Have any of you ever met a Hillary supporter IRL? What were they like?
Have any of you ever met a Hillary supporter IRL? What were they like?
i work with one, all around great guy, butt a fudd nonetheless, been in a union all his life, doesnt like big black scary guns, pretty much soaks up and regurgitates anything msnbc tells him. and hes from arkansas so the clinton name is pretty much unconditionally loved down there. we both hate niggers so theres that.. but he still likes obama just because hes a democrat. but i assume if any run of the mill democrat met him they'd hate him as much as any republican. he just doesnt belong anywhere.
up in new england most people are fairly liberal, especially where i live, in/around and close to boston.
i dont care for shillary myself, but they are all better than you OP, and better than most of the mouthbreathing edgy teens on this board.
pic related.
Low information. Believe everything cnn and msnbc tells them. Always hating irrationally on fox news. Not that fox isn't hate worthy but it seems to be the focus of their ire.
My dad. He's libcuck as fuck. It's crazy. I know we like to exaggerate and poke fun, but he's as bluepilled as it gets.
>i hate niggers
>i totaly should vote for candidate that 94% of niggers support
Dumb blonde post menapausal women each and every one.
Don't know any blacks, I think they're all voting for her.
>haha if only everyone was redpilled like me and my anonymoose XD XD
you can always spot the underage from miles away
I know a few women who are Hillary supporters. What they're like are women. Normie women. They don't follow politics closely, or at all, and their motivated mostly by plastic feminism (first female President omg!) and hatred for Trump because racist/sexist/whatever. They have nothing interesting to say and they have never had an original thought in their lives.
Never met a male Hillary supporter. I can't imagine there's very many of them. Being a man who supports Hillary must be like going to your wife to kill spiders for you. I just can't wrap my mind around it, but I'm sure they exist, I've just never encountered one.
omg post more
One of my professors from grad school is a big Hillary supporter. He's upper middle class, likes to think of himself as liberal but he's really a centrist, gay, Jewish, and lives in the Chicago Loop.
Sounds like a terrible guy actually. Votes democrat bc he always has, likely doesn't know anything about politics. He's the old school moron.
>Clintonites are extremely rare in the wild, only very few confirmed sightings exist and even those can often be debunked as fraudulent. Still, our top scientists and undergraduates at AusUNI have painstakingly pieced together an order of operations for anyone unlucky enough to encounter one.
>Meet Hillary supporter.
>Lock eyes now, diverting contact is a sign of weakness.
>Back away slowly, but with confidence.
>Steady rhythm. Once you're more than a hundred metres away it's usually safe to turn around.
>Keep listening though, they might decide to charge you.
>DO NOT RUN. Even once you've successfully gotten away, your quickened footsteps will attract them.
>If worst comes to worst, whip out your dick and start masturbating, no one wants to see that.
I've briefed you on proper procedures. Be careful my good men, and good luck. You'll need it.
My aunt is one. Told her all the shit Hillary does regarding Saudia Arabia and now with the emails. She still is voting hillary in spite of that and tends to tell me shit when I told her I'm voting Trump. She gave me the whole 'he's going to kick out ' and all these little buzzwords.
Mexican American living in Cali I wouldn't dare say I am voting Trump outside of my inner family circle
I have a couple that live in my building. All women, all retards. They have shit jobs and shit degrees and have almos zero personality. They're about as basic as you can get. They support Hillary bc she's a woman and she understands reproductive rights (?)
Basically they just support for whoever benefits them personally instead of what is best for the country as a whole.
>the economy will suck and jobs will disappear, including mine, but at least I still have the right to abort my black babies
i have. They've all been jewish so far. I'm not kidding. There's a jewish YMCA in my town. Every supporter I know goes there by coincidence. My instructor for a shitty writing class I had to take at community college for credit was Jewish and strongly pro-Hillary. Dear God was she dense. She was blonde and had this enormous rack. She used to teach at Berkely University but somehow had to end up at this small community college being paid 1/10th of what her salary used to be (according to her). I wrote an essay about how the elites don't want any outsiders and she did not know half the big words I used in my paper such as "oligarchy" when talking about how Sanders came to popularity. I was saying he was "woke" within the bluepilled. I mentioned Soros and the donors to Hillary/DNC. I mentioned specific policies that changed because of this shit system. I came real close to naming the Jew but she didn't understand a damn thing I wrote. We had this thing in class where we would pass our papers around class and my essay was clearly understood by my peers. My powerlevel was down so Bernouts liked my paper. She was just dense. She loved emotional papers and gave A's to every paper that looked like an Indian wrote it. She put on Ted Talks of women about to cry but talking NO substance. I heard the term "WIMMIN OF COLOR" every other damn day in that class.
