Why is Sup Forums so vehimently against cuckoldry? It is a natural phenomenon and actually quite redpilled, not to mention that It is healthy for a relationship.
Why are racist right wing virgin autists so against It?
Some people like to share, What's wrong with that?
Cuckoldry and politics
nice ass
>It is a natural phenomenon and actually quite redpilled, not to mention that It is healthy for a relationship.
This is what you mentally ill people say about all of your disgusting fetishes
It's not natural nor is it healthy. Cuckoldry undermines family cohesion by driving a wedge between the 2 parents, and can succeed in creating offshoot bloodlines. Women with multiple sexual partners have been proven to be less superior mothers and wives than women with less sexual partners. All in all it destroys the family which is the building block of society and key to healthy, intelligent children
Cuckoldry always existed and always will exist. You can't prevent It.
And It is in fact very healthy for a relationship because It prevents cheating and possibile divorce
is that what you tell yourself? I'd advise you to remove yourself from the genepool, but seems you are already doing that willingly.
kill yourself
>letting niggers seed your broodsow.
but we can prevent it.
you just don't want us to wise up and start exterminating you honourless subhumans again.
source source source