remember, pokemon go is not an excuse to talk-rape women
Remember, pokemon go is not an excuse to talk-rape women
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I finally understand. Feminists are autistic losers just like us.
>wants actual men
>not manchildren
What's so hard to understand?
>>wants actual men
>>not manchildren
>plays pokemon in public
that's what's so hard to understand
They just want to complain.
Oh give me a fucking break. If it was a good lucking guy, article would be the complete opposite
>tech writers gets mad that non-normies who use tech are showing up
Yeah, not everyone out there is as beautiful as the people in an Apple Store honey.
Man they really need to get better at spotting autism in young girls. If this bitch had received proper treatment I bet that she would be living a much happier life right now.
I'll just leave this here for keks
>Displays antisocial, unfriendly behavior
>tries to justify it
fuck off
>Went to the park last night with a friend to catch Pokemon
>People are out everywhere playing Pokemon go and celebrating other people playing the game
>People going to the park for the first time in decades to have fun and even socialize with other players
>The app is singlehandedly dragging people back to the real world and feminists are bitching because people say "POKEMON GO!?" to them like they say to everybody else
Women are so transparent
This game is for fucking sheep. The same people playing it would've probably mocked me 15 years ago for being a big first gen Pokemon fan.
Let's bring /r9k/ here.
Don't you get it? Women can be whatever they want now, expectations for them have plummeted whereas those for men are at an all time high. Women can dress like teenagers and play with toys and men are obliged to find that attractive yet it doesn't and never will work the other way around.
This. You don't have to suck the guy's dick, just be polite, say hi, and move on. I've exchanged numbers with a few people I've met through the game solely for the purpose of letting each other know about anything rare that pops up or for triangulating a catch. Most people go out in groups, too. The biggest appeal to the game is socializing.
Yeah this. Bitch sounds autistic.
could we change it so they do have to suck dicks. it would make pokemon go more intresting.
>go to park
>errybodys suckin dik
she's just mad that an ugly nerd talked to her
This is austistic as the shit I'm been seeing on Sup Forums the last few days
This is what you sound like bitch.
>liking pokemon
What a creep.
I'm fucking pissed that there's these bandwagon sheep who barely care about the pokemon franchise (especially gen 1) suddenly becoming big pokemon go fans. Fuck them reeee.
This game is fucking based on pokemon though. It's breaks my heart to see my treasured franchise get all normied by people who never even cared about pokemon. REEE
r8 my rusemanship
just sent this to her
What the fuck did she expect? Isn't this supposed to be a sort of social game?
Pretty good
Fuck off loser
It makes men go outside, fuck off feminazi trash
Holy Shit. I wish I had been there to Witness Him.
Sully another game with your normie shit. Why did it have to be pokemon? Why not Halo: Go or whatever normies are into?
>dragging people back into the real world
>while everyone is still glued to their phone
Make it a handsome guy and this article would be about how great the game is for meeting people
It must really suck being an ugly, you know that's who all this shits directed.
9 times out of ten when I initiate conversation with a chick they're all smiles.
>Why not Halo: Go or whatever normies are into?
They really should make Reddit Go. Gather upvotes and reddit gold by wandering around. It would be the ultimate normie experience.
You sound autistic m8. Just let the normies enjoy their normie game. Hell I'm enjoying it and I could probably rekk you with my old Pokemon card deck.
>Sully another game with your normie shit
everybody collected pokemon garbage when it came out. it wasn't total dorkville like D&D.
>If only there were such a thing as Pokémon Go away
What she deserves is a Pokémon Go fuck yourself.
>ITT a bunch of forever alone beta cucks upset that women arent interested in them
Women do not like ugly and beta men. Period. Stop talking to them, stop going near them, stop interacting with them, and stop blaming them for how ugly you are. Your beta genes do not deserve to continue and you deserve to die alone
The point is to go talk to people. And i haven't seen one person that doesn't get excited and talk about it when somebody asks.
I work at an airport and it's filled with people playing that all day.
>And i haven't seen one person that doesn't get excited and talk about it when somebody asks.
which makes it likely that it will peak quickly and go away, except for the nerds who will be annoying you with their great capture stories a year from now.
Dude just stop. Australia already did that whole song and dance in yesterday's thread.
This is true. Women can wear yoga pants to work and have bright blue hair with a metric ton of jewelry, any shoes they want, while men have to shave, maintain their hair and wear slacks.
>How to breed a school shooter: the post
>not a chat up invitation for ugly guys
if you get so triggered by posts on Sup Forums you become a school shooter you were already incredibly mentally damaged.
Just go die away from normal people. Seriously, ugly beta cucks should lock themselves in their room until they stop existing. Its people like you shooting up schools that make white/asian men look bad
Phones are a part of people's lives, user. I don't see you complaining about using pants.
Damn, you're retarded.
Maybe I am. I'm just really against the idea of fads in general.
It's a secret way of tracking movements of the target consumer. Next level surveillance.
ALL ugly people are gross, men and women. If a really fat/ugly woman came up to you and started hitting on you , you would be just as disgusted. ALL ugly people should be cleansed from the planet
Did the 'women' trend ended or it's just a break with the 'nigger' one among (college) leftists?
