Fucking black fags matter protest in Copenhagen.. kill me.
Fucking black fags matter protest in Copenhagen.. kill me
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Go yell at them and tell them they're stupid
But you don't have any balls so you wont
>soros funding nigger terrorist shit all over the world
someone has to stop this kike
Damn, hoped it would pass before it reached us.
its even happening in China, which begs to question why China is even taking immigrants in the first place.
overdrive mode after brexit happened
I think that the solution might be posting anonymously on an imageboard about what makes your butt really, really sore. This is show to create an immediate improvement to your situation. Also, why is this board such a have for autistic beta faggots? It's such a mystery.
Wtf there's only like 5 nigs in that whole demonstration. You have nothing to worry about.
uh oh, watch out.
Mr Hardcore teen is here.
>I-I-I'd totally beat every single person up at the same time. Unlike you betas!
>pfffftt, discussing political issues on a politics board? Fucking autistic!
The white guy with black cap and black hoodie is almost certainly an ANTIFA faggot.
Only Copenhagen is as cucked as Sweden.
Keep telling yourself that, bub
Come at me when your streets look like this. This shit isn't even a protest
>A group that apparently opposes militarised police and systemic racism in America
>In Europe
He's right though, OP is probably too much of a subhuman with no actual political points.
So he took that digusting pic and posted it here...
If you can't even try to debate with your ennemies you ARE a safe zone FAGGOT.
Don't laugh. In no time we get this shit also to Stockholm and Helsinki.
Fucking Danes
and their Danish KKK
Fucking Wooden Shoes and Blonde Hair and fingers in dykes is racist now.
he will die soon
Soros is trying to bring radical niggers and radical muslims together.
There were already a couple of Mudslimes in BLM protests and many a nigger are Mudslimes already.
The Muzzies will convert the niggers and BOOM, automatic dramatical increase in Muslims radicals without having to immigrate ANYBODY.
I don't know why blacks would do it since nonBlack Muslims are racist as fuck and would rather just kill them. However they have proven to be stupid and unyielding to facts before, so it's their suicide.
i call bs
Cops literally never use their guns here, and when they do, then every single minute is scrutinized to see whether or not they did anything wrong.
It literally makes no sense to have that group in this country.
Why Denmark of all the fucking places? I would expect this kind of shot happening in Sweden, God fucking dammit
Lol why are they even in Denmark? I thought they were about cops killing blacks in the US?
Copenhagen is just as cucked as Sweden
Good to see those racist danes getting what's coming to them
You guys only have 10% non Danish cant even find stats for blacks specifically. Are all the nigs in Denmark at this one demonstration you guys only have like 20
He can't die.
Makes no fucking sense, there is like less then 1% Blacks in Denmark.
Just like David Rockefeller, right?
Makes no sense to have it outside America full stop, barely any sense inside.
And then his demon will leave his body and just possess his son
Maybe it's mudslimes in disguise, we got way too many of those here
This show gave me cancer
>implying the demon hasnt already possessed him too.
Its just a copy of some Swedish drama shows, we dindu nuffin
That pic. I laugh nervously every time I see it.
I want to see a video of you debating an entire angry mob of niggers/lefties, or you're a hypocrite.
Instead of crying why don't you tell them to stop being faggots. Oh yeah, you're a eurocuck and won't do shit
>Conflict between the African community and police in Guangzhou resulted in incidents. In the July 2009, a Nigerian man died after jumping several floors from a building in an attempt to flee Chinese immigration authorities.
>On July 15, 2009, hundreds of Africans, mostly Nigerian, demonstrated at the local Public Security Bureau station, shutting down eight lanes of traffic on a major thoroughfare for several hours.
sound familiar?
>implying you would crawl out of your basement to do anything
quite a few niggers in denmark, fuck you europe.
>implying I'm that self absorbed to video record myself debating
>implying I'm OP
>implying you're not fat
Great debating skills bro.
Sorry to point out that taking a picture of a protest and run home to cry about it on Sup Forums is pure faggotry
Yuri_Bezmenov.exe in action.
It's more about how ridiculous it is that they are protesting some stupid crap that has nothing to do with their country.
China needs africans that speak Chinese as translators to further their colonization of africa.
Apparently the Danes are worse on darkies than us burgers. But the simple solution is just kill all 30 nigs in the country and you have nothing to worry about
that's at least a thousand dollar bicycle there, in such good condition this fag probably only rides it 10 minutes at a time in the best weather.
fucking suburban hipsters WOULD stop at such an event.
Let me guess- in his hands an 8 dollar starbucks coffee
Why are there white people in that crowd? What the actual fuck America?
>tfw the only Black people in Hungary are students from UK or US
Wish we could just blow up Copenhagen, it would be cleansing most of the garbage at once.
Because Danish people have it so good, they get bored very easily, and joining that kind of shit makes them feel like the most special snowflake
What are these nu-fags every protesting for in Copenhagen, it's not even an issue there
Can we start with Christiania please? Fucking breeding ground for degenerate hippies
Disregard this post, misread the post I was replying to
I've been bored plenty of times in my life and never felt the need to join a #BLM protest.
