
Question for the people of southern france.
How do you feel about your dirty little secret -the fact that you're Iberian/Italian- being widely known now? This is a serious question. The same thin that happened when North Italian whiteaboos got fukt by the Anglo-Germ definition of "white" and now just accept their race is happening to you RIGHT NOW.
Have you people woken up? Have you finally realized you need to break free of France and return to your Med family?

France is a mix of early European ethnicities.

South french 'iberians' are part of the mix that's make up the french ethnicity.

Nobody is oppressed.

occitans will always be opressed by the evil northern french whitey :(

A better analysis is how Southern and Northern Italians are a different ethnicity. Is it time we start viewing Italics the same way we view Slavs and Germanics?

According to this Spanish, French Basque people are very similar to British.
Are Meds officially white?

>basque country
>mediterranean sea

No, we are our own thing. Now fuck off.

No, Anglos are officially Iberian.

Makes sense because they ruled the waves.

You’re Wh*tes

Why are they Iberian/Italian, aren't they descendants of Romanized Gauls with Roman, Gothic and Alanian admixture?

you're mixing different things

is it because of fast food?

That’s big girl...

>Finally overcomes years of depression over her weight. Takes her shirt off with the girls.
>Becomes an object of ridicule
tsk tsk

Besides the white people who care about culture.

why is the occitan language dead then

> (You)
>Besides the white people who care about culture.

Everything is mixed in your american brainlet. African immigration is a separate issue.

>French is somewhere between British and Spanish
Ayo, hol'up
You finna say that geography and ethnicity are related?

Occitania been a mongrelland for a long time

I'm afraid your germanniger ass won't handle it.

>anglos are not germans

Wow, and I always thought The Channel was an insurmountable obstacle to continentals

It's true you don't see many Anglo women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Anglo men. And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no Anglo women, and that Anglos just spring out of holes in the ground

