Is he a virgin?

is he a virgin?

well he did marry mara jade and have a kid

so no

>Rey, did I ever tell you about my absolutely retarded plan to save Han, you know that guy you met 4 days ago that died 3 days ago, from jabbas palace? What's a Jabba? Well that's a different tale

Yup. That's how he became so powerful.

mara who?

hes real the father of kylo ren, seriously look at that incest face

EU canon

Han Solo's kid, Jacen Solo, kills Mara Jade

how is that shit canon when Kylo Ren exists

Kylo looks just like Han and Leia. Don't really see any Luke in him.

So what if he was?

Joan of Arc was a virgin.

Those British still need to die.

Not anymore

It isn't canon anymore but yes, Jacen Solo kills Mara Jade. Then later his sister Karen Solo or whatever her name is defeats him. She's a light side force user and Jacen is dark side.

Kylo Ren and Rey are basically that dynamic changed up a little bit. I think in the new movies Kylo just kills a bunch of jedi acolytes instead of Luke's wife.

Rey will find out lol

& when I say "British" I mean the Rothschild family.

>The Last Jedi
>We find out Kylo "Not Jacen Solo" Ren supposedly killed Luke's wife and daughter

>Episode IX
>Turns out Snoke, or someone else, killed his wife and Kylo abandoned his daughter on Jakku for her own safety

>Karen Solo

Karen. Geez. Though I wouldn't put it past Han or Leia. They named their second son fucking Anakin. But Anakin Solo was also a badass, way more than his idiot older brother.

Right. There's a cool part where Luke fakes out Jacen really hard with a fleet that was fun to read.

Jacen Solo twin female sister was named Jaia Solo, or something

Well he did spawn a line of children, one of whom ended up a death sticks junkie.

Watch her be made from tissue of Luke's severed hand.

Kylo Ren is "not Jacen Solo"
Rey is "not Jaina Solo"

One is a young man turned to the dark side, one is a tech-minded young woman


It's not.

>implying Rey isn't descended from Obi-Wan on her father's side, Sheev from her mother and some other random person they want to plug

Think about it from Disney's perspective, you get to sell extra Obi-Wan, Sheev and Mandalorian merchandise in one fell swoop.
The shekels will tell, just watch

Hamill wanted Luke to have a love interest. Lucas said no. Much like how Lucas said no to Ford's suggestion that Han Solo should die.

>death stick
star wars is dumber than comic books

>EU canon

Cade is the best Skywalker, period.

Canon within the EU you ding dong.

you mean EU lore, not canon. canon is only what Disney says is canon.

EU is canon to non-autists who aren't satisfied by "PEW PEW DIE BADDIE WEBELS VIN" stories and require tales deeper than a puddle.

fuck disney, everything they've done is complete shit

Canon is what Lucasfilm says is canon.
Why would Disney care what's Canon or not when it makes money regardless.

Cade Skywalker was a Human male bounty hunter, smuggler, and pirate, who in his youth was once the Jedi Padawan of Wolf Sazen. The son of Jedi Master Kol Skywalker and Morrigan Corde (also known as Nyna Calixte), Cade was also a direct descendant of Luke and Anakin Skywalker and a possible grandson of Ben Skywalker.[5] Cade was also the nephew of Nat Skywalker (also known as "Bantha" Rawk) and his wife Droo Rawk, half-brother of Gunn Yage (though neither knew of the other's existence), and stepcousin of Annah, Skeeto, and Micah Rawk.

Thousands of years before his birth, he appeared in Jedi Master Q'Anilia's vision, along with his ancestors, Luke Skywalker, and Anakin Skywalker, who became Darth Vader, as well as Zayne Carrick, all of whom would be affected by the Muur Talisman. After his mother left him as a baby, Cade was raised as a Jedi by his father on Ossus where he would be apprenticed to his father's former apprentice, Wolf Sazen. He spent most of his childhood where he became close to Padawan Azlyn Rae. However, at the start of the Second Imperial Civil War, Cade turned his back on his heritage after being traumatized by watching his father's death at the hands of Darth Nihl and the One Sith. After successfully reviving his master, he swore his revenge and eventually became a pirate and bounty hunter, operating from his personal starship, the Mynock with his longtime companions Jariah Syn and Deliah Blue.

After his existence and unique Force powers were discovered by Sith Lord Darth Krayt, Cade was unwillingly pulled into galactic affairs. Caught up in the power struggle between the Sith and the exiled Emperor Fel, Cade became willing to do whatever it took to ensure he was left alone, but was eventually captured by the Sith. Following his capture, Krayt acknowledged that Cade had more power than he had ever seen in any Jedi, and offered him to join him and the Sith. Refusing his offer, Cade was forced to watch his friends die when Darth Maladi planted Yuuzhan Vong Yorik-Kul coral seeds. Cade had no option but to help both of his friends by using his anger to cure them at a great cost. With the dark side corrupting him, Cade was surprised that Krayt showed him his father's lightsaber and revealed his former identity as Jedi Master A'Sharad Hett. Skywalker was able to escape when he injured Nihl and Talon.
After being briefly captured by the Sith, Cade was reunited with his uncle and his childhood sweetheart, Azlyn Rae, who secretly became an Imperial Knight. After arriving to the secret Hidden Temple on Taivas, and been followed by several Imperial Knights, Cade was angered by Azlyn's betrayal until he had met with the new Jedi Council members, K'Kruhk, Tili Qua and T'ra Saa. Together, they participated in a successful mission that saw the death of Darth Krayt. However, Krayt's traitorous advisor conspired to keep this fact a secret and appointed himself Regent over Krayt's Empire. After saving Azlyn's life, against her wishes, Cade and Azlyn's relationship fell apart. Angered by the destruction his actions continually caused, Cade left for Tatooine, where he began raiding Black Sun shipments. These events drew the attention of both his mother and his half-sister Gunn Yage.

The EU had far worse stories though.. Legacy of the Force series was one of the worst things I have ever read. New Jedi Order sucked too.

>copy/pasting Wookieepedia
What's his end game?

He fucked his sister. So no.

>Legacy of the Force
If that's the one with Abeloth, then yeah. But that's one story out of thousands, nothing Disney has done even pales in comparison to the Darth Bane trilogy, Thrawn trilogy or KOTOR II
>implying NJO series was bad
Upset that the villain wasn't a cut and dried done to death evil moustache-twisting Sith? Or that main characters actually can die and don't have plot armour?

Moreso that they were boring half the time.

I didn't mind the Vong like most.

Well with 19 books they're gonna get boring. Disney can't even make a single interesting Star Wars novel or movie.

Catalyst was good.

Sources that arent canon:


Sources that are canon:

The musings of George Lucas

FTFY all

This book was great desu

But they can make Kino

>Dedicate three decades of your life to killing one man
>Die to said man in under three seconds
