Stop denying quality of life to the working class conservaCucks
As if China needs another economical bump or more American debt.
Le bump
Just lower income taxes instead, same effect but without the downsides
they dont need to raise it
they just need to drop the globalism shit and kick out millions of freeloaders who like to burn our flag
Why not make the minimum wage one million dollars an hour?
lol captcha with Pocahontas
>Cherokee Dartmouth
Because that's 46kish a year and no one fucking deserves that at McDonald's
It's cuckservatices, not conservacucks. And the cuckservative are precisely people like you who think legislation create wealth, a.k.a economically illiterate people.
You're welcome.
I can't wait for the implosion of the USD + crash of US economy, and the liberal art students having to work for the equivalent of 3 or 4$ /hour that they are, internationally, worth.
Why are they comparing the wage for the lowest-skilled workers to the average productivity of everyone? Most of the increase is due to highly-skilled workers, people flipping burgers for minimum wage now aren't 3x as productive than they were in 1960.
Would not have to increase min wage if you faggot cunts stopped raising taxes. Of coarse we know how liberals love raising taxes for dem programs.
Productivity has increase because employers have made investments in technology. Why do the workers deserve more money because their employer made an intelligent investment? An increase in minimum wage will just make inflation go up and we'll be back to square one but now people's savings will be worth less.
Sadly the damage is already done. The only way people can keep their savings it to increase the value of the dollar without printing more fiat currency. Back to the Gold standard.
It would kill small businesses the most who can't afford to pay unskilled labor $15 an hour. I have a 4 year IT degree, I would be pissed if some nigger burger flipper got paid as much as me for having 0 skills.
>implying burger flippers deserve $22/he
>liberals in charge of economics
I'm 19. I'm not listening to your problems. I live at my job and spend ime off at home working around the house and treating my family to dinner and drinks as thanks.
>graduated hs 2 years ago
>went from min wage to 20.25 now
>tons of overtime that I ASKED FOR
>10k in saving right now
>5k set aside for car payments
>meeting with realtor and financial advisor this summer on time off
Can someone in canada tell me what's best? Buy a house to rent out, develop cabin land, (both of these rural) or stick another 10k in td e-share or something?
But then whose gonna pay for dem programs and whose gonna fund the citizenship lotto. Citizenship lotto BTW is for illegals who make too much money to get a waiver for the application (about 650 dollars) so they pick 2000 random illegals a year who make too much money and pay for their application process fees.
Don't buy real estate until the bubble pops
If you aren't skilled enough to earn a living wage, why should you live?
>I'm nor an economist, but I AM a female politician so do what I say.
>or you're sexist and racist and deserve jail
Fuck this bitch.
America needs more exports. More exports mean more jobs. Problem solved
Until then though, I hear by 2018 well be going down fast. My gic is 2 years I'll get it March that year. Do I buy a 1 year right now? Pull everything out and pay off the car now fuck credit style? Buy 10k in gold?
Just do away with all that shit and have people buy citizenship for 50k. Welfare and programs don't do shit except drain money.
>but women and third worlders should work too!
gee i wonder why wages didn't rise
Yes the 14$ went to the bureaucrats like you Pocahontas.
22$ minimum wage would price shitskins out of the market lads.
Federal overtime laws need an overhaul. For example, I've been working since last Tuesday because of 4th of July and not a single hour of that went into overtime because of my pay period starting on this Monday.
It really should be a 7 day ROLLING calendar. None of this "hurr durr muh pay periods" bullshit. It's fucking bullshit that I have to work 10 days in a row and not get any overtime.
Fucking this. I am a shift manager at BK and I cannot wait for these. We can get rid of the stupidest most useless people.
Can't wait to see all the hipsters working at local coffee shops and pizzerias piss and moan after they lose their jobs. Do they seriously think these kind of jobs are what an adult should strive for?
