Why are they all so mean to her?

Why are they all so mean to her?

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cheap laughs that get annoying

Look at her....

Deep down she's an evil, selfish fucking cunt

She's hot

she's a bird lol

>Deep down

Mac is gay
Charlie was exclusively attracted to the Waitress
Dennis already hates women plus she's his sister
Frank hates his children

She is, but when she has the upper hand (mostly on men that are attracted to her) she's a demon.

Like that hardware guy.

because she acts like she's morally above everyone when she's not

Seems like they use family guy's Meg schtick

you've never had a sister?

"The gang broke Dee" is a pretty solid episode

I also love the little bit they do in "Chardie Macdennis" where they say Dee is great at emotional battery and how they berated that bitch for a solid 30min and she didn't shed a tear. Then charlie was like, didn't she try to kill herself and Mac was like, "Yeah... yeah she did I saw it but didn't wanna say anything..."

I had to rewind to watch that bit again for the keks, had me in tears.

shes no golden god and she looks like a bird

Dennis has to ensure he's the better twin

Mac (when he was in the closet) needed an excuse as to why he wasn't attracted to her sexually

Charlie wants to be included

Frank was cuckholded

that's how South Philly trash interact

She was supposed to start out as the voice of reason/wooby character that gets shit on constantly but they figured it would be funnier if she actually deserved everything she got. So I guess the Gang rubbed off on her for the worse and her whole life is spent trying to fit in with them by doing terrible shit until it reaches a crescendo here It's understandable to see why she is the way she is unless you hate the other characters equally or more, because they all do far, far worse.

She does the best drunk impression I've seen, outside of Jim Lahey's actor. I also think she may be the best legitimate actor on the show.

>best legitimate actor
>not danny fucking devito

Also Glenn and Charlie are equally as good if not better. I love Kaitlin Olson but she is the same exact character in The Mick.

>Jim Lahey

I wonder what that shit he was chugging actually was.

Because she's as shitty a person as the rest of them.

They all do great drunk impressions.

Howerton's drunk impression is dogshit, but his facial expressions steal the show. I haven't seen the Mick.

Howerton's are dogshit. Compare them.

She's the worst person of the group.

>Charlie does shit because he's retarded

>Mac does shit because he's delusional

>Dennis does shit because he's a narcissist with sociopathic tendencies

>Frank does shit because he has money and he's bored

>Dee does shit because she's just evil and wants successful people to suffer

It's really fucking funny, just don't expect her to be a remarkably different character or anything.

When frank works people to death in sweatshops he's bored, but when Dee does it, she's "evil"

Cucks are so fucking deluded why do they keep living.

Season 2 when Mac tells Dennis to drive to the strip club or even Season 1 when Mac gets Dennis shit faced for Dee's plan.

Charlie's would obviously be the best friend episode

Dee during Charile and Dee Find Love

Frank when he is trying to bang his wifes sister

When was Mac drunk?

guys theyre all depraved


After listening to various movie commentaries I've learned they usually put tea in liquor bottles for movies

I forgot about Franks shady past, true. Frank is from the bottom of the barrel as well. Dennis is sketchy too but mostly harmless I think because everyone apart from the group seems to ignore him the moment they catch up to him.

Dennis is not harmless. Remember the tools?

And Mac spreads diseases to countless people.

Charlie is the ONLY redeemable one and he is a man who runs around naked in the sewer and wears the same pair of underwear for months or years.

Isn't she Dennises twin?

Always thought it was like this... Dennis 100% psychopath, Dee 75%, Mac 50%, Charlie 25%.

Charlie is mean because of the spider

Shit, I don't think Mac has gotten wasted like all the others. Freaked out, yes. Wasted, No.

Mac and Charlie aren't psychopaths, Dennis canonically has BPD and Dee is just a histrionic chronic faulire.

Season 13 could be amazing:

>Charlie is constantly trying to avoid pregnant Waitress who is a total bitch

>Dennis is trying to get visitation with his son but all his illegal bullshit catches up with him

>Dee is trying to stop Frank moving in with her

>Mac is doing everything he can to make Dennis sleep with him

Dennis is not bipolar, he's psychotic

No he literally gets diagnosed with BPD in the show.

It's a satire on female roles in TV/movies. Even though at the beginning she's the only normal/"good" main character, she's also the only female main character so the rest of the gang shits on her.

The joke isn't as good now that she's a piece of shit too.

The BP stands for borderline personality, not bi polar

I wouldn't mind huffing her ass desu

Because in Real Life everyone on Sunny is alot less handsome than in the show.

Uh the hardware guy was a serial killer and only wanted to put Lee's head in a freezer
And let's not forget
>Hey, can I get D.E.E.'d again?