Does her name indicate advanced POO behavior or does it hearken back to traditional POO behavior??
I smoked pot with Jonny Hopkins
and sloan caterine. That shit was LOUD!
It was Johnny Hopkins, and Sloan Kettering, and they were blazing that shit up every day
Nice name. But most indians in the west are pretty civilized and nice smelling people. Well the ones I have met are. But there is always the few that own corner shops and smell like paprika and shit.
Pooja means prayer
ja also means go away. So either "prayer" or "go away, poo."
Youre covered m80
you mean westernized Indians? Agreed in that case. There's a big difference between that and Indians that happen to be in the west. town resident with lots of exchange poo
that's perfect. Ty m8, I'll swipe right for MCAT tips.
t. Ajay Pajeet Singhpawar
No it doesn't you have shit vocab
My name is Liam you shitskin. I'm whiter than you will ever be. Filthy tajfkdztanian
most smell dirty, WTF are you on about
even the rich ones smell like curry
Lmfao I came across her yesterday. Guess in you're in AZ.
I'm WTF on about the ones I have met
Did I trigger you, Mr Poo in Loo?
Make sure to properly initiate courtship rituals according to indian tradition
>You have shit vocab
>have shit
as a woman, even if she's potty-trained she'll still squat and hover over a public toilet for fear of other squatters spraying piss all over other women seats, so she's still partly feral.
Women's restrooms are far worse than mens.
No. But you have now.
Is Sup Forums jelly of my mcat score?
Advance scouting for a move to Las Vegas. You must be pretty far north in AZ?
showing the palm xDDDDDD
that faggot white knight attempting to sound intelligent is worse than the fucking poonigger
Please stop triggering
your nipple color tells everything you know.
When the fuck do you ever see a paki with ginger hair and white legs.
Damn those are some good credentials. I'd let her be my doctor, provided she finishes med school and goes through her internship and residency