such concentrated logical fallacy i almost OD'd
Such concentrated logical fallacy i almost OD'd
>end white supremacy by submitting to whites sexually
>Spock himself would bow before me, as I am but the master of logic
I think this is a pretty good idea. The sluttiest girls are very rarely smart.
Just a nigger with a craving for bwc
implied within this tweet:
>a white guy can't also reproduce with other white women
>a black person's bloodline is inherently inferior to a white person's
>racism will end if there are more mixed kids
>a white man will stick around and help raise a kid that he potentially didn't want
>destroy white supremacy by having whiteys kids
>destroy mans masculinity by stealing his job and making him stay at home dad
>stay at home dads are bored
>take their kids to the park
>meet other stay at home dads
>new generation of white supremacists
Do you imbred fucking americans even know how genetics fucking work? Black is more dominant that white guy's bloodline is ruined unless the mixed kid fucks a white woman and his kid does that too until the black dominant gene is expunged
It takes 3 generations to turn someone white but it takes only 1 or 2 to make them black
This, kek.
They just want the "good hair" and lightskin.
Italy, you're just mad because you have Moor blood.
They're learning.
Americanus Eduationum
Where do I sign up? I love booty.
No skin colour is dominant you dumb cuck. Only things like eye and hair colour. Asians and blacks are not different when it comes to this. When a black and white person have a kid, the skin colour is right in between.
The main point is that a white man fucking a black woman can also fuck a white woman.
Black women having sex with white men won't end the white race. Black men having sex with white women would.
Moors of Sicily?
She obviously doesn't realise that men can impregnate more than one woman
Imagine meeting one of these women. Assuming you'd actually fuck the sheboon, what's stopping you from leaving?
>implying 90% of men wouldn't spread their seed to as far an wide as the 7 seas
>implying a man cant have way more children than a woman can
by all means negress hop on my dick
I'd WHITE that body.
Idk man, Blake Griffin is half black and isn't dark at all.
I mean he's not white either, but he's just somewhere in between. Like your average Italian for that matter.
Never understood why the brownest Europeans Italians/Spaniards are so obsessed with "white" you realize Nordic/Germanic/Anglo girls only visit you because they think you're brown right? Southern Europeans are just the socially acceptable brown guys to bang.
Sounds more like a recipe to destroy Blacks if you ask me. Think about it:
>Black women who listen to her will look for White men with a scheming sneer
>They manage to find White men open to them
>It may seem like it is all going according to plan
>They find find White men are better than own male counterparts.
>White men treat them leagues better
>The Black women actually end up liking them
>White men actually able to maintain a stable relationship and wind up getting happily married.
>Get essentially redpilled on Whites and the BLM niggering
Then that's it. You now have anti-BLM Black women who may never even want to deal with today's Black community ever again. If they pop out kids that is even more people against niggers.
I'd argue this plan is in your best interest and the best interest of your black sisters to escape to greener pastures and eliminate the nigger man, lady. However for the intended effect you want, it's pretty fucking stupid.