it in november regardless of what you think