Well I'm no hipster or liberal arts student personally but I have an IT degree and this sorta stuff the only available job I ever see in my own search, which really sucks. Employers honestly don't give a shit either way no matter what the min wage is.
$22/hr is still not that much. Why not $1000/hr? You don't hate poor people OP, do you?
You want to get rid of starter jobs for teenagers?
Why not a million?
It's arbitrary once you disconnect it from the market value of labor.
The Jews don't want everyone to be rich.
>muh artisanal minimum wage
Kek. I worked with a broad at little cases I highschool that was thrilled. Her husband worked demo and between housing her 200$ cheques were lavish spending money
what if warren becomes pres and the economy becomes good again? I just want the country to in a good condition, I don't care who gets in.
She's right though, implying you keep a minimum wage. She should stick to arguing about credit debt and student debt.
#End the Min Wage
Federal minimum wage should be $0.
Sates vary too much.
They don't understand anything about economics. Warren is famous for her interviews where she discussed predatory lending then became senator and didn't do shit against banks.
There are several factors going into the wage rate and productivity, one of the most obvious is technology. It's no coincidence everything is so cheap while wages have stagnated, technology is filling that gap. Another huge factor is immigration and globalization. Globalization is great for the 3rd worlders getting tons of jobs at $2/hour but not so great for the guy in the west losing his job at $18/hour. Immigration is only beneficial when there's a lot of slack in the job market and positions need to be filled, but this is always temporary in any market. New people move into any sector where there's a high demand, like college kids getting an MBA and making $80k out of college. Eventually the gaps get filled and there's a surplus so those jobs "dry up" and the slack moves on. The commodity sector is a great example as it tends to swing like mad, going from huge surpluses to huge gaps in labor. If we really wanted the wage rate to rise and for the country to flourish, we'd drop immigration to 0, kick out illegals and prevent further illegal immigration. In general, teenagers and blacks would benefit the most as they're the least skilled groups. But we don't want the black man well employed...he might become a conservative...
But then won't some states decide to be like "fuck you" to workers and not have a min wage either if it was just up to them? Basically making most of them slave labor?
>implying lazy ass neets should make $22 an hour flipping patties at Burger King
If this happens most of the work force is getting replaced by robots.
You could federally mandate that states set a minimum wage that is liveable for one person and just not define a number.
Minimum wage should be 100 bucks per hour. Then you would need to work just few hours a week. But racist republicans just want to keep poor people poor, man.
>promise to kill taxes for poverty and low income
>increase min wage to the point where youd be above the low income/poverty line and get taxed hard because free free free programs
What a troll
But that'll just piss off "muh state's rights" people still. "How dare the gov tell us we gotta give people a living wage"
how about we just coordinate the raise the value of the money so rent is 100.00 and a soda costs 5c?
you forgot about women in the workforce. DOUBLING the number of wagecucks make everyone more expendable. Even she knows it contributes but won't fess to it for being un-PC.
Then you'll be next once they only need GMs around
and then the price of a mountain dew would be $6.99
Why is that bitch so nasty. She looks as disgusting as she sounds.
Gross peice of trash needs to be thrown in the back of a garbage truck. Worthless.
>black male
hahaha even employed (for however little that lasts), blacks will never be conservative. LBJ got them niggers voting democrat for the next 400 years.
Pay off your car. You gain nothing by owing on it.
I have to say that women really shot themselves in the foot with that one. They fell for the "work makes you free" meme. Now women HAVE to work because men don't bring home enough money.
You're probably right...
This proves the economic mental failings of conservashits. If the min wage goes up, all climb the ladder career wages go up. Inflation only goes up in certain markets due to an increase in wages, but the value of work itself is increased. Another plus is that you no longer need to have niggers and zitty teenagers touching your food, they will be forced into jobs such as sanitation and factory jobs which will have flat wages for 99% of workers in those respective industries. Anything requiring tiered wages will increase such as retail and professional jobs. So in other words a supervisor at McDonald's who used to make $14/hr will now be making $28/hr while the workers who used to be below her will be making a dollar more than what he/she used to make.