Asides from the Jews,
Most bernouts I know now support Hillary begrudgingly.
My dads best friends wife. It's absolutely nauseating.
One of those people who thinks, no matter what you say, that you can't have your own opinion because she thinks about things the right way. And she tries and shoves shit down your throat until you agree.
>shes got a criminal history
>"well thats all blown out of proption"
>email leak was illegal as fuck
>"oh please, emails? Theyre making such a big deal out of that"
>trump used to be a business man, that counts for something
>"blablabla bankruptcy blabla"
>all of the most successful people have failed at one point or another
>"racist racist bigot meany racist"
Ditzy Asian girl in my computer science class. Smoked everyday and was bluepilled as fuck. Even AFTER the email shit she said she would still vote for her. She had really nice tits though.
He is a gay man that claims to be a devout Christian, is constantly railing against the right on facebook, and hangs out with the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence." (Pic related) He's also a high school teacher. How anyone leaves their children in this persons care is beyond me.
That picture is for ants.
I met one. He's a guy at work, his position was basically anti-Bernie, he felt that Hillary had a lot of experience dealing with foreign powers, that she always did what her voters demanded rather than act on her own ideology. He suggested that most people who dislike her are "poorly informed."
I asked him a few questions about foreign policy, and he didn't really have an answer for that. I'm not going to argue with one of the only guys I actually like at work over politics, so I nodded and said "always glad to hear from both sides," that sort of stuff. He knows I'm super far right-wing, so we reached an easy peace.
But man, I've got to say, it seriously felt like I was talking to a shill with memorized talking points. His answer to the military question was literally "well, military operations don't always go as planned." What does that have to do with invading Libya? What does this have to do with disastrous foreign policy decisions and terrible diplomacy? And what's this about her dealing with foreign powers, what about fucking Russia? The reset didn't exactly go swimmingly, we're basically in a proxy war with ourselves now because she and Obongo thought it was a good idea to stick their dicks in the Syrian quagmire.
They are real though. A lot of them are just sort of centrists who see her as the boring uneventful option and so default to her. I have never met a single person who is actually interested in politics above a superficial level who does not despise her, and I've met a loooooooot of politically interested people.
Not the best picture of a neck bear desu.
This guy is clean cut (taking care of his appearance) and his room is orderly and clean.
He is overweight but not awfully, I see nothing wrong with this.
You got the wrong body on Hillary.
second-rate judah friedlander
My step dad. I go to family events and he says that he supports Hillary because "Donald doesn't have a chance" he's a high school drop out, does cocaine, drinks heavily and watches liberal news.
>Have any of you ever met a Hillary supporter IRL? What were they like?
I have, they are die hard Liberals. Half the Latinos I know that can vote, will vote for Hillary. My wife is from South America, she is a die hard Trump supporter and despises Hillary. I knew I married her for a reason.
I've met somebody who said they were voting for Hillary. They were basically just a committed Democrat and their anti-Trump arguments were non-sequiturs about nuclear war. She did say that Hillary was the only candidate who could lose to Trump though so I'll do what I can to get her not to vote.
I never said I was redpilled.
Nice projection.
My mother supports her but openly admits it's just because she's a woman and she wishes it was any other female democrat.
Umm. Look at his room, he is a man child.
Yes. Many minorities.
They constantly bring up the bad shit Clintons did in a conversation, but say that because they supposedly had a "good time" during Bill's presidency they think Hillary will be good.
Sounds liked washed up minorities clinging to a past that Bill really had nothing to do with, honestly.
wow what a total fucking hick
how about you move somewhere with electricity and try again
I know a guy who said that Bill Clinton was good and therefore Hillary would be good too since Bill would act as her adviser.
ya, my ex
bachelors in polisci
rather unpleasant to be around most of the time
>ur ugly so ur opinions r wrong
Ok so this guy is 100% correct about everything because hes handsome right?
Mostly people who are scared of Trump. These are the same tards who complain about muh Chavez and muh Castro while voting for "the most progressive party platform in the history of the United States".
That picture
>guy goes on Sup Forums
>immediately """""gets redpilled"""""
>decides to be an autist and ruins his life
>blames Sup Forums
Wew lad
you seem upset
Only two. One was fairly young, educated but also naive,, the type of person easily swayed by rhetoric in campaign speeches in press releases (no longer a Clinton supporter).
The other was a lady I work with who was otherwise pretty savvy but lost her shit when it came to politics and became very emotional every time they were discussed.
