Is he going to genocide the whites in South Africa?
Is he going to genocide the whites in South Africa?
Nah, just take their shit and humiliate them the way Mugabe did next door
>going to
Been happening for 2 decades now, famalam.
he should.
자살 하라
that's some shitty fucking translator you're using, 니가 먼저 뒤져라.
>literally said he sees Zimbabwe as a role model
Absolutely. South Africa will be the model for Europe. America won't suffer such a harsh fate, but will simply decline into stagnation and crime as Hispanics take over instead of blacks.
He claims he doesn't hate whites, but every one of his proposed programs target specifically whites.
ex: "land redistribution''
With him genocide is probably not completely off the cards.
싫은데 이 개씨발새끼야
Send us your white refugees!!!
Here's a depressing thought for you: all of South Africa's four million white people represent less than than the number of people who emigrate to the United States LEGALLY every four years (not even counting the illegals).
Can't we just send you our dindus? They are very vibrant and very diverse.
ANC is already doing that.
He'll Mugabe
South Africa cannot even police their dindu neighborhoods. How do you think they are going to genocide us?
Who do you think is buying all of those smuggled firearms coming in from mozambique and angola?
Not the EFF members thats for sure.
Afrikaner independence war when?
Get to it already.
My family members that lived in South Africa already left and moved to Boston.
I remember when apartheid fell and they all had to stay with us for like 4 months, bank accounts frozen and shit.
Bank accounts frozen?
Were they one of those filthy corrupt boer families that shipped ill gotten gains to Europe after apartheid?
They're not doing so directly.
The ANC deals death by a thousand cuts. A little more quotas to cut out whites at this university, a little less Afrikaans at that one, tighter BEE employment regulations to squeeze out a few whites here, restrictions to cut out whites from the JSE there.
Honestly, I think the ANC is too addicted to all the lovely money - tribute, essentially - they get from white businessmen to actually wipe out the golden goose.
In an absolut world, the ANC would just have BEE regulations to make sure their friends can get juicy tenders. They don't actually give a shit about any of the rest of it. Land reform is about as interesting to an ANC politician as watching paint dry.
We will see if Malema forces their hand, though. If the EFF really starts making gains against them, they will have to pull left (or is that right? I'm not sure what side of the political spectrum Africanism/black nationalism is on these days) to avoid bleeding voters.
Some rather optimistic sorts are hoping for blacks to go over to the DA when they get truly disillusioned with the ANC but I don't see it happening. They've been waiting for it to happen since 1994.
Hell, some rather delusional people were even hoping for urban blacks like the maid or whoever to vote NP IN 1994 because logically they should want their baas to continue doing well so they can pay their wages right? Clearly that didn't happen.
Could be, they had nigger maids and butlers in SA.
Why were their bank accounts frozen? That's some shady shit right there
I was under the impression that they did this because they expected massive white flight and the country would collapse.
I'll have to ask to my mother for further info.
I know there were currency exchange controls of sorts, but freezing people's bank accounts sounds crazy. I can't imagine that happening in 1994-1996, shit the NP were still in the national unity government back then.
Lol sucks to be a Afrikaner today
Honorubal membA. The r is silent and the e is pronounced as an a. Ebonics 101.
How many of your family members have been murdered ?
Can't do a full genocide or else there will be a foreign intervention.
When's the last time it happened?
if he tries the boers will start killing every single nig they can find and wont stop until they reach the pyramids.
>foreign interveneing to save even one white lift
Hugo Chavez had a black brother?
Bravado or delusion ?
Millions of whites would pour down on Africa to exterminate the niggers if they tried to kill the blood of our blood and the flesh of our flesh, you kill boer's you kill me.
ching chong. skt t1 faker
people seem to forget that there are still 1 million white men with combat experience in south africa.
Just spoke to my mother, they did have their accounts frozen in SA but they eventually got it back.
Had other family in Rhodesia when it fell and they lost everything.
Zimbabwe happened and nobody cared, What makes you think South Africa will be any different ?
You're a part of BRICS, They'd love to see you fall