First Pokemon Go and now the NES is coming back!
Trump presidency confirmed.
First Pokemon Go and now the NES is coming back!
Trump presidency confirmed.
Fuck yeah
Danke based nintendo
that's adorable, will it use the old cartridges or have the roms built into it?
I want this. :(
Fuck yes. Original systems and controllers are impossible for find for a reasonable price.
>Because of an anime game and the announcement to bring back a console that every smartphone could easily emulate, my candidate will win
i was too young to get the original one so this is lovely news.
>still have my original nes
Presumably an emulator on a chip.
Like those Atari 'consoles' that were around for a few years that came loaded with 20-ish games and sold for $30.
God damn. I think I want two of them
Built in
it's $60 including all the games
Not bad! Nintendo is usually high quality too.
Why do you wants this again when you have better games on your phones?
>regular NES is 80+
>buy one of those retrons with a NES and SNES built in
>works the same
>no issues
Why dont more places sell these?
now if only they could join up with Microsoft and Sonu and create an ultimate console to combat PCs
Enjoy Sup Forums
That's cool, the closest think to a NES I've ever had was the Polystation.
The hell you talking about it's going to be $60
>buying an emulator
Good goy.
>better games
That's subjective to the person playing them.
If there was such things as better games then chess and checkers wouldn't still exist.
>mfw I still have my NES and a bunch of cartridges.
>literally a raspberry pi in a fancy case with a 512mb sd card and NES emulator
They even use the same manufacturing plant. At least the controller looks cool and it works on the Wii.
Fuck there's lots of chick's playing pokemon
BRB installing now
It also looks cute
First Brexit, now this. Great.
They better include the classic gamepads though.
Sorry, but no. Place is a circle of homos and /r9k/
my mother taught me basic addition and made it fun with final fantasy on NES, we'd add all the damage it took to kill a monster to see around how much HP it had altogether. i'd like to continue this tradition with my wife's son, i hope FF1 is one of the games that comes with it.
>built in
Ah, I thought for a second they were going to include mini cartridges. That's slightly less cool.
Also you have to buy an adapter and second controller separately.
JUST EMULATE YOU MORONS. I have almost every game ever for NES including bootlegs, hacks and so on. It's easy and free
>reselling the same products ad nausem and still make money
Nips think like semites
>my wife's son
You're fucking sad bro
Useless with censored names.
They've had knock offs for like $20 at flea markets and shady gas stations for decades.
Its usually atari games though.
Is the blued out name you? You're a pretty big faggot if so. That censored name poster is just a sour little crabapple that can't stand the thought of people actually using their monitoring devices to go out and get exercise and interact with others.
>>literally a raspberry pi in a fancy case with a 512mb sd card and NES emulator
You say this as if it's a bad thing. It's a lot fucking better this way. Someone will find a jailbreak that'll let you run a number of emulated games and this'll just be a nice custom rig for it.
I do but would still get this just to have a mini nes for the hell of it.
Negro Sup Forums doesn't give a shit about this. Now /vr/ they will.
yes, i have emulator on my windows ME machine but this is much more convinient. don't be a cheapskate.
i have the original too. it used to be my dad's. but one of the adapters is not working. the RF connector.
This is only interesting if the controllers are manufactured well.
Meh... thats cool, I hope it starts to bring retro gaming back, but I was never really into the Nintendo. Didnt get into gaming until I got the PS1 and was hooked ever since.
If Sony did something like this with the PS1, I would be balls deep in that bitch.
>autistic kraut with nonexistent pattern recognition fails to realize the mass regret felt for turning away from the old ways reflected in nintendos business plan that detected demand for a return of the old ways
Don't you ever speak to your wife's son that way.
why are you sperging on facebook?
why do you have a facebook?
I caught the faggot who plays pokeman go.
Anyone want to battle, it's still a low grade beta i need to level it some.
>has no effect on your life besides your feelings
>actively trying to gain Sup Forums's acceptance
Have you considered that you made an error somewhere in your life?
Hey that's pretty coo- Wait a minute.
This has nothing to do with politics.
He is just a shitposter, nearly in every new thread.
Snes is elder - god tier
From what I've read, you can't add to the games which is a shame.
Still going to pick one up though, Zelda 2 self punishment awaits.
What is it?
>it's $60 including all the games
Wait.... wait a minute........
ALL of the games? ALL of them ever created? Are you shitting me? You better not be shitting me.
Is he shitting me?!
Mini Nintendo GameCube when?
What games would you include?
>Animal Crossing
>Pokemon Colosseum
>Pokemon Gale of Darkness
That's all the games I could afford. So these are the only games I know and would enjoy.
Nintendo are biggest Jews ever. Selling the whole world the same shit for decades is a truly Jewish mastermind
Why are you sperging on Sup Forums?
Why are you not going BOOM for the caliphate?
Emulation is great n all but you know it adds input lag and will never be as responsive as playing on hardward right? Fine for the average player i'm sure but it can be annoying if your sensitive to sluggish control.
And Nintendo follows the tradition of selling shitty underpowered consoles.
Nintenshits will eat this raw as usual though, but it's a good thin there is less than 12 million of them left world wide.
NES emulator with every single game and an old school Nintendo USB controller on my PC.
its only 30 games
You come off as an hyper-autistic try hard.
The fact that you somehow thought your posts were funny and worth screen capping is beyond cringe.