>leftycucks will screencap their own comments saying "I'm my opponent and also I suck" and think it's the height of comedy
>anonymoose XD XD
Why are lefties on Sup Forums such unfunny redditors? At least try to be original sometimes.
I work with one. Cambodian immigrant that grew up in a typical west coat ghetto around alot of gang violence. Pretty standard up guy, nice but kinda dumb and uneducated. And not like dumb in a way that Bernie fags are dumb; but dumb in the sense that he falls for the weakest of CNN bait.
My dad was a Hillary supporter
But he died before I knew it
He died in 2007 of cancer
He was genuinely one of the nicest guys you'd ever meet BUT if you fucked him over he would hold a grudge to his death
Yeah, should b the bumble bee dress
at least he isn't holding a grudge anymore
>Dad died of Cancer 7 years ago.
Sorry to hear about that...
>Dad was a Hillary supporter.
Well, THERE'S your problem.
Lebanese born Canadian Christian. Decently nice guy. Doubtful that he actually knows anything about politics though.
We have reached peak degeneracy.
No we haven't this shit can always get worse.
To my knowledge he only held a grudge against my aunt (on my moms side) and her son
Basically costed him and my mom tens of thousands of dollars but he wouldn't let it go for 15 years and treated my cousin like shit for being a little asshole to him when he was like 10
Even with that being said when my aunt was in rehab and shit he still allowed my cousin to live with us so even if he treated him poorly he still wasn't going to let him live on the streets (he was 18 and had nowhere to live)
My friends are all clinton supporters. They're young college aged boys who think Trump is mean.
That's it.
I never talked politics with him
Even if I was always talking politics he never said shit
I only found out he was from my mom after his death that he wanted her to win
They don't exis, The system and the polls are rigged.
The only one I know is abrasive, shrill, standard smash the patriarchy feminist and blm activist.
She went to college for physics and complains that she couldn't get work in her field because the professor she did her undergrad work for was a misogynist.
I'm sure shes was abrasive enough that he wanted to off himself.
Now that my dad is dead he can be a true democrat voter
Ex wife - stupid and fat as fuck
I'm sure your dad was intelligent enough that he would have changed his preferences in this election, given all that's come to light about Clinton.
I know of two. One is my mom's boyfriend (parents are divorced and my dad was the one who left), and he's a 55+ white male who's a lifelong democrat and a huge CNN watcher, and unironically believes both the "poor republicans vote against their self interests" and "trump is racist" meme. the other was a kid my age who said he was so appalled by all the other candidates that hillary was the obvious choice. interestingly, i don't know any women voting for hillary. my mom hates her, my sister hates her, and even a bunch of girls i knew my age all hated her, including the biggest feminist i know
>and hes from arkansas so the clinton name is pretty much unconditionally loved down there
Arkansas bro here.
It's too early in the fucking morning to be reminding me...
I've met about 50 Trump supporters
about ten Bernie bots (most won't vote)
and 1 Hillary supporter
>Manatee county Florida reporting the truth
I met some.
they were just ignorant and wanted to vote against trump because hes such a racist.
No, however I have three anecdotes about her:
>Friend's brother worked on the jet that she would frequently use. Would tell her daughter not to talk to "the help" and had uppity-nigger-manners towards all of the staff.
Note that this friend and her family were possibly the most left-leaning liberals I'd ever met.
>Mother met her and Bill while employed with the State Department. Said that Bill had a very commanding presence, and when he wanted something done, it got fucking done. Echoed the above story, saying Hillary was a rude, snobbish cunt.
>Father worked around Clinton Foundation staffers and lackeys in DC during her State Department career. Says that they were shamelessly in-bed with the wealthy Peninsular Arabs looking to spend their way into Beltway influence.
I know a lot of avowed communists through my parents. They're generally pro-Hillary by default because they hate Trump, but don't know any actual issues. Once I start talking in detail about specific policies, they warm to Trump really fast. Make of that what you will.
>got a boner from this
just kill me
>he hasnt grown out of femdom yet
Honestly most that I meet are old dudes ~70+ who still believe the Democrat Party supports workers. Many people, especially the very old, have a hard time understanding the shifts within the parties that started occurring around 35 years ago and are still taking place today. They agree with Republican policy if they had to be asked issue by issue but they are so used to saying Democrat and voting Democrat that they refuse to listen or believe what has happened.
Knew one from class. Dude was a cuckold. His defense of hildebeest was so lukewarm despite how obvious it was he was behind her. He was crushed between my attacks on her on one side and the bernouts on the other.
Never met an actual supporter.
But there a lot of people who think she would win by default.
Post more Hillary fappies
My aunt is, she is almost 60 and a single white female.
