Fucking destroyed

how will Sup Forums ever recover from this?

Fuck that really made me think. I'm now #guac

off to 404 you go

Sup Forums right now

Replace the Left with "RACIST" and it would be accurate

>let in 2M young muslim men
>put them on welfare (billions of euros)
>they commit tons of crime
>multiple terror attacks

yeah liberals are the smart ones

looks like the jig is up boys

Well shit guess I better Vote for Trump to recover from my btfoness

It actually should be the opposite. But instead of cuck being on the left, it should be words such as; racist, homophobe, mansplain and triggered.

Why does the right have a jew nose


this meme again...

>No argument backing it up


Left should say RACIST

Someone should shoop some interracial porn on the lib brain.

no i think it's shitty, but there's losers all over facebook who think this is like their magnum opus



What they're not showing us is the titles of those books. Probably garbage like "women's studies" and "Multiculturalism saved my baby from the government."

put the books into the right side and have the left side say " i hope he cant tell im a faggot"


the guy in the right has brain versus memorized talking points sounds about right

Both look like faggots

honestly the left side brain is full of liberal garbage from the uni and if you are old enough to understand , after awhile it gets realllllllly tediuos to articulate to these cucks , so its easier to just say things like


you see , we have been there done that and wont waste time with these faggot cuck neck beards

ironically when it matters we use critical thinking and the left name call


i hate commies

Considering every one of those "books" are either harry potter or some kind of magazine, the right still looks more intelligent


>a bunch of books that were never opened


Hey Newfags type sage into the options field and you can slide this thread and still reply.


I get an error whenever I do it

heres the real version

Took long enough. But really, thanks.




>right on the left side
>left on the right side
This bothers me more than it should


sage doesn't belong in the name field it goes into the options field and niggers go into the cotton field

Easy to remember.

ad hominem

that should Hannity

they read Harry Potter and John Green, that makes them smart!

The left is well on it's way to totalitarianism and eventually genocide again. They already start to dehumanize people they disagree with as empty headed idiots and themselves as an ubermensch with all the 'right' knowledge. Coming 20 years are going to be very interesting to see what happens.


Well, to be fair, the guy on the left does look like a complete cu.ck


hier digga



Personally I will put on my wehrmacht helmet and boots, will call up an escort, dress her like a jew from the camps, and have her blow me while listening to 'Horst Wessel'



The left started calling everyone else a cuck and now that we call them cucks it makes global news kill yourself


sage this shit faggots

its bait and you retards fall for it

nigga couldnt even reverse the image and change the word in quotes. u so silly



>implying you can't go beyond left and right on political spectrum

here is the final version guys

I get errors after I log in.

>head filled with books
>Das Kapital >Communist manifesto

Mines better

Ironically they're mocking right wingers for saying "Cuck" instead of an argument, when they do the exact same shit with "Racist". The only difference is, they actually have no arguments, "racist" is all they have.

Fixed it, if you compare idiots to idiots everyone is an idiot.

>the left unironically believes this

What's wrong with them, bros?

Ah, shit.

Game over, everyone. The Trump has finally been stumped. brb killing myself.



Why are liberals so offended by the word cuck?

Because they're cucks

someone beat me to it