Why shouln't atheists kill themselves?
Other urls found in this thread:
They think they're objectively worthless,
That good and evil are just random preferences
That there can be no free will
And that they're mindless flesh and bones in a perfectly determined objectively meaningless universe
Why wouldn't they kill themselves?
How long do you think they'd last Christanons?
Killing yourselves is one of the worst things you can do Goyim.
Life is precious and (for all you know) the only thing you have.
Now get back to making m-yourselves money
why are christians so rude and offensive?
>samefagging this hard
Fuck off with your pepe folder.
Just focus on the topic Finm8
Guess the truth hurts doesn't it atheist?
>1 post by this ID
This was a topic discussed by Durhkeim, and its a good question.
I have a reason to continue as verbalized by the apostle Paul, that "To live is Christ to die is gain" It is better for me to be dead now and with my creator, but for the ministry's purpose I continue.
If the non-christian doesn't suicide, there is some uncertainty about what lies after or a conviction that the physical life now is superior
Oh and you know how they talk about:
>creating morals XDDDDDDD
They never fucking do it. You know why?
Because according to what they believe in they fucking know they'd be lying to themselves
If you don't believe in eternity this is the only chance of existence you have. So why would you end it?
Answer my question first: Why would you continue it?
Your lives seem like a continuous "meh, why not?"
They should.
wait, how does christianity even work?
will i get out of jail free pass?
If i commit a crime and pray to jesus saying im sorry, will i be forgiven?
If not then christianity is just a waste of time degenerate fuck.
> If i commit a crime and pray to jesus saying im sorry, will i be forgiven?
Nah, you do the crime. you do the time plus the praying.
Focus on the topic
So its a waste of time.
Digits prove that christians should kill themselves.
B-but im an atheist that doesnt see prehistoric ways of mass-control a smart idea...
You should consider worshiping fear.
Can you please just focus on the subject of the thread?
>So its a waste of time.
>Digits prove that christians should kill themselves.
Based on the fact that you still get punished for your crimes?
Wew lad. Edgy.
There's a limit to what you can do before your sins are unpardonable. If your sins are comparable to those of the Pharisees that persecuted Jesus, which include
•Blaspheming/Condemning of God
Then you're pretty much set for Hell.
You swine. You vulgar little maggot. You worthless bag of filth. I wager you couldn't empty a boot of excrement were the instructions on the heel. You are a canker. A sore that won't go away. I would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you. Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it more rapidly.
Whoa chill mate. It's not my fault you guys objectively have nothing to live for
Even though atheists do not believe in God, they can still choose to wake up everyday and embrace life.
Atheism is just baby mode nihilism
Why would they if is true?
A grown up adult should have enough common sense and become an atheist at some point anyway. I mean, you have to be really really retarded to honestly believe in angels and gods and all that stupid shit. Even if you just believed in karma I would still consider you borderline retarded. If you lack the intelligence to understand your own existence and how the world works around you then why bother to live? You will never be good at anything without being able to think rationally. Atheists can be retarded too, but people who can see through the religious horseshit and understand science are much more needed than religious trash.
But i see any form of religion as a means to control the masses pretty bad.
Consider sudoku pls
I'd gladly go to hell if it existed.
See Stay focused
>How long do you think they'd last Christanons?
Been an atheist my entire life and I'm doing quite well.
Well enough that I don't feel the need to constantly shitpost strawman arguments to make myself feel smarter or relevant.
And you? How are you?
Stop being edgy
Not believing God exists doesn't mean you believe life has no value.
You believe life objectively has no value
>Life was an accident created by a Big Bang. There is no afterlife, death only means you will have no consciousness and everything becomes irrelevant
>life is precious
Pick one.
So why doesn't this make you kill yourself?
>There are a billion zillion mutually incompatible belief systems in the world
>M-my fairy tale is the truth! Atheists are so stupid
Really makes you think.
Energy has always existed in the universe and individuals have the freedom to assign value to their lives.
Fucking minion poster...
>individuals have the freedom to assign value to their lives.
If life objectively has no value wouldn't that just be completely lying to yourself?
Not an argument. Why should I believe in your specific randomly chosen sky-daddy theory?
Promoting suicide is not a Christian belief from what I know, and I myself am a Christian. So why are you doing so?
>Red Herring
Focus on the subject of this thread mate. You can start a thread on your subject if you want
Who said I was promoting it? You're implying I want people to stay atheists
Topic is that I should kill myself if I don't believe in your absurd sky-daddy theory, so I am on topic.
Next you'll tell me telling people to use your product isn't promoting your product. No. You're telling atheists to commit suicide.
