WTF Germany?

I was going to make a Deutschefaden about this, but my German isn't quite good enough to discuss topics like this.

Hearing stories of people being sent to jail and shit for not having left wing views honestly terrifies me. I am embarrassed to have German heritage due to the extreme level of censorship that goes on there. And to think I was considering moving there.
What is your opinion, German bros?

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>I am embarrassed to have German heritage

Ethnic German here with ancestry in Upper Austria, Bavaria, Saxony and Prussia. I feel that Germany is traitorous to its people and is a force for German extinction.

suck my polyester dick you motherfuckering cucko. u wanna talk sexy lets talk sexy

ill full on shove a fuckin bribe from lee ko up my dick like a fucking school u fcukin niggerpie u even know who superman is he is my dad like the star fucks facebook ill rip your clothes off and slather u up in oil and molest u till the sun goes down. belgium is a shitstain on europe rapefugees gonna love it in my grandmothers sweaty vag because guess what minorites aint my priorities. u know watchma saying eh tyrone? shitdick merrylick fetch a dog a boner just like i gave to ur a mum oh wait that wasnt a erect it was sorry just a nice dinner... MADEF FROM MY CUMM IOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH

beg for mercy from pussy in shoots ill lick a banana down a porn like its my motherfucking job, no i aint samuel L JACKSUN i am the one the one u neva see me cumming because ill fuck a turkey. henry the 8th was a fucking piece of shit nigga freed the slaves? he can FREE MA DICK lol jks fuck my memes im from preschool i tweet porn of young boys playing on swingsets because hobbies are actually pretty god for ur gun i fucked a horse a camel a goat a sheep a niggs i fucked north america all the way down to florida's dicktip, miami miami fuck my salami nevada aint my prada. china lick horse balls so does nepal, i fuck antarctica i fuck ur balls. harry potter and the fucking wizard was pretty good emma watson for like erm ma GOD SON talk about a woman oh man perks of being gay was the best play ive seen all these past 40 years but guess what shitpost aint got shit on 1453 was a bad year africa was pretty gud up until recently, dark souls isnt even a GOOD GAME U LOST THE GAME BECAUSE GUESS WAT I JUST MENTIONED IT

43 chan is my favourite website le EPIC MEME XDDDD fuck my ass dadddy barley fuck my gonadz niggo i fuck big tits bikini man all the time lick slick dick nick i funbun ur mum in her tight purse bake a cake i like vanilla do u like vanilla i like strawberry as well though ur mum wouldnt like that! ;)

Ethnic German with ancestry in Upper Austria, Saxony, Bavaria and Prussia here. I am always proud of my German heritage. Never ever be ashamed of it. I feel that Bundesrepublik is a anti-German treasonous force that should be purged with lustration for all current state officials.

I didn't see that my fisrt comment went through

Hello, Ivan.


You Sir deserve a nomination for shitpost of the year.

Why do you Wessie fags always call pure bred Germans Russians, just because they were born in the Soviet Union/Russian Federation? Blood is blood.

Get out, Merkel

Volga German, East Prussian, or just from later German immigrants?


Volkdeutscher mit Preußischen Vorfahren hier. Kein Deutscher hat einen Recht zu leben, und um die Welt zu bessern soll Deutschland sich abschaffen.

Three years ago, a guy was imprissioned here for selling books (literally)

And a couple of years ago, 40 people were sentenced to prison for doing leafleting, speaches and YouTube videos (hate speech)

We have been like Germany for years, but nobody gives a fuck about us.

We can theoretically wave an swastica on the Street, but actually, a mob of anti fascists would come and beat you to death.

Might be because Germany is a tad more important than Spain. Your time has been and gone bruv. Have fun with British tourists trashing up your country.

Don't quite understand the question. I have ancestors from all over the Russian Empire. Some lived in the Baltics, some in the principality of Finand, some in Saint-Petersburg, some in the Volga settlement.

Could we please just ignore Germany? It's too embarassing to be reminded of its existence.

It's OK as long as you don't reveal your power level.
Elections are still secret meaning nobody will know it was you who made the cross at AfD.
Persecution of justified worries just means they will be surprised at the next federal elections. (autumn 2017)

Is it though? I walked around in the Falangist uniform during the Catalonian referendum of 2014 in 7-10the November with a banner "Catalanidad Es Hispanidad". All good.

I was asking where your German heritage originates from.

Sorry man. It was just that watching the nation I love get turned to shit genuinely hurts.

Upper Austria - surname is from there
That were the Lands and ethnicities of my German ancestors who moved to the Russian Empire.

Fair enough.

I still care about other europeans though. I would gladly help germans if I could do something for them.

But I interact with them when I go to the canary islands (And with other northern europeans too) and they are just not interested on those things. They think they are fine. So, it's hard to help someone when the problem lies inside him.