Im 19 so I'd like to ask. Does credit really mean fuck all in a recession? Will I just be looked at as a lump sum? That -5k will just be offset when they see I have it and I'll be nothing more than extra paper work?
So you artificially increase the value of burger flipping? Pray tell, nigger, how making a line cook and a manager more equal makes sense? How devaluing sanitation, mill workers and the like will push your weak underclass into those fields? Or are you trying to justify your recently added responsibility of dealing with pissed off customers who your pothead employees shorted a nugget?
Min wage push explained:
Automation is right now eliminating the jobs we outsourced over the last 25 years. As the cost of labor drops it becomes more and more economical to move production closer to the market, as the transportation costs begin to overcome the labor costs as you reduce the number of unskilled workers you need. So what do you do if you're a marxist commie traitor and you want to keep jobs out of the USA?
How does that work then? Instead you're going to see "Why study, I can easily live off being a barista". That's what happened here in the Netherlands which has a decent minimum wage and the cost of studying went WAY the fuck up.
In 1 year, a 8500 drop in applicants. That's fucking HUGE for a small country like us.
import more shitskins and have the goyim pay for them to go to school boom problem solved.
>So what do you do if you're a marxist commie traitor and you want to keep jobs out of the USA?
You're saying they'd choose to raise minimum wage here to make the transportation costs *seem* smaller in comparison just out of spite for the American worker?
and the failings of an apparent libtard in reading history. minimum wages have gone up yet average wages remain the same and purchasing power has gone down.
Spotted the sanitation worker. Good luck with those stagnant wages regardless.
Ps you completely failed to understand my knowledge bomb. I was saying those who say the wages will remain the same as the minimum wages in lower tier positions are economically retarded and you proved it. I will however repeat myself so you can actually potentially absorb the truth. All wages increase in industries with tiered jobs, so no your argument that a supervisor and burger flipper will be equal is null and void. The price of the goods will be slightly inflated but better customer service will be the trade off because increased demand keeps competitive businesses from inflating to match wages. In other words people have more money to spend, demand for goods increases and all losses are accounted for. Any argument that inflation will increase across the board is misleading at best and propagandized thought at worst.
So if automation is going to be pushed to replace jobs, why isn't there a breeding control program?
Stupid people keep fucking and producing more stupid offspring that keep eating away our resources.
And where will the businesses magically get this extra money for the transitional period? You're effectively doubling their spending. Big companies like Google can handle such a blow but small companies like restaurants often barely make a profit as it is.
If the minimum wage kept pace with inflation since it was first enacted, it would be about $3.45
Welfare will be phased out by 2024, this was always the plan for both sides of the political parties.
and what about the hordes of low-skill workers (women, immigrants, and teenagers) who compete for those bottom rung slots? it's like musical chairs and the competition feeds into the stagnant wages.
>breeding control program?
The US had one of these for a few years, but they called it something else.
>Various scientific surveys of Iraqi deaths resulting from the first four years of the Iraq War estimated that between 151,000 and over one million Iraqis died as a result of conflict during this time. A later study, published in 2011, estimated that approximately 500,000 Iraqis had died as a result of the conflict since the invasion. Counts of deaths reported in newspapers collated by projects like the Iraq Body Count project found 174,000 Iraqis reported killed between 2003 and 2013, with between 112,000-123,000 of those killed being civilian noncombatants.
>Welfare will be phased out by 2024
you're delusional
>im shaquiqui and i work at mcdonalds for my 6 kids, gib me $22
haha good one
no one has made this joke before!
hilarious stuff mate!
Minimum wage jobs are for teenagers to earn pocket money. If you're over the age of 18 and still making minimum wage just go ahead and kill yourself now.
