Police raid homes over Facebook hate speech

Top fucking kek where were you when you witnessed the fall of Germany?

>German police raided about 60 people’s houses on Wednesday, accusing most of the suspects of posting xenophobic, anti-Semitic or other extremist right-wing content to a private Facebook group.

>The BKA says that the offenses in question are against two paragraphs in Germany’s Criminal code: paragraph 86a, which regulates symbols of unconstitutional organizations, such as the Swastika, and paragraph 130, which criminalizes denial of the Holocaust.

Krauts btfo for all eternity
>posting a picture is now considered a criminal offense in Germany


Other urls found in this thread:


>be german
>get raped
>go to police for help
>tell them the rapist was middle-eastern
>get arrested for illegal far-right opinions


It has always been.The only difference is that German politicians are all old farts who still thought the internet was just this new trendy thing that'll vanish in a week until recently.

real question here would be: who the Fuck still uses Facebook?

if you are not retarded or oldfart then there is no reason you should still use it

Ultimately, this is a good thing. I like satire as much as the next man, but that was genuine hate speech. They're right to crack down on that sort of thing, we all know where that sort of thing can lead

based japaann

>only speech that I deem acceptable is allowed
>my opinion on what is acceptable is objectively correct

>I came up with a good B8 post

Some my friends break phones frequently faggot

it wont be enough to stop this. germany doesnt have enough space in prisons to remove every one who supports afd or just wants immigration to stop

There's always space to imprison ethnic Germans! Remember, now; the EU wants to run tolerance camps. And we thought South Park was just satire.


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me

This is just sad, desu.

I hope they don't crack down on my youtube comments

If I go to jail I am gonna take the German par tof Sup Forums with me

Is yout country based? Looking for a new destination

Google's part of the censorship. And Google owns YouTube.

fuck, they will take my memes

Why don't you guys organize a make shift holiday where you all act and post as offensive as possible?

Arresting millions of people would be unprecedented in German history

Google complies with this horse shit. Better delete your youtube comments, Timo.

>TFW thinking about joining the police


I don't think I even remember where I shitposted. Fuck it I am gonna take the highway to the dangerzone

> to a private Facebook group.


But yeah, criminalizing the questioning of history is the dumbest fucking thing you could do. Sure, there will always be people who say 'the Holocause never happened' etc. etc., but by making it against the law to merely question something, you effectively affirm that there are things to question about it. It's insanity.

>accusing most of the suspects of posting xenophobic, anti-Semitic or other extremist right-wing content to a private Facebook group

Does anybody know the said group? Any hate speech examples?

The truth hurts


Literally Hitler memes

Some of the old south parks are spot on. Fun fact the tolerance museum guide is a Jew.

>Using Faceberg

People still do this?

>"boohoo I can't insult people on the internet enymore boohoooohooo"

is illegal to deny the holocaust in Germany?

fuck me.. this is literally the definition of thought police..

we live in a dystopia indeed, i thought we still had some time before it, but now its illegal to say stuff, or to think in a certain way..

i can't believe this.. its too absurd!

>is illegal to deny the holocaust in Germany?
why would you even do that?


>Article 240: Racial, religious, or sexual discrimination[…]

>2 — Whoever in a public meeting, in writing intended for dissemination, or by any means of mass media or computer system whose purpose is to disseminate:[…]

>b) defames or slanders an individual or group of individuals because of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, or religion, particularly through the denial of war crimes or those against peace and humanity;[…]

>with intent to incite to racial, religious or sexual discrimination or to encourage it, shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to five years.


>by any means of mass media or computer system

Careful what you post. I am getting offended.


>be eurocuck
>no guns to defend yourself
>get raped by muslims

Jesus Christ crouts what the fuck is wrong with you?

You were the best country in the world to me like 2 years ago. If Armageddon happened I was going to pack my bags and go to Germany.

And now this shit.

What the fuck

for what do you use the internet otherwise? no reason to use it anymore faggot.

I forgot the part where it is a laughing matter.

because i should be able too if i wanted without being afraid for my freedom?

the holocaust, something that we were TOLD it happened, years ago before 99% of the population in the world at the moment were even alive..

and i can't even question it?.. the same goes for many other subjects..

holly shit this scary, looks like stuff straight out of a movie or book about a dystopian society.. buts its RL!

there is no need to ever bring the holocaust up anywhere. there is no need to discuss it or to mention it anywhere.
if its real or not doesn't matter. just forget that it happened.

>If Armageddon happened I was going to pack my bags and go to Germany.
t. every goddamn african male


But just the fact that someone doesn't want you talking about it is a great reason to talk about it, just like 9/11 or gamergate.

are you for real? are you actually defending this shit?

