SuperStation95 is spreading rumours of the Planet of the Apes uprising tomorrow. Any evidence for any of this shit? They're claimng this info came from multiple Tor sites.
Any evidence of the Grand Chimpout?
Other urls found in this thread:
The alleged list.
Phoenix, AZ
Tuscon, AZ
Little Rock, AR
San Francisco, CA
Oakland, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Denver, CO
Washington DC:
Atlanta, GA
Tampa, FL
Orlando, FL
Miami, FL
Chicago, IL
Des Moines, IA
New Orleans, LA
Baltimore, MD
Boston, MA
Detroit, MI
Lansing, MI
Ann Arbor, MI
Minneapolis, MN
St. Louis, MO
Carson City, NV
Manhattan, NY
Newark, NJ
Durham, NC
Columbus, OH
Cleveland, OH
Portland, OR
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Nashville, TN
Memphis, TN
Austin, TX
Salt Lake City, UT
Seattle, WA
Milwaukee, WI
>Each rally is timed to begin at exactly the same time as every other rally: 7:00 PM EASTERN US TIME. This is very significant because it is different from any rally effort in the past. In the past, rallies were all scheduled to begin at "local" time. So there would logically be an hour difference in the start times for each time zone in the US; but not this Friday. This Friday, all the rallies are scheduled to start at 7PM EDT and this is very worrisome because if 37 attacks erupt in 37 US cities simultaneously, then the entire nation would find itself under siege and THAT may be a reason for the imposition of Martial Law.
>Deray McKesson, a former candidate for Mayor of Baltimore, is the Black Lives Matter organizer whose Twitter account was HACKED, revealing discussion he was having with other BLM activists about "imposing Martial Law" so as to "cancel the election" and have "Obama remain in office." The full story about McKesson, including images of his HACKED Twitter messages talking about Martial Law and keeping Obama in office after elections are cancelled, appears HERE. These messages were part of a plan known as "Summer of Chaos" and they culminate with such ferocious "protests" at the Republican and Democrat political conventions, that the country is driven into Martial Law.
>If attacks were to take place this Friday, in 37 cities, and that was followed by similar ferocious attacks at the GOP and Democrat conventions, it is not hard to speculate that "someone" might exploit such a situation to keep Obama as President of the United States despite his term of office expiring in about 192 days. It is, after all, within the power of a US President to declare Martial Law, but not to keep himself in office beyond the expiration of his term of office.
>Why then did President Obama, meet with Deray McKesson at the White House yesterday for four and a half hours?
>Why would McKesson, who was caught planning the imposition of Martial Law to keep Obama in Office, be given a 4.5 hour meeting with Obama just days before McKesson's plans are allegedly to take place? Is it because Obama is "in on it?" Is it because this really _is_ a plan for Martial Law in the USA? Why else would a nobody like Deray McKesson, even have access to the President of the United States?
>The writing seems to be on the wall, folks. TOMORROW, Friday July 15, is when the 37 rallies are planned to start simultaneously. Web sites on the Dark Web show plans for hideous, murderous violence at those events. The Republican Convention is due to start three days later, on July 18.
>Will the country be in violent turmoil starting tomorrow? Will _YOU_ be one of the people who attend "protests" in the cities above and possibly become a victim of deadly violence?
>Know this: Barack Hussein Obama's Presidency expires at 12 Noon, eastern time, on January 20, 2017. Nothing on the face of the earth can change that. After that date, he is no longer President, no matter what he says. Remember that. Act accordingly to protect our liberty.
>For the coming Republican National Convention in Cleveland, the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) has announcd it will avail itself of the "open carry" laws of Oihio, and attend a protest of the convention HEAVILY ARMED.
>The Police in Cleveland will also be present, bearing their typical weaponry as it is right and proper for police to do.
>With all the tension nationwide, what happens if someone . . . . no one knows who . . . . fires one or more gunshots in a situation like that?
>Well, it is reasonable to believe that everyone who is armed, is going to raise those arms over the gunshot(s), trying to find them and protect themselves. So how hard would it be to trigger a massive gun battle between the New Black Panther Party and cops, if someone fires a gun and bothe the NBPP and Cops raise their weapons at each other over it?
>This seems like a "no brainer." We could see and absolute SLAUGHTER take place under such circumstances. And if such a slaughter does take place, it will only serve to ignite even more widespread violence.
>It appears to me that the Cleveland Police are being used as bait; put out there at the convention for the PURPOSE of being attacked and killed by armed NBPP radicals. Perhaps that's why other police departments around the nation, have been REFUSING to send their officers to Cleveland to assist the Cleveland PD. Perhaps the "word is out" that the Cleveland cops are going to be attacked and killed, and none of the other police departments are willing to send their men to slaughter.