Why is this even an issue? Most minimum wage jobs will be automated within the next 20 years.
and you base that on what exactly?
we get it, you work for minimum wage and are on welfare
>mad cuz its true
>spotted the sanitation worker
And tell me what isn't a tiered industry? Have you never heard of management, foremen, health and safety, estimators, all the small guys that technically just sub themselves out? And what the fuck do you insinuate next? That by upping the price on burgers people will be inclined to buy more? That by turning mcdonalds into a high service restaurant people will pay high service prices and accept low quality food? Also, how won't inflation increase across the board? Just as the garbage truck moves to a driver with a single automated arm, the restaurant will move to a cashier less environment. How will hordes of lower class people compete with one another? The 4 feasible options are
>resort to a primitive society
>closed borders and eugenics practices
>socialized basic income
>a new "decade of decadence" until you go the way of the Romans
What are tariffs?
>if i shitpost enough maybe i'll fit in
>American flag
taxes on trade
Just save my post and keep an eye on the US welfare system. It's simply not tenable any more in 2025 so the choices are the death of the US or getting rid of welfare.
maybe if i beg for higher minimum wage, ill fit in with the cucks at black lives matter
Check commodity prices and you'll see how far that chart is off. A dollar is worth between .02 and .04 from those days.
you don't even live here you misinformed shit. you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
>haha i said cuck! am i cool yet?
I'm a conservashit and I generally agree with this sentiment. Not really in favor of legislating minimum wage though. Maybe we should make it harder for American businesses to do their major production in overseas sweatshops with what is essentially slave labor, except the people there have it so bad from their own governments they're begging to be slaves.
you will kill small businesses and make america less competitive . there will be no agricultural production but tobacco in america because nobody will be able to buy american oranges and strawberries. farmers raise their prices when minimum wage goes up
>makes fun of people for shitposting
Why the fuck would I want to fit in on a Vietnamese fur-trading board? Give me one good reason why we should pay people more than their worth
I'm saying they are desperate to keep labor costs prohibitively high here so that it never becomes profitable to move back. That's why they are going for such a large increase, 7.25 to 15.00? Fucking absurd. There is no reasonable justification to raise it by that much. At the same time it fucks small businesses right in the ass. In fact this will probably result in even more jobs being outsourced.
>raise min wage
>everybody takes their business to china
>now joe sixpack makes $0 an hour instead of $8
wow what a great non solution
Money doesn't have intrinsic value, raising minimum wage does not magically increase purchasing power. People in the past "made less" but had more purchasing power. But i wouldn't expect a faggot liberal to understand economics.
low wages is caused by the federal reserve policies. There was never a problem while the US was on the gold standard.
>transitional period
There is none. As soon as people start making more money they will start spending more money. This means all businesses including small businesses will increase their overall revenue. There will also be an increase in entrepreneurial incentive because of the increase in demand. This will create the jobs we need and circumvent the problem of corporations globalizing our economy. The demand for cheap goods from china will decrease as retail standards are raised. Nobody is going to settle for junk when they can afford quality. I think it's kind of funny how economic conservatives are rightfully against the global initiative but then they are against increasing the minimum wage because the globalists want us to compete. That is some backwards thinking shit if you ask me. It's like saying you're against what they're doing but you're going to play into their game because they're going to ship the jobs anyway. These idiots would still be arguing against the minimum wage even if we passed legislation to keep the jobs here. Talk about useful cuckery and the "libtards" are supposed to be the chucked ones,
Does Warren know anything about economics?
When you massively import third world unskilled labor the demand of jobs and wages will go down, combined with the printing of unsubstantiated money to build even more debt.
Sector productivity has gone up drastically due to computer systems and automation, what does that chart prove? More robots is better.
>everybody takes their business to china
how do you outsource the service industry?
Lol I work at walmart and $14.50 an hour doing almost nothing lol, and im going to night school so my passion can become my income, enjoy your crippling debt fag
In what way has the productivity of waiters gone up in the last 55 years?