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Because Blacks are naturally better athletes. Baseball requires too much thinking for blacks.
Yeah minorities are way over-represented
They're not particularly skilled, they just get more opportunities, really.
whyte bwhoys kang jump
What about soccer and hockey?
no hockey
Diversity in a nutshell.
Need soccer, hockey, golf, tennis
When playing games is your only way out of life. Don't you think people will work harder than the next guy to do just that?
Why is there always an American cuck
it's probably a white majority in the nhl but why do whites get btfo in the nfl???
Baseball requires years of dedication and a loving parent to take you to a little league game
poor people don't play soccer in America, probably the same with hockey
Its normal. A great deal of a nation's athletes come from the poorest segments.
You can see that on an international scale with african nations winning athletics medals in the olympics.
this graph literally shows that niggers are useless athletes and are only good at two specific sports
>women are underrepresented in science and IT
>"well it's because women typically don't choose these fields"
>whites are underrepresented in sports
>"It's a liberal conspiracy."
I can understand hockey not attracting poorfags because gear and arena can be expensive, but soccer is literally povertyball.
Shit league, nobody cares amateur baseball is where it's at
Shitty rip off of the CFL and with more niggers
Negro basketball league, who even watches this?
Lot's of tall fat niggers to choose from to be brick walls, and scrawny nigs to be receivers
Whitey is always the superstar quarterback
Nah man, it's all white kids playing while their mom and dad watches. The coloured people play basketball here, walk by any court and there's a gang of flips there
Probably because they have no other option other than sports, as compared to many genetically fit whites who just go on to become softeare developers or whatever.
It's a matter of use not of capability.
Also, aggression helps a lot and most whites are way too pussified in the US.
You know a graph is bullshit when it only uses percentages and no actual numbers.
Nice try
they're better at every sport except cuck sports like:
those are the kind of sports that your wife is getting ploughed by a young bull whilst you're out playing
They all chase the athlete lifestyle, that's why. It's actually quite hard for them to attend college. You could pick up physical freaks from all corners of Europe and they would DESTROY niggers in basketball for example(Yugoslavia,SSSR) or otherwise
"Latino" isn't a race
Even though Basketball is the second least diverse sport in the US (next to hockey) it is officially the most diverse because it has the least white people.
Blacks develop earlier in their youth and are subsequently scouted earlier to be candidates for professional leagues and athletic scholarships. Blacks are also more interested in sports as a career opportunity than whites. They're obsessed with sports. I have listened to blacks discussing sports like white nerds discuss RPG storylines.
Nah, it's because whites also don choose it.
Same thing happens here, Pedrinho plays soccer everyday and while Otto actually is better early on and has a better build for it, he spends more time studying or playing vidya than ball, and later decides to go to college and get a degree or someshit. Meanwhile Pedrinho's hope of becoming someone hinges on that fucking ball getting into that goal.
it causes severe brain damage
only single moms an the poor let kids play football
probably the same reason your soccer team is 80% arab
What the heck is snooker?
How is that cuckoldry? Blacks are naturally more athletic and less intelligent than whites, which is why they play basketball and non-skilled positions in football.
our football team is far from 80% arab
>t. Somali Immigrant
Ooga booga lad, come back to the lawless jungle.
Basketball is just a nigger thing. I work retail and I can't tell you how many times I've seen random blacks just jump up and pretend they're shooting for a hoop. It's random and completely out of nowhere and they just casually go back to doing what they're doing afterwards like nothing's happened.
Snooker, pool, whatever are those games where fags take a stick and start beating balls over a green top table with 6 holes in it.
Because white parents actually care about their childrens health and most white adults aren't dumb enough to risk their health either.
That's why the safe positions like Quarterbacks are mostly white.
You mean pool? Why do stupid British people have to come up with the most autistic names for everything
poor people play soccer more than everybody else
Don't forget 9-Ball Pool
Your mom has 6 holes and gets beat by my stick
no snooker is a proper sport with a fuill size table. Over here little children play pool
two sports shoved down our fucking throats
Baseball here in the Netherlands is approx 90% black.
It's purely cultural.
WTF, I love baseball now.
>whites are proportionally represented or overrepresented
>"This is racist and horrible."
>blacks are vastly overrepresented
>"This is normal and just how it is."
You know a single game takes about 19 hours, right?
In college football I would say it's more even like 40/60 white to black.
Blacks can run and jump better, Whites can drive and shoot better.
We know this.
We are also stronger and more intelligent.
Sport dominated by whites:
Football (Quarterbacks are all that matters)
Formula 1
Moto GP
All winter sports
Sports dominated by niggers:
Sports dominated by other races:
Table tennis
>John White is the best athlete at highschool
>Goes to college for a degree in finance, continues on to be a fortune 500 CEO
>Tyrone Black is the second best athlete at highschool
>Goes to college on sports/diversity grant scholarship for a degree in sports science
>Gets scouted by local professional football team, retires at 25 after breaking his leg, dies at 38 from steroid side effects
>tfw yuropoors try finding reasons for americans hating soccer and one of the reasons is they don't have enough patience
well, that one is debunked
Which is why whites are cops and black are robbers.