They only concern seems to be wasting their money on the restaurants near the beach and have "fun"

It depends on the situation.

Falangists are tolerated for historical reasons, and because they can use them to ridicule the right.

You guys should have let the leftists win in the civil war. The world would be a different place if people saw leftists burning nuns. Just like how US intervention in Vietnam overshadowed communist repression in the North and South of the country.

Do you call yourself "german" in russia? I'm ethnic polish in germany btw.

Bavaria flag best flag

I call myself a German in Australia. Don't see why he'd be any different.

The issue is that most of this stupid fucks who were arrested wrote stupid shit like "Gas them" or put them into "trains". Denial of the Holocaust and using nazi slurs or symbols is forbidden by federal law.

Actually, as much as I hate communism, I often wish the soviet unión marched all the way down to Spain.

Be sure today we would have a different europe.

Capitalism has proven to be more harmful for identities than communism, as contradictory as it sounds. And this is not a discussion on the theoretical plain...It has been proved by experience. Look at the east of europe, or compare the west of Germany with the east...

bcuz russia is kill

>Denial of the Holocaust and using nazi slurs or symbols is forbidden by federal law.

And you don't see any problems with that? They brainwashed you good.

Buuuuuuuuuuut when a factual based, critical opinion on mass integration, jews, whatever, is labeled as hate crime the real problem starts.

It has just begun, but it is clear that they want to construct a totalitarian thought prison.

These are the first steps.

>people being sent to jail and shit for not having left wing views

If you mean advocating murder of minorities or brown people based on racism, yeah you can shove that shit right back up your ass.

Germany's fine, unless you're an open racist and fascist, but no one wants those people anyway so they can get fucked. I couldn't care less for people who want to overthrow our democracy or murder people because of their mental illness pissing themselves now because they discover the internet is not a bubble without laws and they can be held accountable for the dumb shit they write.

It's not fair, user wins every year.

>hurr durr i am a great spaniard stupid cucked german hurr durr
> le nazis were the good guys meme

I don't let anyone brainwash me, josè.
Fuck every faction in WW2.

>but no one wants those people anyway

What do you mean with "nobody"? Last time I checked they were several thousands, who are you to take over the country and decide how it should be?

>ever factual

You're funny.

He is one of the assholes of the establishment who never have to deal with the brown people they let into the country, so it's OK for them to shove forced tolerance down our throats.

Don't worry, when the day comes, they'll be the first ones to be put up against the walls. Even before brown people.

> i am a great spaniard stupid cucked german

If you check above, I already said the situation in Spain is not better than in Germany

But as someone pointed, Spain is by no means as important as Germany. Germany has always been the center of europe, and thats why they are focusing on destroying it.

> le nazis were the good guys meme

Definitely better than the allies, for what I have seen during my life. Maybe they were as evil as someone can be, but that I will never know, since you don't want to let everybody speak out their minds.

>I don't let anyone brainwash me, josè.

You already did.

>what are elections

Nobody votes for racist fucks here, so yeah, nobody wants that garbage.

I call myself German everywhere I go. I'm going to become an Austrian citizen this Novemner actually. I never called myself Russian. Never will.
Are you born to two German immigrants to Australia? What's the story?

So you would be a shit hole but at least it would be a white shit hole.

Are you by any change the Eternal Anglo posting kraut?

Similar level of autism and unfunny memes.

Got a small dick or something?

>meine Allmachtsfantasien


true to your flag. don't try too hard next time

Hey Germany can you do what you do best and depopulate NRW?

I'm close to the border and the caliphate so close to my home is worrying.

Thanks in advance.

if you call Islam an ideology and you can prove it via historical and scripture evidence, while being aware of muh 1400 years of cultural development, and in the end your argument is dismissed as "das racist", do you think thats fair?

>unless you're an open racist and fascist
>implying we're not living under left fascism now

It's like 1933 again, just on the left side of the pendulum. It will only get worse from now on.

>tfw NRW

I see every day ethnicities i never knew existed and hear languages i never heard before.

>depopulate NRW
Sorry. It's a quater of Germany and if it were its own state, it would still be among the five biggest in the EU.

Elections are rigged in Germany. Well known fact. NPD would have gotten almost 23% in 1969 and 17% minimum in 1990 if votes were counted honestly.

Mum is a German immigrant. She grew up in West Berlin. Her father escaped from East Berlin when it was commie. Dad is an English immigrant, however I have disassociated myself from his family because they're all cunts. They have refused to even acknowledge my Mum and Dad's relationship because Mum is Catholic and my Dad's family are Anglican.

>Germany's fine, unless you're an open racist and fascist, but no one wants those people anyway so they can get fucked
Freedom of speech dies with the first restriction, cuckold.

> You already did.

Did i ever say, that i think this law is useful or right, no. You just assumed that i support the law.

