If Trump wins, it will prove that the majority of this once great country is racist. Hopefully Americans come to they're senses before it's too late.
If Trump wins, it will prove that the majority of this once great country is racist...
how is he racist
He said the N-word...
stop saying "the n word" you fucking retard. he said nigger. get the fuck over it. are you a baby who has a list of no no words? no. you're an adult. nigger. BAM NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED.
They will. Racism is the only logical conclusion after looking at the evidence. I think they'll come to the conclusion that Trump is the answer before it's too late. America really is becoming great again. Goodluck bros
This is now a thread about fucked up teeth.
yes and? connotation and context are extremely important, he has never outright said he hated blacks or any race
name one thing Trump has said/ one policy about race.
go on.
if he and america are so racist this should be easy.
Sauce on him saying nigger?
you disgust me
he didnt, its a b8 image
If Trump doesn't win there will be millions of angry voters in the streets open carrying AR-15s.
yeah this. i dont believe it
How in the ever-loving shit did those teeth get so fucked up?
>prove that the majority of the country is racist
That's a bad thing?
Over on reddit you dipshit
>See the word racist in your post
>Opinion discarded
By not brushing. Seriously, just brushing your teeth with a regular fluoride toothpaste and flossing will basically preserve your teeth for your entire life, provides you don't consume shitloads of sugar or acidic foods.
>1 post
Shill thread sage
He said it in my mind, shitlord!
illegal is not a race
Muslim is not a race
OP seems confused. America being racist is nothing new, so how come you say "this once great country"?
>say nigger
>get called racist
>niggers can call us crackahs all they want
>they get praised for black pride
When will they realize that calling Sup Forums racist is like yelling madly at a brick wall?
How is that Fascism?
Referring to the pic by the way.
>1 post by this ID
Source on that quote?
That's fake as shit. It's not even written like how he talks. It's a parody of how he talks.
>come to they're senses
>come to they are senses
I'll side with the racists over the retards 10 out of 10 times, pal.
this is a moonman thread now.
Trump is right, as much I don't want to admit it, Political correctness is the worst thing that happened to the West in this era. It has been twisted so much that now catcalling is punishable by jail in some parts of Britain.
If most people are racist, why is it a bad thing?
Serious question.
Well then I'll be a racist. Just like the original Americans were called traitors.