She literally told my mom to tell me to stop telling her conspiracy theories about the Clinton's and the NWO or she would take me out of her will.
The problem was, that I was showing her evidence and she was starting to think I was right.
And she would literally rather live in her fantasy world, that having the first female leader changes everything.
My aunt lives a life of fantasy, reading books, watching CNN and netflicks and living with a huge Labrador retriever. She lives in a nice neighborhood and doesn't drive and takes the bus.
She went to a liberal arts school and didn't finish. She works as a democrat in the board of elections, doing paperwork and BS.
She will literally believe anything the TV says.
Pic related is him, he has to get a shot and take a pill every morning so he doesn't jizz himself whenever his dick rubs up against his pants
His reasoning behind him wanting her to be president is because she's a woman and we've never had one before. He's also a cunt
Commieforna here
Iv seen only Bernouts. and the trump supporters tend to be the silent majority of the younger white males
Bernouts and liberals here would sooner not vote if it's not Bernie.
An old couple down the street have a Hillary sign and iv seeN Hillary bumper sticker once and that's about it
>he has to get a shot and take a pill every morning so he doesn't jizz himself whenever his dick rubs up against his pants
Is there a term for this besides autism?
>living like a degenerate manchild who worships a literal faggot who has interracial gay sex is really cool guys XD
why am i not surprised at all
looks like i struck a nerve.
only a couple months left in summer before you head back to school kiddo
My uncle, former bernie supporter, ignores evidence when I bring it up but is generally a nice guy.
Old white ladies, several of my elementary school teachers are rocking hilldog bumper stickers
I can't tell you about the average dunce but god I do know die hard liberals. I'm a son of those types so I have the experience.
My parents are hopeless. They've been libshits since I was a kid and actively tried to isolate me from my entire community for "ADHD". Later turned out I didn't have it and that I was force fed amphetamines since I was a kid and endured awful side effects and overall social isolation to make a few jews some money.
Every time I try and tell them that the mainstream media is lying (the easiest of all redpills) they just laugh at me. They also tried to indoctrinate me in "white guilt" even though I'm hispanic.
They never bothered to get to know me since i was a kid
They never once took special interests in encouraging me
They treat me like a second class citizen and are too bluepilled to care.
My grandmother and grandfather on my mother side were literally communists in the 60's.I have cousins who believe in the whole "true communism has never been tried" ordeal. One of my cousins from south eastern asia screamed BERNIE SANDERS repeatedly down the street every time he lost a state. My father is a Puerto Rican and his family are rich greasy New Jersey people who constantly sue each other over random bullshit. I have an aunt who is a professional celebrity lawyer who you've probably seen on the news every now and then. I'm starting to questioning whether or not I have jewish relative. My mother is a potato nigress actively trying to become a local judge even though she is beyond emotionally unstable. She used to try and convince me that if I wasn't a liberal I was some sort of sociopath and I believed that for awhile. There's no point in trying to convince her or any one of my relatives of anything logicsl they can only think emotionally.
TL;DR liberals shouldn't be allowed to breed and please kill me
Those gloves should be fingerless.
I know a couple, mostly some people from college. If you want to meet one, go to any minority community, or hit up some minorities at a College campus.
They never seem particularly devoted to their convictions. If you bring up the plethora of issues a reasonable person can have with her, they'll typically ask for evidence. When you provide the easily accessed, credible proof, they either go blank, or just dismiss all of it as "something every politician does."
There is absolutely no room for debate or discussion. They're just as bad as Trump supporters in that respect. Anything you levy against her is either dismissed, or you become whatever buzzword Hillary shills use against people they don't like.
Only ever seen a sign in my neighborhood. (Daily jog).
Sign lasted three days. Someone put a Trump sign in the yard next door, and the next day it was gone.
Don't know what happened, but I noticed the changes, it was hillaryous.
My future mother-in-law, she's fucking psycho. She got angry at her husband for donating to Bernie's campaign and made him donate an equal amount to Hillary. I won't bother posting about her since there's too much to type. She's a therapist and a Jew.
post more
One. She is a middle aged divorced lady, with a yard overgrown with all sorts of "flowers", although they look more like weeds to me. She bitches at anyone that walks past her home, and spends most of her days glued to her window, watching for children that could tread on her begonias.
my girlfriend was one
she had no clue about american politics and thought obongo was a good president, and that shillary would continue his work, she was quickly turned by me after I explained to her how hillary has gotten away with heinous crimes and how crooked the CF is
did so with my family as well
>tfw not even american
Latinos I know back in US are voting for here because "FIRST WOMYN PRESIDENT WOULD BE SO COOL! xD"
They are not very smart, very loud and annoying people.