You are retarded if you don't think this could be used for everyone disagreeing Achmed.

the difference between US and Europe is that while you cannot publicly call people niggers in either, when said nigger tries to rape you, you can kill him in US while in Europe you are legally obligated to hold your ass cheeks apart to make him feel welcome. You mustn't hurt refugees' feelings, they've been through a lot.

There was an old lady who denied it, she got more punishment than the Cologne Rapists.

>Muh Nazis

I am the German now


Lol yeah good thing they arrested those nazis for their thought crimes wouldnt want any body to start acting like fascists

Dont hate him, he is only 12

I don't care about the Holocaust. I don't give a shit and I don't want to discuss this topic in detail with anyone.

By discussing it you remind people.

if thats true then i'm just speechless.. future is looking even more scary than i thought

Will the Germans ever get sick of this? Will they ever rise up? Oh wait, all the good Germans died in the war.

what about the people that DO care? or we should just abide by your will and feelings and fuck everyone elses?

isnt that.. fascism? the very same reason you use to defend these kind of laws!

>"b-b-but I need to discuss this retarded toooopic soooo muuuuuuuch"

>you cannot publicly call people niggers in America
We LITERALLY have public hate group gatherings on a regular basis in the United States, idiot.


Why wouldn't we remind them?

It sucks. But look, something similar happened in the US:

>Holocaust denial is illegal

Holocaust confirmed fake


>if i say its retarded SO SHOULD EVERYONE ELSE!

ok i understand now, you're either a shill or (((something else)))


>what about the people that DO care? or we should just abide by your will and feelings and fuck everyone elses?
these are retards, the effect of the muh Holocaust, muh jews will vanish in a few years but ONLY if people forget the second about it they heard it in the indoctrination school.


>the difference between US and Europe is that while you cannot publicly call people niggers in either
Do what, slov?

I can "publicly call people niggers" all damn day in the US. I have the freedom of speech and the government can't do jack shit.

AND we get kill them if they act stupid. Friggen murica up in here.

you are the jew here you fucking retard, stop discussing non canon fanfiction and talk about shit that actually matters.


>something similar
>Four men in Detroit were arrested over the past week for posts on social media that the police chief called threatening.
Yeah, you're a fucking retard.

and what if threats were implied in the german case?

What about before we had phones?

Fucking retard.

whats wrong lardo?
no pop in the house anymore?

Remember to integrate Hanz


Enjoy your last (you), retard.

It might not be compareable in scale but it's "similar" as it affects freedom of speach in social networks.

>Sperging all over kikebook

Welp, I hope atleast the krauts will consider this a learning experience.

Goymany bringing the bantz

>, and paragraph 130, which criminalizes denial of the Holocaust.
Imagine if they'd criminalized denial of mass rape.

UK has been doing this for years :(

>german pollice
nothing new since 1933, just different opinions, peoples, politicians


posting on facebook with your real name ever
like they asked for it


>freedom of speach
Death threats are against the law, retard.

>then there is no reason you should still use it

I recently started using it again just to post anti-hillary news. Does that count as a legitimate reason? (Literally had one person re-share one article saying it swayed his vote).


Not all of them where death threats which makes you the retard

>Germans can't see pic related



>there is no need to ever bring the holocaust up anywhere. there is no need to discuss it or to mention it anywhere.

But it's literally the most referenced historical event in conversation.

Why do you think Godwin's Law is a widespread meme?

Thats JUST fucking sad

Well, we don't have a choice, we can't have hateful right opinions or anything.

>old farts

Come on Derek, tell me a better insult toward German politicians.

Would be hard in Poland since 1/3 of the country doing it and the others just don't have internet

Oh, I'm sorry.
>Threatening violence against police after Dallas.

Poor niggers getting their free speech "right" to yell fire in a crowded movie theater trampled all over ;____;

Happy, fucking retard?

Krauts can't even watch this video because it's banned in their county, sad!


why would you want to talk about it?
what do you get for getting the same responses everytime from some idiot who believes in it?
why does it matter if its real or not to you?

just change the topic or talk to somebody else about something different. no need to annoy people.

I don't know about you but for me and many many other Germans this whole Holocaust stuff is not interesting AT ALL.

I don't care and never will no matter how many times I have to sit through another Auschwitz Documentation.
It has zero priority in my life.

Their are a lots of hate filled postings in facebook from white trash users. The most oft them used very explicit nazislogans like " gas them" or "let them rott" and other slogans of that old nazi propaganda. The upcoming party of the alternative for germany (Alternative für Deutschland), dont dissagree with their members, when they use that phrase. It´s a crime in germany when you ignore the facts of the german history and when you use very offensive speech against minorities in germany.

I should be able to say, that Jews should be gassed as much as i want. It's free speech, they can give me an evil "oy vey, shut it down goy!" in response. We both laugh and go on with our days.

Why should i be in jail for shit like that ?