Bump for signs of monkeyshines
I can't find much myself. We'll just have to wait and see.
Let it burn.
>Austin, TX
>lets hit the most liberal city in Texas. That will show em.
Good. Nothing of value will be lost in Texas. Maybe the survivors will be redpilled as a bonus.
How liberal on a scale from 1 to 10 is Austin?
The last incident in Texas I read about was about some Arabs trying shit and getting shot on a parking lot.
Why happenings always seem to concentrate around the end of summer? Last august we had a mini recession and the refugee crisis began. Then the winter and spring were pretty boring and now we've been having lots of action again.
>winter and spring were pretty boring
Finbro, we got a happening involving frogs getting massacred and waffles being bombed.
Not boring, I'd say.
>Seattle, WA
please, god, let it happen
It is a recycled 2014 meme. You've been had.
Gunshots? I bet a firework exploding or a good sound system playing some gansta rap with gunshots in it is gonna do the trick.
Sometimes it feels good to be a Virginian.
I would expect shit in Norfolk, Richmond, Hampton/NN anyways though.
Snopes is a liberal mouthpiece.
Meh, just another days in EU.
>tampa fl
YES YES im in land o lakes gonna sign up to join a miltta any bros from fl ?
I look forward to hearing about this on the news.
Stay safe Amerifags.
>St. Dinduis MO
I've had enough
My city isn't on the list, but none the less I am prepared for chimpouts.
You are right, but read the article. The same list was posted by "anonymous" in 2014 and nothing happened. Snopes is shit, but they aren't always wrong.
Blacks dont have enough agency for organized chimpouts and the whites arent actually convicted enough for violence. If this is their plan, it will fall flat on its face. Look at how white those cities are.
>tfw Pittsburgh
Thank god the semester starts in late August.
As far as the USA goes maybe a 5/10.
If we are comparing it to other Texas cities like Houston or El Paso, 8/10.
Any bullshit laws we have now or general representation for gun control stems from Austin, Louisiana gimmedats that came to Houston during Katrina, and a few border jumpers that are still Mexican at heart. Texas is like Sup Forums. If you come over you will get redpilled over a long enough time but the problem that makes us only 60% republican is the influx of other states coming over faster than we can convert. It's because land is really cheap here so we get all kinds.
I'm not allowed to carry to work. I will be breaking that rule tomorrow. I work downtown in one of these cities, just blocks from the location.
I will be avoiding the groups at all costs, but I'm not taking any chances.
A hacker on steroids could make that myth a reality.
After all, BLM ARE pretty angry and pent-up and cops DO have twitchy trigger fingers.
If someone could make enough yellow vans explode in strategic locations, race war would become a reality and Russian Federation would finally get rid of its worst foe.
For once I'm glad I live in Wyoming.
Someone go throw firecrackers over there.
Just fucking do it. Just. J U S T.
Blacks don't but Jews pulling the strings do
it's home of three liberal colleges. only college students and hipster live in Austin. so I'd say it's 7/10 on the liberal scale, giving credit that a lot of older people live there and it has tons of wild life and normal homes outside of shitty college towns
>Cleveland, OH
>tfw i live there
You won't know about grand plans until they're implemented.
if we talk about it, it will never happen.
Also reminder that some French guy did it too in fucking SJW-tier Paris.
Don't be pussies guys I'd do it myself if it was happening in my country.
>check state
>its just Austin
And nothing of value was lost.
Can't wait to hang out in my magnolia condo with a few of queen ann and watch this shit while i cook steaks and drink beer. Gonna be a fucking fucking friday!
>aw yeah vegas isnt on the list
>my cousin just went to seattle
ruh roh
Why do they never have sources for any of this shit, and why dont they go to police with this information
You'd think it would be very easy to get plants and informants into a group as large and easy to affiliate with as BLM
view of queen ann** fucking god dammit
This desu.
Sure. It COULD happen, but it won't. None of these faggots are organized well enough to make it happen nor do they have the numbers required.
Miami, if it is happening its going to get hairy.
>mfw niggers to the north and south
so like any other day then
Dude I'm in Wesley Chapel. This is not good. I have to drive to the Tampa airport to pick someone up tomorrow at 11:30 PM!!!!!!!
they need to just do this shit and get it off with. Draw a line in the sand and spill blood so this generation can get a taste of the revolution they want so much. They're not doing anything else other than throwing tantrums and being faggots I'm so fucking sick of hearing about this faggots. If they would actually show a shred of respect for themselves they would back up their rhetoric and then cops could at-least meet them on solid ground instead of being suckered and shot in the back
thats cool you wanting to hurt fellow american citizens or wanting to stop who are trying to divide? You are only go after the bait.