Pic related
All the girls I've talked to about the election have been Hillary supporters. Their main reason has been that she's a female.
I work with two of them. Lifelong Democrats. You should have seen them after the Comey thing. They were foaming at the mouth angry, shouting that they would never vote for Hillary Clinton, that she had betrayed everything it meant to be a Dem.
It was kind of funny. They're staying home come election day.
middle aged lady.
My fiancee "C" is from socal and I'm from the midwest, so she lives out her with me. For the last couple months C's stepmom has claimed to have "chemical sensitivity" from a gas leak near where they live or something. They're allowed to boil water and reheat food on the stove but not allowed to do any actual cooking, and she can't be in the room when they're doing it. She makes C's dad and brother use specific shampoo/soap that doesn't bother her, they can only use certain cleaning supplies, no scented deodorant etc. They've gone out to eat and C's dad had to ask people sitting nearby to move to a different table because C's stepmom couldn't handle their perfume. We visited for a week recently and I had to do laundry halfway through the week because she made us shower constantly and I ran out of clothes. The scentless deodorant she made us use doesn't work. We bought the exact same sunscreen she uses but a higher SPF (same ingredients and everything) but she said it was still different and made us shower every time we came in the house. She ordered a $40 steak medium even though she refuses to eat anything pink, made them take it back and basically char it before she'd eat it and share with their dog. She refuses to go to the store, out to eat etc without him, he's not allowed to be left alone. They can only eat at restaurants that allow dogs and she's even lied at restaurants that don't allow them, telling them that he's a service dog. The dog is literally her baby, she obviously loves him more than her stepchildren. When I briefly lived in socal we went on vacation, but she made us and C's brother drive separately and with no a/c because their tiny dog NEEDED the entire backseat of their car to himself.
nice person way better than a bernie victim I know that was crying when he lost California
>Welcome to 2001
I have this horrible feeling I need to get out of Manhattan for a while.
she was jewish
and said its sad that an arab wpuld support trump.
>Have any of you ever met a Hillary supporter IRL? What were they like?
I am one. inb4 /shill4hill/ I like her because I honestly believe that she is the most moderate mainstream candidate. The Email scandal, I believe was handled extremely inappropriately by today's standards. But I think also that at the beginning of the private servers in early 2000s it was honestly pretty status quo, and while she shouldn't have done it, it wasn't the end of the world. I personally favor candidates that will take other's perspectives into consideration. Trump doesn't, he's a classic strongman that does what he wants. I can respect and identify that because I am one as well, but I don't want that sort of person to run the country. He's just a little too strong headed. The Presidency needs finesse. Clinton has that. Also, traditionally, at least in modern times, the president has been someone who's moderate. That's what Clinton is. I know, I know, she has insane negatives, but I really think her track record of service to the country speaks volumes as well. You don't become a senator or secretary of state (not to mention both) by being completely inept. Corrupt? Eh I don't really think so, but not stupid or unable to run the country. tbqh senpai.
My boss. Middle aged white guy with a young kid and Asian wife. Forever Democrat because California.
Back to eating out, I've been out with them at least 20-30 times and literally EVERY time she has complained to the waitstaff about something, sometimes it's just them fixing her food, other times it's her angrily confronting the manager and leaving the restaurant. Every time. Moving to socal was unplanned and kind of a dumb idea, and I needed help with my share of the rent for a month. C thanked her parents but her stepmom made me thank them personally because she wanted to see me grovel. When I first started talking to C online I was 23 and she was 17. Every time she got in a fight with her stepmom (which is basically every day) her stepmom would threaten to call the police. Her mom paid to have a background check done on me and when I came out to visit she made me take an AIDS test. Her mom flipped shit when she found out I "sometimes tell racist jokes and say the n-word" and told her relatives about it. Apparently a long ass time ago I set the website on my Skype profile to godhatesfags.com and she just discovered that and flipped shit again. THEN right after our recent visit one of my friends uploaded a photo of us all at a bonfire and someone was jokingly doing the Nazi salute, and she freaked out about that. She acts like she likes me but I'm pretty sure she doesn't lol. That's about all I can think of right now as far as MY interactions with her go, she's a lot worse with C and the rest of their family. Lots of guilt tripping and fighting that we're having our wedding here instead of socal because first she was afraid of doing on planes for some bullshit reason, now because of her chemical sensitivity. C told her the other day that she's either a hypochondriac or faking it, so they're not on speaking terms right now lol. tl:dr she's insanely manipulative, controlling, narcissistic etc.