Why support a cause that has no bearing on Danish reality? Yeah, you feel virtuous and feel like you made a difference and all, but isn't this just getting on a very stupid bandwagon?
fucking gross stumpy legs. only in copenHOGen, the liberal haven of europe. i hope this gross city is wiped off the map
We need to go undercover. Infiltrate the opposition.
Where do they congregate online and organize these gatherings? I try to find out...if in the least to debate them online to hone my arguments but I rarely find them and when I do its often on a controlled platform favoring them: example I will be banned or otherwise silenced for * hate speech * or violating terms of service.
Don't be such a dickhead.
last weekend saw the same happen in Britain for the first time in about 4 cities.
Like Denmark, the niggers have never been 'oppressed' by the Police, it's not really an issue.
Heck - the Niggers in London were even chanting "Hands up - Don't shoot" . . . .in fucking England???
This is social media causing an epidemic of Nigger problems, where there was none before.
Looks like employment has opened up for the negro.
George Soros is hiring
damn shes got nice chubby soft lefts that i'd love to rest my head but I fucking hate her for being there so her soul is disgusting!
How do people not realize what this shit is?
Soros funded the arab spring and now this?
He must be stopped.
Kek. Maybe the chant "Hands up don't write me an asbo" would be more appropriate in England.
lol ebin simplee ebindniw[mn-gr cxfK
I saw one with like 60 people walking down a very busy street in my city on the side walk with tons of poliece escort(though they were walking by the ghetto when I passed them so I don't get why they would have needed protection) but the guy in front leading it was holding a sign saying cops lives matter
It was very confusing
Billionares clashing, Trump must win
They're probably doing it because young chinese think it's cool because it's American
you've never been 4 chan raped before?
This is what I mean, America might have issues because some of their Police are out of control but Britain?
Watching on livestream, niggers with mega phones telling everyone that "This is just the beginning - get your friends etc"
I think they might be getting jealous that mussies are getting all the attention.
We don't need this shit in Europe, it's not really valid.
No? Never heard of this before...
What the fuck faggot? Their police aren't out of control never fucking imply this is the police's fault ever again
I have a feel real life friends who for some reason like Christania, god damn degenerates.
a few*
We have then here in NZ as well ... our police don't even carry firearms.
not denmark too... is there no place decent left in the west?
>Hands up don't billyclub
Actually some of them are a bit too 'over-keen' on the power rush, you can't dent that?
I can only imagine the things I would do to that ass.
Also, what are you some kind of faggot?
You're not to think you are anything special.
You're not to think you are as good as we are.
You're not to think you are smarter than we are.
You're not to convince yourself that you are better than we are.
You're not to think you know more than we do.
You're not to think you are more important than we are.
You're not to think you are good at anything.
You're not to laugh at us.
You're not to think anyone cares about you.
You're not to think you can teach us anything.
Has BLM done anything other than be a minor annoyance?
Who's fault it isn't the issue in the UK. Their cops aren't armed. There is literally no reason for blacks in the UK to chant "hands up don't shoot" or to show any solidarity to blacks in the US.
why are blacks everywhere? i don't often see asians and there are more asians tin the world
his face looks prosthetic
imagine the young virgin pussy he gets to taste every day.
It's a scheme to get rid of them permanently.
Why would Blacks expect their lives to matter in Denmark?
Danes have no reason to give a fuck about Blacks.
Why do Yuro Poors always appropriate American movements that have absolutely no relevance to Europe?
The fuck?
Goddamnit Denmark, you're not even american.
Not at all, the police should be an extension of the military as should all of society. Everyone should be a disciplined upstanding strong individual. It is only when a degenerate comes across an upstanding officer does then the comparison become possible that the officer is " too militarized/a bully "
I want to go and yell stupid shit at them
We set up our Police NOT to be an extension of the Military, when countries do what you suggested it turns bad.
Yup. The police should just go in there and destroy it once for all, there will be a little riot but all the protesters are on drugs so they'll forget why even there, fucking idiots.
What the fuck is this?
What does Denmark have to do with anything?
What are they protesting for?
Are they protesting in Denmark so they will "Stop killing blacks" in the US?
Are blacks really that mentally challenged?
>I want to go and yell stupid shit at them
kek gave you trips to compensate for that.
Denmark YES!
If we outright destroy the negro race people will never forget about it and there will be constant civil unrest.
Let them destroy themselves, mix away, abandon their homelands, same with Arabs, let them die in the streets, while liberals pretend as though they tried their best.
Evil destroys itself...
Reminder, we are on your side, when it comes to getting rid of useless eaters, heheh. You just have to shoulder the burden for a bit, and then you're off Scott free.
We don't have to genocide anybody to get the population low, you Whites and Asians are already lowering your birthrates for us, we just have to get rid of the third world menace.