Why do you think that philosophy is what drives human beings? Our inner mechanics are based upon ancient instincts the only thing that makes us different from animals is a part of our brain called the prefrontal cortex. How this manifests on a biological and physical level is that you can have inner monologues in your head which is what you call "thinking". And you can make up any sentence or construct in your head that doesn't make it real. This is why also smokers often fail to quit. It's not enough to think "smoking is bad for you I need to quit" because all you're doing basically is that you say this to yourself in the form of an inner monologue. But you're not completely in charge you can't just make up anything and declare that it will happen your subconscious is in control. You think people who don't believe in god have like this gap and have to make a fucking list or reason to not kill them selves? That's the thing mate. You don't even have to try your brain will carry on making you want to see good tits, or whatever fundamental kind of motivation to make you do the things you are supposed to do or to seek gratification.
Atheism (this Atheism ) has no mental defences against suicide
That's what I'm saying
why shouldnt christians want to be killed by atheist to get to paradise?
All I'm trying to do ITT is to get atheists to stop being atheists
Probably hedonism keeps them alive
God is a concept created by man whereas energy has always existed.
If atheist kill themselves then you wouldn't have improvement on science and they should not have invented the internet.
I hope they did killed themselves so we won't have neet christians on this faggy board and everyone is just killing each other for the sake of God
I will.
I'm just waiting for my parents to die so I can do it.
why should they?
That's not what we're talking about
>So why doesn't this make you kill yourself?
Because it's not true.
>They think they're objectively worthless,
That statement has no meaning.
>That good and evil are just random preferences
No, i believe "good and evil" don't exist in the physical world. The only context in which those two terms have any meaning is as synonyms for actions we find morally acceptable or reprehensible. And our morality is based purely on our evolutionary past. As we started forming groups / tribes, it was an evolutionary advantage to have compassion towards other group members, as it increased the survival chance of the group as a whole. This is also why you find "human-like" emotions only in pack animals.
>That there can be no free will
No. At the moment, we lack the knowledge to explain sentience / free will, but that doesn't mean we don't have it nor that it's not possible. Determinism hasn't been a thing for decades now.
>And that they're mindless flesh and bones in a perfectly determined objectively meaningless universe
No, see above.
>Why wouldn't they kill themselves?
Because your strawman is highly misrepresentative and completely out of touch with reality.
You've never looked into any religion beyond what leddit tells you, huh?
That's exactly how I believe most of you guys work
See (second sentence)
I'll repeat:
Atheists have the FREEDOM to assign value to life because they have independent thought.
Not all atheists believe life has no value.
You can be an atheist and assign value to your existence.
Why aren't you doing this to Muslims? They have extreme beliefs but atheists don't. One group is dangerous and the other is not but the mentally stable group is apparently bad, in your eyes. Free will used for self purposes is apparently bad. It's like you're proclaiming yourself to be higher than the others but denying your actions when the others can clearly see it.
Christianity is the truth
Will to live is an instinct, so yes.
One's body does not belong to oneself; killing yourself or anyone else is depriving God of one of his creations, and humans simply do not have the right
>>They think they're objectively worthless,
>That statement has no meaning.
They think that they, themselves objectively (from an objective point of view) have no worth/value/importance
>highly misrepresentative and completely out of touch with reality.
This is the belief that many atheists share
You might just not be exactly like that
Back on topic.
Atheists shouldnt kill themselves because we know religious people are inferior to us.
If value objectively does not exist, then why pretend you are creating value?
If there objectively is no value, what you're doing is just creating feelings
Because it's a worse fate than meeting the devil himself.
Love your enemy as you love yourself. Christians have a duty to guide the lost sheep of God.
Just go to heaven church fag.
Why live when you can go to your master in the cloud castle?
You think Christianity is worthless
A number times 0 is still 0 my friend
You niggers are still replying to this troll and his 58th thread? God, you people sure are stupid.
kek you just fuck'd yourself.
So you're comparing yourself to 0
Great standards my friend
Now you seem to be trying to imply that nihilism and atheism is the same thing.
Having the FREEDOM TO DECIDE value of life is what atheism is about. You decide what your life stands for when you're atheist. You may want to invest your time in helping your community thrive and starting a family because you value LIFE. Just because you don't believe God exists doesn't mean you don't value life!!!!
I just live for the memes tbqh lad
user answered your question. deal with it.
An instinct that could be overridden
>this thread
>this is the only chance of existence you have
How does that mean you have to live it?
But it's true. Why aren't you making these threads for muslims? Give me an anwser.
Why speed to get to the party when you know no one's gonna be there?
Comparing myself to a random number.
Either way niggers and niggerlovers are the majority of christians nowadays.
Either you're one of them or you're lost buddy.
It would be great if they all did!
im having a great time. why end it?
Why should i kill myself if this is the only chance i have at existing?
But why would it? And why would we need a theist theory as to meaning of life? And why would we need free will?
Why should they?
>we are biologically designed to keep on living
You're letting your life live you instead of you living your life