Then why are all good high jumpers white?
About 90% of NFL quarterbacks are white, further proving that blacks can't play important positions. The majority of blacks in the league simply serve as meat shields for the white quarterback.
I thought children played with Ahmed and his friends there
Good thing cops have weapons, so they can't run away
I think whites are getting a lot better at basketball too. Look at Dirk, and all the Spaniards and Eastern Europeans that hold their own against nogs in the NBA.
>The majority of blacks in the league simply serve as meat shields for the white quarterback.
typical that your stupid ass wouldn't know a thing about the game. the majority of offensive linemen are white because the position requires thinking, extensive knowledge of the playbook and the ability to work as a cohesive unit
at this point it is
The same reason the majority of foodmakers are women, but the top chefs of the world are men.
Straight white men simply excel at pretty much everything, unless they're competing against the japs.
I played baseball all of my life. Played two years when I lived in NL. It was a joke. I struck out 16 year olds when I was 10. Your kids don't start until 10 there. I started at 4. At least that's what it was like when I lived there.
theyre shit at everything else that uses brain power and stamina like golf, tennis, bodybuilding, soccer, boxing and 100 metre dash.
>Watching NFL
>Nigger gets a touchdown
>Starts dancing and freestyling in the endzone
>Runs up to the stands and starts handing out his mixtape
If you watch nigger sports you are disgusting.
Thus confirming my theory that baseball is no more of a sport than golf is.
Why did you move to Newfoundland for? How did you like it
>he wasn't even alive during their ONLY superb owl win
how do you even know it actually happened?
Cycling master race
Only whites allowed
Black boys play with balls.
Whites excel in combat sports and body building.
No fucking way whites make up majority of baseball. Unless the spics are use the white loophole.
The rest are niggers
Only Debruyne is considered white to me
This kraut got it right. Modern Whites shouldn't be allowed to do dangerous things designed for men in the past.
Whites are the true humans, theyre smart enough not to risk their bodies in situations that could probably cost them their lives. This is why whites are superior.
Only niggers and shitskins should be allowed to do life threatening things like contact sports and handling firearms.
Or the jews.
Mexico (where most Latino families came from) loves Baseball, which is why Latinos are big there. Football is... not a favorite and Basketball is a sport for tall people. most Spics, like me, are not tall.
>like me
You're in America to start work on the wall right?
>shouldn't be allowed
Opinion discarded
yes goy only whites can cycle. Don't forget to go to Dr. Goldberg for your prostate exam, you might not be able to have white children but that's ok.
Hockey is expensive and takes carring family and dedication
>Americans hate soccer
Isn't a "soccer mom" a cliché in the US? Clearly its popular enough, just not the global phenomenon it is everywhere else
Cricket certainly isn't dominated by anyone, game is pretty even at the moment.
Australia is still the best team around.
And that's exactly why they hate it. It's associated with catty middle aged women.
I think in Canada it's soccer, street hockey and golf which are the most popular sports to play like just for fun with friends.
And guess what? I can point you to endless articles about how the biggest racial crisis in sports right now is blacks dont play baseball.
Also, the NBA gets an A+ in racial diversity
Theres relentless anti-white bias at all levels
And overall population stats is not super accurate when the average white age is around 45
Among the young its much closer to 50% white
> blacks are better athletes
This is only true regarding field sports and other stuff involving running.
>poor people don't play soccer
nigga wat
it's called povertyball for a reason
It's not true in any regard
There are just more of them than whites, and successful whites don't dream of being fucking track runners or professional sports players
If a top tier white athlete is ignored in high school or college, his potential career in atheletics is done
This is extremely common.
From what I understand baseball isn't that big in Mexico, the Latino playing population comes from the Caribbean and Venezuela mostly
Quarterbacks and kickers (skill positions) are white, receivers and running backs (speed positions) are black, and the rest are irrelevant fat guys which can be any race and be successful
Reminder that the decline in both baseball and America coincide with shorter attention spans
Baseball is a leisurely gentleman's sport. Once concussions kill football it will be the national sport esp considering the mass amounts of Hispanics that love beisbol
hi Sup Forums
Proof that Baseball is the true American sport. It is the closest representation of our society in terms of racial percentages.
Also, NFL and NBA are dumb people sports. They require little skill relative to baseball.
This, shagging down a pop fly is much harder than cross dribbling or knocking someone down but everyone wants a highlight
Delete it!
P-post Swimming
Don't you just hold your glove open where the ball is going to land?
Baseball is huge in certain parts of mexico except in The capital. In The capital soccer is The number one Sport, so all The ads and promotion goes to soccer. Since The only thing that matter is what happens in big cities, soccer is the king.