BREAKING: Butthurt Berniebot's staging a "fart in".
Tins of beans being stockpiled.
My fucking sides have reached the sun.
BREAKING: Butthurt Berniebot's staging a "fart in".
Tins of beans being stockpiled.
My fucking sides have reached the sun.
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rlly maks u stink
Is this real life or a South Park Episode?
>While the donations include navy, pinto and lima beans, Ms Honkala said baked beans would probably be the most popular with those taking part in the malodorous protest, who will eat the beans with hot dogs at designated feeding locations in Philadelphia, before being sent into the convention hall to unleash their collective flatulence on the unsuspecting delegates.
If I saw this anywhere else, I'd assume it's a hoax made by Sup Forums to get bern victims to humiliate themselves one last time.
What the fuck...
Is there some way we can gas them with antibiotics so they don't come out harboring a new superstrain of pinkeye?
We must help our /r9k/ berniebros with this mission.
Should we consider this based? I mean it is pretty creative
Will Jeb be invited?
No. no fucking way.
>meme beans
Why can't bernvictims do anything right? Brussels sprouts and cauliflower.
It's not creative unless someone lights a match and blows the place up. Sitting around eating hotdogs is not a protest.
>D E S I G N A T E D
>F E E D I N G
>L O C A T I O N S
I'm crying
>“The fart-in is to raise attention about things that really stink in our society,”
- Dr Walter Tsou
>someone lights a match
Brilliant, lad.
God damnit, Straya
No but Hillary smells something foul, the protesters win
>designated feeding locations
dear god have mercy on my sides
This is a big deal. Have you ever seen Bernie supporters? They are massive fat slobs.
2016 is truly the year of kek. Meme news every day.
>their college funds and tip jars exhausted, the Bernie people began donating tins of beans to the cause
It's like an addiction to these people isn't it?
You are now aware that this is an Alinsky tactic.
classic beanie sanders supporters
>Be berniebro
>Mad that Hillary got the nomination
>Have idea
>Eat a lot of beans and go the DNC
>A lot of my friends did it too
>Start farting
>Feel it coming
>It's here
>The DNC is just a ton of bernie people shitting themselves
>Bernie's career is over
It's not over till the fat lady farts.
Thanks for this. Good link
this is my fetish
>wander up real close to the hottest liberal teen girl I can find
>she's wearing a "HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT 2016" shirt
>cock my leg up in the air and do a massive rank fart in her direction
>she feels the wind from it pushing up against her
>all of a sudden her beautiful nostrils are filled with my scent
The Philly Fart party will bring about a new age of American patriotism.
Trade deal with India when?
can't throw farts overboard, I guess the next best thing would be getting Indians to poo on the poop deck.
Get Pajeet on the phone, it's time to win this election.
They stole this straight from rules for radicals and it doesn't even work because that was meant to drive down demand in opera houses
That's such an obese thing to do.
I'm with Smellary now
How come Bernie supporters attack and fight with Trump supporters but when it comes to hill shills the best they do is shit themselves. What the fuck
It's Happening! They're gonna Gas the Likes while Blacks are declaring Race War Now!
Oh great Kek, we knew not what our worship would bring, all praise your powerful Memetic Magic!i
Because it's over for them, this is their "ace in the hole" plan.
Holy shit
Some brave anons in the Philadelphia area need to put PVC tape over the edges of all windows and doors from the outside during the convention. With a bit of luck, maybe there'll be some casualties as the air fills with gas.
toplel lad, you Aussies never fail to make me laugh.
Jesus christ, leftists are children in adult's bodies.
I hope C-SPAN rigs up an infrared fart cam.
I hope a lot of them pull down their pants and poo on the floor. What better way to protest injustice?
Someone should hand out brownies or cookies made with milk of magnesia outside the DNC
The boundaries between reality and fiction have been irreparably blurred by this campaign, buddy.
Gotta give them credit, they're gassing the globalists that fucked em.
This, don't forget the boiled eggs and cabbage either.
They're the new SS.
[spoiler]shit stain party[/spoiler]
>"Support Hillary! Together we can make Donald 'Drumpf' again!"
>"Okay *farts*"
The fact that they're actually doing this in all seriousness is even more hilarious.
They are going to gas the Jew?
Australia posters, honorary whites
it's a South Park episode come to life.
Literally a randy episode
Just when you thought this election wouldn't get more absurd
in solidarity i'm taking a big shit
They're gonna gaz them!
Sounds like from-the-book Alinsky, alright.
They should bring in a couple of Semi loads of Kentucky Fried Chicken, and do a Shit In.
>They should bring in a couple of Semi loads of Kentucky Fried Chicken,
do you really want blm there?
My friend just got a job working at the democratic convention too. Cant wait to tell him about this.
>bernie loses
>reddit s4p says "we have 1 final solution to this problem.."
>Eat a bunch of beans
>Go to the DNC
>Fart a ton
>Make hillary have a stroke on stage
>she dies
>bernie wins
trump sweeps the country then
sam hyde should go there and take a big shit in his pants and film it
>trump sweeps the country then
Too bad there won't be any beaners around to sweep the shit up. Unless of course we get bernie voters to do it.
Too late, they already will be. The two fat blm girls will show up to take the stage from Bernie again when he goes to make his speech.i
>Designated Feeding Locations.
My sides cannot take this assault! Holy shit, this is too funny!
it's not THAT funny come on now
Once again proving australia is better than canada
I'll donate my Zippo lighter
all underrated
finland yes
Mo food fo dem programs.
>convention has upgraded air conditioning thanks to all the bernout money
>farts do nothing
>bernie voters walk out with their heads down and a diaper filled with lots of protein
when will the day come when we can hang these liberal manchildren
Get this trending.
This joke was stolen from a thread we had about this yesterday. The joke was made as a top comment in the previous thread also. Aussie confirmed plagiarist.
>pic related is the current status of barnie supporters
>Sup Forums talks big
>reddit actually gasses Hillary
wtf I'm a #redditrocket now
top heh