New Clinton Ad versus Trump

Hillary targeting the soccer mom/pedo electorate

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I hope they are.

think of da chillunz


but her audience already had abortion

This is actually pretty effective.
>watching TV with QT 2 year old nephew
>news plays Trump's Mexican comments
>nephew starts repeating them

Not really sure why I felt so bad.

>muh chillins

Oldest ploy in the book. Anyone who falls for this shit deserves sterilization.

>watch me break the law
>your kids are watching

I hope so

Remember when Hillary cheats your children are watching. Don't let them learn this behavior.

because hillary is such a great role model? lol

>Using children for propaganda purposes
This is how you lose respect

>the candidate who aborts children

Not the ones that got aborted, Hillary.

>trumps wordz are evil, let millions of illegals and drugs poor ovah duh border

thats all liberals do

cue that picture of that kid on the beach

not all the raped girls from migrants tho

>clawed her way through the ranks
>went from first lady to senator to presidential nominee

I wouldn't mind if my daughter followed in her footsteps.

You know what would make this great, if Trump doesn't respond. Act like her attacks are a chihuahua barking. No serious threat.

Isn't her husband a terrible example for children? What about all her lying?

Honestly everything is so degenerate today that kids will know or speak terrible things before they hit puberty. My friends daughter told me about how some boys at school think they should be girls and they're only 12 years old. That's the real child abuse if you ask me.

every time

thank you M. Bond

Isnt it better to be a boy so u can diddle the girls? Smh desu senpai

And when Hillary opens her mouth your kids are crying?

>and a future for white children

Most likely you're a faggot.

It's best to have something to listen to as opposed to "I don't recall", "I can't answer that", "muh team".

She's right, unfortunately.

My son got suspended from school for mimicking what Trump has said.

When Hillary opens her mouth women and children who just wanted to go to heaven get burned alive.

Yeah just image her getting fucked by Saudis for them checks

Not even trying anymore, eh?

Guess that is what i get browsing Sup Forums in hope for political opinion

>using children for propaganda is ok when hillary does it

Is that supposed to be anti-Trump. Fucking hell Hillary is a complete idiot. Is she a Trump plant?

>I with her
Places herself in the middle, she's the important one and everyone has to side with her.
>Love Trumps Hate
Makes no sense whatsoever. Straight up sounds like she's saying you need to vote Trump to stop hate.

>When Trump speaks our children are listening
What does that mean? He captivates kids and they listen? Kids like Trump? Trump is the only candidate who speaks for the interests of kids?

Also if that's supposed to be negative it can be easily deflected because when Hillary speaks kids DIE. They fucking D I E. Who the fuck does she think she is?

most likely because your nephew has more respect for some orange man on tv than you.

end yourself.

>What trump says is bad for children
How so? Coddling children is extremely bad for them, letting in illegals and muslims to murder, rape, and reduce the quality of life of children is bad for them.

>lies to the entire world when "chillins are watchin"
>calls out trump for speaking his mind

Being an unpretentious traitor and felon.

user's theory was right. Hilllary's unabashed cuthrooat drive to power is attractive to some.

I admit, it might be if she gave a single shit about anyone else other than herself.

Power for the sake of power is despicable.

>letting a 2 years old watching tv

I have no idea where you're even going with this post

Here's a anime girl who is showing a confused expression with a visible question mark to her left that emphasizes her current state of mind

Here is your (you)

Your son is a retard


Tell your wifes son to behave, wtf is wrong with you ?

Same as being pimped out to put yourself through college only classier

He's a liar and a rapist, great role model for the young generation!


>letting your 2 y/o drink wine and and eat le french baguette

kys frog eater

That only tells you that schools are liberal brainwashing machines. Say something they think is "hate speech" - get suspended.

>Freedom of speech is bad

Unlike that asshole Trump who says things like ''don't drink or do drugs'' and ''I love the Hispanics!''.

We can't let our kids hear these things.

she's shilling hard for beaners on twitter right now.
the left is starting to wake up

>when Donald Trump speaks
>our children listen to him
For fuck's sake Hillaryteam, how bad can they possibly be at this? Their persuasion skill is in the negative numbers.