Who is brainwashed by stromfront?!

> Definitely better than the allies

Nobody was better, they were all inhuman bastards who wanted to make some shekels.

I can imagine the suffering.

Last time I was there it felt like being in Amsterdam. Horrifying.

Who cares about fair? I don't even know where this came from now. There's enough people who argue like you do, difference to you is probably that they don't go racist retard and say all Muslims want that or are like that.

From my experience, most Muslims don't know shit about their retarded religion. And they're usually dumb as fuck and have not reflected on their bullshit much.

The state doesn't tolerate or accept extremists. There is no shariah on the horizon or anything.

57:00 - 1:03:00

Watch it!

>difference to you is probably that they don't go racist
What race is Islam?

Cool story, gopnik.

> difference to you is probably that they don't go racist retard and say all Muslims want that or are like that.

Where did i say all muslims, Bernd?

There are some modern thought schools in Islam, they are allright.

But, i dont appreciate the construction the next Saudi financed Faysal-II-Mosque.

Or the Gülen Movement.

I really don't get anything out of a fucking Russian of all people to lecture me on anything relating to democracy or free speech, so kindly take your polyester pants and squat elsewhere. :DDDD

>German and Upper Austrian aristocracy
Pick one, bullpreper.

People always say I look German. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Not an argument, cuckold.

I said probably, not that you did. You're the one complaining after all.

In regards to the mosques, take it up with your local politicians I guess. I doubt they're happy about any extremist community propping itself up in their district.

>most Muslims don't know shit about their retarded religion

And that's actually pretty bad. If they would actually read their fucking rapist book once, they would realize how they are supporting the undermining of western society principals. They don't have to actively kill people to do so, they only have to support their little, segregated communities. Islam is an ideology of violence, slavery and conquest.

Anyone who takes that religion over being a european should have no right to stay here.

Stop using google translator to sound german, faggot

[citation needed]

Yeah I'll go with gopnik then, your royal aristocratic highness of the joint Aldi Lidl parking lot.

> The state doesn't tolerate or accept extremists. There is no shariah on the horizon or anything.

You are right, but some arm of the state uses extremists to establish a authoritarian/totalitarian state.

That's what i am against, and i think this is just.
Nothing more.

How long do you Germans think it will take Bavaria to form a separationist movement? Not form an independent state but to use it as a leverage in Berlin?

soon, whites in germany will be a minority, and your family will be constantly raped by niggers, then you'll see why we need those people with "racist views"

Meanwhile in Austria:

ISIS-preacher imprisoned for 20 years. Would've preferred the death penalty, especially public, but hey, it's way better than what happens here.

Bavaria is the biggest taxpayer in germany, Mutti Merkel would never let them go.

Because, who else would pay for all the refugees?
The third generation turks dealing with drugs in NRW and Berling?

You just don't understand the grave situation we are in.

The CSU (CDU's Bavarian sister party) / Seehofer tried that a little, made himself look like a retard and pretty much failed.

I'm glad I'm no germ too.

Uh huh. Glad you got this 'internet' in your favela, hueman.

>Kurt Lewin

Why do they say that, are you constantly handcuffed?

Look up Page 214.

yeah, i got it because i work hard and can pay for it, not like you, muhammad, that gets it for free out of taxpayers money

Page 214!!!!!

Maybe i am right in the end?

>they have other opinions than me!
>we have to send them to jail because "muh hate speech!"


>What is your opinion, German bros?

I believe, personally, that pol likes to take things out of context and blows them out of proportion.
The issued search warrants were made in response to facebook posts so really these idiots had it coming spewing that stuff on a platform just about anyone can access easily.

This wasn't even IP searches or anything, these people posted that stuff online with their names attached to it.

Personally I work for a government ministry and I'm a member in a non-leftist party - no problem at all.

Sorry, I don't watch conspiracy retards.

Ach please, I'm no Muhammad.

so, AfD might get 20-30%, if we are really lucky, and then what? Merkel with just continue to wreck this country with her great coalition or cdu+spd+grüne at worst
elections won't change shit at this point

Precisely because they are the ones keeping Germany afloat, they could, given they elect someone capable, force Berlin to take foot from the pedal. I think they will be the first ones from "respectable" part of Germany to start real changes.

>> cdu+spd+grüne

Don't fucking remind me.

Ever seen gopniks who dress like this?

There is the Bayern Partei (Bavarian Party) but they are rather obscure right now - even though they won some seats in the local city councils etc.

Best they can do is to drive CSU to a anti-Islamic pro-ethnic Bavarian&Germab stance and form coalition with Bavarian AfD. CSU has potential and tribal vote.

> form coalition with Bavarian AFD

Why would they want to do that? CSU has the majority in Bavaria, they don't need a coalition.

still you can't disprove the notion that free speech dies with the very first restriction. BRD is not a free country.