Here is a pastebin with the 2014 list. You can see for yourself without relying on Snopes.
mfw my city is not on the list
I love how all Texans that showed up instantly came to the same conclusion. We really are Americas last bastion.
We've been hearing stale shit like this for years now. This one is funnier then normal though, I don't see BLM getting organized well enough to even attempt pulling something like this off.
>they plan on attacking the Chicago PD
oh god, I almost hope this is true. They're going to get their skulls bashed in.
but all they know is gorilla warfare user
This. Can't wait for the obligatory police scanner thread on Sup Forums during this protest.
>A hacker on steroids
this is a myth.
This slave uprising has really gotten out of hand. I mean, 151 years has to be some sort of record.
LOL hate to tell you this, but you ain't gonna make it sir. Praise be to kek.
>not Colorado Springs
Good. Kinda want to take the hour drive to watch the madness
i swear to god if these fucks screw up my weekend in SLC ill never fucking forgive them
That's not what I mean. I meant that some lulz-hungry anons could whip BLM activists into a killing frenzy.
There are plenty of cop lookalike uniforms for Halloween and cosplay, right? What if some /k/omedians would dress as cops, shoot a handcuffed dindu user with blanks and use those movie ketchup sprayers for blood, and upload that on Youtube, with the "operator" muttering "ohmygodohmygod" under breath?
That would create a genuine Twitter shitstorm and after that, when BLMs start some more shit, create another one after the reveal it's all fake.
I bet the copypasta would be hilarious.
>San Diego not on the list
I'm okay with this.
Guys I'm scared, I don't own a weapon
My family owns A pistol and they live in an upper-class suburb outside of the city district but they're blue-pilled af and aren't prepared for this shit at all
I'm worried for their safety, what should I do to prepare?
FOX said it, and they never lie.
>Houston and El Paso
>Biggest Democrat strongholds in Texas after Austin and San Antonio
Posting in an Alex John-tier retarded thread.
San Diego almost counts if the chimpouts were real, and they did it in L.A. San Diego would see at least some smaller scale residual chimping
>Former San Diego fag
Fuck that shithole.
>Columbus, OH
all 5 blacks will cause a riot? k
stage this action in an upperclass liberal area
let the boons storm the bastille
better to deflect/redirect attack if you are able
If you have ever been to DC it's comparable because of how similarly they wanted to mimic it when Texas was independent. But instead of large amounts of niggers there are large amounts of spics and Californians.
You forgot the E on Anne
is it okay if im black aswell>?
Out of 181k people... SLC is at absolute most 5% chimp. You're good to go even if they bus them in. Those of us in real chimp zones are the ones who need to worry.
Yeah that would be a bad idea shooting at someone with a blank. You can still easily kill someone with a blank from the wadding
Same, Greeley here.
>Orlando, FL
Looks like my investment in a firearm might pay off tomorrow.
rip not only do i hate that airport but with mobs running around make sure to bring a gun no joke hell most the time i have to go to tampa at night i carry
Maybe they'll come over from Cleveland and Akron and shit user
>Columbus, OH
seriously? I'm trying to fucking move tomorrow and I'm gonna have to deal with Planet of the Goddamn Apes?
I knew I should have bought another shotgun.
marshal law time boys.
Good thinking, comrade! You have earned a promotion to Memejor.
Post deep web stuff
Oh god, imagining the whole board preparing for the chimpout warms my heart.
>Implying they wont stay in Aurora and burn there own neighborhood to the ground
It's a good thing it's fake then huh?
Yeah I got wadded in the face once in boarding school.
Yes I live in Denver. I finally get to witness a chimpening.
Carry a chain. Go to home depot, pick one out that's not too thick and not too think and buy a nice length of it. Use it for lashing the neck and face
>go to Hardware store
>get a good long axe handle
>start warming up and stretching
>wrap it with a bit of electrical tape and put a couple nails in the fat end
Thank god I just bought a semi-auto last week in case a spontaneous riot erupts near me
Well, not point-blank then. Put him against a wall 3 meters away.
Maybe hand-load the rounds and reduce the amount of powder?
And attach a padlock on the end of it and wear a leather glove when using it.
No hurt my Pittsburgh you niggers. My mom is a heating and energy assistance caseworker. She gets your electricity.
When you “empower” negroes by making them think that they’re more important than they really are (e.g., via the civil rights movement and Affirmative Action laws), they get uppity and cocky, and they start making all sorts of demands, and then this type of violence happens.
>what are mexicans.
It would take more than that to set them off. Women make up a large percentage of the BLM movement and they will not resort to violence. Nigger thugs would be your best bet, but they aren't actually political, so it would be hard to set them off. They are too busy killing and fucking each other on the down low to pay much attention to cops killing a few of their own.
That guy from /k/ went there and actually shot some for real and they did nothing. There will not be a race or civil war due to BLM.