>tfw women will be gassed in our lifetime
*Chads excluded
>tfw you had hoped pokemon go would reintegrate you to society but it just isn't happening
They have the same social skill as spergs anyway, but people look past that because they have a vag. They'll have no problem talking to you to no end about shit that you obviously don't give a fuck about, just like a sperglord could ramble about WoW to a chick who doesn't play it
>ugly beta cucks with no social skills are still ugly beta cucks with no social skills
>a game about animated pocket monsters didnt help this at all
>who would have known
The fact you thought this would help just shows how autistic you are.
if you meet someone with mutual interests it is 100% more satisfying but if yer just lookin for something to lick, don't act like yourself
You have to full normie for that to happen.
Na I get where you're coming from, hopefully the normies forget about this game in a month.
>this spud sucking fuck knows what he is talking about
Notice how her boyfriend wont play the game and thinks it is odd that she does play something like that.
Her tastes are obviously not in men who play games. She also doesn't date someone who will do something just because she asks.
Big surprise, even autistic journalism-whores don't like beta-cuck numales and manchildren.
Guess this is why I have a wife and 3 kids, and these NEET motherfuckers here can't even lift their skirt and gather the cajones for a suicide attempt, because we all know "successful job" wont be in any document relating to them.
its a step m8
What a vapid cunt
>plays game designed to stimulate social interaction
>whines about social interaction
A non natural hair color on a female is the equivalent of a fedora.
has someone upset you, leafy?
>that Mad Max dude
Hundreds of people with their phones out and not a single person took a picture?
Oh so it's bullshit then, no wonder no other news outlet reported this.
Wait, this is newsworthy now?
>some dude chatted me up and asked for my number . Let me write a journal entry about how much of a loser creep he was.
what the fuck?
Can we just ban leafposters at this point?
I ain't in college anymore nigga I want to find my soulmate not some vapid whore.
im POSITIVE weve had this thread multiple times already.
Fuck me lads saw this in the i on the train yesterday and didn't bother reading it after seeing the headline
How this can even be a journalism?
I'm really sick of this viral marketing crap and irony is that this thread and me complaining about it just adding too it.
it's easy, cuckolds
1. bathe
2. groom yoself
3. dress well
4. talk to people and level up your social skills
5. develop hobbies that don't involve staring at electronic devices
No thanks I'm not a cuck
this is murica ! when your in public people can talk rape you all they want and you just have to take it. it what the founding fathers intended. jefferson talk raped a man to death
>reintegrate you to society
This is who you're going to mingle with, Achmed.
Pic related will never happen. Even Brock's BBC didn't get him any action.
>go to a nature preserve behind my house because it has 7 pokestops and a gym along the pathway
>pass by several groups or individuals playing the game
>when they were males, exchanged friendly hello's or made small talk about what we found at the park and our strategies in the game
>passed by two lone women on separate occasions, one with greasy blue hair and the other one with tattoos on her pale cottage cheese thighs
>gave them both a nod and 'how are you' like a functioning human being
>one of them stayed completely silent and the other one mumbled something as her eyes darted up from her phone screen at me
>probably went home to make a tumblr post about how sick she was of creepy guys hitting on her
Women in our society are not expected to have basic social skills, so as you would imagine, the nerdy women act like complete autists and get away with it.
>women hijack gaming, normies follow
>complains about gamers venturing outside and trying to socialize with fellow gamers
There's no way this happened without some cunt pulling up their phone to film it
Not giving me attention is violence against me.
> Normies playing "vidya"
Manchildren and Womanchildren should both be culled off the face of the Earth.
For the first time in world history people have abundant leisure time, access to every single stored knowledge from 10 thousand years of civilization at their fingertips and relatively abundance of goods like at no other point in history... and what do they do with these unlimited potential? Play videogames into their 40s.
Fuck that noise.
Grow the fuck up.
Go do something productive.
Autistic men want 10/10 super model house wives and don't get them either. The similarities are overwhelming.
>guys talking to girl about common interests
>No guys talking to girl at all
>losing her shit over a random dude trying to engage a normal and kind conversation
This is how far we've come. It's already sexual harassment when you as a man dare to open your mouth in front of a woman without asking her for permission first.
Also if it was a chad looking guy she probably would've sucked his cock instantly behind the nearest bush.
Im with you britbro, women love to bitch
But I rolled a -5 in charisma
What a miserable cunt. I haven't got on the bandwagon yet but I imagine tone of the better parts of Pokemon Go would actually be meeting and talking with people.
I don't believe a word she says for some reason, I think she made this entire article up along with the scenarios she claims to have been in.
>his is murica
It's an article from a uk newspaper lad
>plays trendy game
>expects something other than the lowest common denominator
Your soul mate is out there; she is as vapid and just as lacking in self-awareness as your millennial ass.
All I want is an average not fat girl. not black.
>Grow the fuck up.
Go do something productive.
I hear you white negroe. I too want off this ride.
>some guy walks up to me attempting to flirt
>sorry I have to go, bye
I have ptsd now, I'm going after nintedo for money because they facilitated the attack
Google reverse image user. It will be your best friend when searching for posted content
>britbong can't handle the bantz
naaa m8 i've seen videos of pokemon go meetups in the nearest town and they're populated with green-haired girls
Average not fat girl like this? :^)
August Ames. Learn to search for yourself, famalam.