No no no we can't have kids looking up to spics and wetbacks!

-"Tolerant" Liberals

>4 year old niece is watching Dora the Explorer
>tell her that Dora is an illegal immigrant
>When Trump wins Dora will be deported
>sister in law staring at me in disbelief
>brother laughing
fucking filthy Mexicans.

yes hillary, god forbid they learn to be strong, self reliant, dignified, strong and optimistic leaders

>Kids pay attention to politics.
What? With like a cloth?

What about your wife's daughter?

wow, I'm now a #HillaryArtillery

Now the photoshopped version please?



>letting your 2 y/o be raped by your pet refugee


Plus lefty groups are well known to exploit kids. Didn't Luke Montgomery and his FckH8 crew exploit the shit out of kids? Hell this picture book is aimed at what non-voting demographic? And this ghostbusters movie exploited kids at the premiere again?
Why does the public keep falling for this?

so sophisticated

Remember: when our enemies open their wallets, Hillary is speaking.

whew lads


>replied to a pic of slick willy
>ID is literally Buy Weed

>born to lead

What the fuck, that sounds monarchial

That photo is genuinely disturbing. ---> Sup Forums

Reminder that Clinton cannot gain support based on her personal experience/woes.
Nearly all of the support she gets is from tearing Trump.

This election is going to be a lot easier than you guys think. Trump landslide.

He can turn this around pretty easy, he can brag about his family or smash her on anything else and say ''that's why you are worse example to children''.I'd personally make some pun about Bill.Damn, so many options.

>They are also listening when Bill Clinton goes to Epstein island and put his dick in some kids mouth...

I hate this bitch

leftists have no shame.


It would be pretty educational if kids listened to Trump, even the comments in that ad. May get woke.

since when do disturbing pictures only belong to Sup Forums.

heres another disturbing one for you


They should of stuck the clip of Schillary barking to lighten the mood.

>illustrated by Le Uyen Pham
is this a joke?

What about when....

>she lies under oath
>she exalts one race over another for votes
>she sells our country out to foreign Muslims
>she sells our children's futures to Wall Street
>she sells her soul for power
>she silences her husbands rape victims
>she stays married to her lying, rapist husband after he gets caught cheating on her in front of the entire world

>1000 ppl die every day from diarrhea


No they aren't. There is usually some convenient distraction, like a mass shooting or riot, to hold their attention while she is cheating.

What about when Racist Hillary tells jokes about "Colored People's Time"?

>when Trump speaks
>Children Listen

>gee blue-pill Wife
>we can't even get our kids to listen to us!
>but they'll listen to Trump?
>Who talks about making the country great again
>and is the law and order candidate?
>well if Hillary endorsed him, I guess we will too.

Hillary is very bad at this.

leaf in disguise



> let your 7 y/o daughter be killed by diverse negro refugee
> and still let him live in your house

Are you supprised they try to make him look like the hitler ?


Politics and children are a touchy subject. I love Trump and show his speeches to my teen cousins, but my little cousins I try to hide it from. They may get the wrong idea, as we are all Spics on the border, and think he is a Mexican. It's hard to explain the concept of Illegal and Legal immigration to a child under 6.

I usually give them a math book to distract them for a bit XD

wow im impressed really.
As a german i can say this propaganda can't get much better.
so suttle, yet so effective.
the perfect devil costume for trump.
basicly the same thing the nazis did to the left wingers

ohhh GET

make sure to marry the next bill clinton

and stay with him even when he cheats constantly for decades

>trump is a bad guy.... unlike my husband

Oh won't somebody PLEASE think of the CHILDREN?

>When Shillary Clinton does devious deals and treasonous acts and gets away with it despise overwhelming and painfully obvious evidence, our kids are listening

Red blooded american. Look how well dressed he is. MAGA

I call bullshit until you provide proof.

Why do leftists always lie straight to your face? Children literally aren't watching Trump. They're watching cartoons and playing video games.

>using children as an argument

Oh boy, here goes the left for the millionth time with their "muh kids"