What is the purpose of Youtube Atheism?

What is the purpose of Youtube Atheism?

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Another liberal propaganda.

To destory the last chance of an Egyptian revise.

Wasting time in a life you think is pointless and futile.

To make money.

What is the purpose of any opinionated video?

Why don't you like me Sup Forums? We're all atheist right?

All youtube atheists are attention whores.

ex: Banana boy

>Cuck: The Person
Are we sure there isn't a bull just off screen


This video is a perfect example.

His arguments are not science. He's literally "You're religion is similar to others, thus I don't believe in it". Why is he even attacking the woman in this video, she seems pretty humble and he didn't even directly disprove her arguments all the while twisting what she was saying.

Anyways, he's not science. He's a Youtube atheist. Real atheists don't care enough about religion to get this butt hurt. This is why I choose to associate with Christian's over the modern atheist any day of the week.


Also this.

Circlejerk and feefee protection.

So people who share their views can watch their videos and feel smart

Shekels and attention, which we have been bred by the Jew to crave.

no one will watch this bitch anymore once she reach her 30's.

So they can circle jerk each other


Religion is his scapegoat.


>some guy in serbia sat at a computer in a basement and had to google pictures of penises to make this image

lol religion raped me and now i am weak cunt who the fuck even watches this

Attention whoring.

JewTube bucks.

really makes you think huh

And nobody will ever care about you or see your comment after this /thread is done

to show everyone how euphoric you are in the moment of making videos, but not because of some phony God's blessing, but because you are enlightened by your own inteligence

A ? R
R ? A
E ? R

I dont understand atheists, you won the battle 200 years ago and drove us to near ruin and begging for handouts in 2016.

Why are they so obsessed with our beliefs, youre the status quo already, leave us alone.

Yes why noone wants to watch my religious flat earthery and paranoia.
t. Butthurt theists


Kids who are upset they have to go to church, their dad took their X boxes away, etc.

im an atheist myself. and i belive that tryint to disproof someone else religion/belif system or trying to prove gods inexistence is retarded.What i can argue for is political implications of religion on society. So im pro drugs and abortion for exemple and i only accept rational arguments when someone tries to talk to me on the subject.

what the fuck is that meme where a murican guy posts RARE on a macedonian flag?

>Antichristian girl

I bet she is a coalburning whore.

this is not a bait thread at all you stupid goyim

I'm an atheist, but I feel no more fellowship among atheists than I do with cigarette smokers, or newspaper readers.

Secularism is more important to me than trying to convince people their religion isn't real, anyway. What a waste of time..

Ironically enough, it's a secular form of public piety.

selfish are the weak that not comete

no pun intended

To attract attention to oneself through controversial topics.

Its what people without talent or prospects do in between shifts at starbucks

Sticking bananas in your ass.

lurk more newfag

brazil, not astranger to banana ass fuckung

>Jaclyn Glenn
Her grandfather is Sup Forums


confused are the meek no longer

I think initially it was to let people know they aren't alone in their thinking but it's changed overtime into a cult-like movement. I'm an atheist but I want nothing to do with those people. The only thing that pisses me off more than people comparing me to those faggots is that they actually believe they're representing me and all others when they speak.



It's a Jew-funded degeneracy aimed at making the next generation of degenerates (aka atheists) through brainwashing and shaming.

To subvert the masses

Degenerates looking for an excuse to be degenerates

As an atheist I hate these people. I consider myself a cultural christian and believe Christianity has done great things for Europe. I have morals that coincide with the faith but feel no need for the belief itself.

Also Find it funny how many of these atheists double as Islamic apologists.

There's no reason to have faith in Naturalism


It's an outlet for kids rebelling against their strict parents.