Redpill failures

>Be in class
>Watching documentary on the Holocaust
>Someone says "Wow do some people actually deny the Holocaust happened?"
>Mention that there is no real evidence to support the Holocaust
>Go on to say that the gas chambers contain no traces of Zyklon-b, which was the chemical they used
>Also, mention that Zyklon-b is found in the delousing chambers
>Dirty looks all around
>People look horrified
>Girl angrily tells me about all the photos of dead Jewish people we just saw in the video
>Tell her that those are victims of typhus
>Add that the concentration camp had a pool and a hospital which doesn't make sense
>Eventually get asked to leave the classroom
>Pretty sure the entire class thinks I'm crazy or an anti-Jewish Nazi-sympathizer

Wat do? It's too late to get my money back if I drop out of the class.

Other urls found in this thread:äger_Report

Tell them to name and prove a single murder.

They feel sympathy for potent propaganda not anything true.

>get asked to leave the classroom

Why are millennials such fucking homos?

I'm only pushing 30, but the new generation of kids in their early 20s now seem like complete pussies, it's pretty worrying tbqhfamily


The most interesting part about the Jäger-Report is, that there is no original and just copies instead. Also the "SS" is written in normal "S" letter, which is rather strange since they had type writer with a sig-rune-key. Also everywhere there should be a "ß" an "ss" appears.

Oh yes and Karl Jäger was deemed as a individual of no concern by the allies and suddenly Jäger was imprisoned 1959 by the BRD and accused of being the author of the Report.

There never was a trial against him, since he suddenly died in prison 1959. Offcial version: Suicide by hanging in his cell.

>I'm crazy or an anti-Jewish Nazi-sympathizer

Sounds about right. Never forget the 6 gorrillion goyim!


I don't know what you expected op

Only Sup Forums users would be stupid enough to deny the holocaust

>B-but Hitler did nothing wrong xDD

Fuck 'em. If they don't want to learn they shouldn't go to class.

b-but my stormfront/whitesister/darkmoon sources are legit.
Yeah, who cares that Zundel, Schuster and Irving have all used fabricated sources and subjectives documents that were later debunked.

ask them where the autopsy reports showing gassings are

how can you deny something that never happened?

oy vey chaim

no shekels for you today, try later

People will believe what they want to believe, bro.

Let fools be fools, and never put your pearls before swine.

Not an argument.

Argue my claims and the Jaeger report properly.

You're saying that Zundel and co haven't fabricated?

Calling me a Jew isn't a good tactic.

If you had said that in Germany you would now be in Prison.

Just keep your mouth shut about thing you read on Sup Forums

>get asked to leave the classroom
>tell them to fuck off

Why didn't you do that, OP?
You can't get kicked out for differing opinions. If they want you out, let them take you out by force.

Nigga play it like Socrates, question everything instead of asserting it.

>what chemical did they use?
>did they find zyklon b in the gas chambers then, professor?
>really! can you give me your source so I can use it in an essay?

The only thing Hitler did wrong was not finishing the job.

I'm saying that Zundel won his trial

the prosecution was not able to produce even one autopsy showing zyklon gassing

Did you seriously deny the fucking holocaust in class?

how fucking autistic can you be

Funny that freedom of speech is granted for everything except when you talk about the JEWS and their 6 trillion

THIS, I always ask people questions, in softens the pill for them, although I never really talk about the Holocaust, cause i just don't care and I'd probably end up like OP.

>>Pretty sure the entire class thinks I'm crazy or an anti-Jewish Nazi-sympathizer

''Smart people seem crazy to dumb people''

>Yeah, who cares that Zundel, Schuster and Irving have all used fabricated sources

For curiosity, what was the situation, which historical event, where Irving was doing this, specifically? thx

So it's ok for him to fabricate in other instances, but others cant?

Look, I am not a Jew and I'm not arguing whether Hitler's war was right or wrong.

I just like to keep our side of the street clean, because when we claim that no Jews were murdered - or that there wasn't any form of systematic killings then we lose any chance of arguing actual figures and getting taken seriously.

Arguing facts/figures =/= sympathizing with kikes.

If you can understand German then you'll enjoy this - some good points/sources:

it's 6 million, actually

You've done good user. Atleast 5 kids will look up some redpilled facts from the hollahoax out in interest/spite/intrigue

Zundel used to cite Richard Verrall - now when degenerates on the left do the same (citing fabricated sources) we shut them off completely as we should.

You have obviously fallen for The Jew and his propaganda. These jpegs (compression artifacts come with them for free so you know I'm not a jew) will prove beyond a doubt that no jew was ever murdered by the nazis (but jews are still universally evil, subversive and would deserve wholesale extermination, if only someone had the clarity and strength of purpose to actually do it).

dude.. you cant just start with jews wtf even if you believe some of it is fake or exaggerated this should always be the last redpill after literally everything else and then and only then you can feed it and only slowly.. wtf did you think what would happen? No matter how takle something like this it will always be "racist!" without months if not years of previous feeding lower pills and preparation.
And after you messed up so fully please dont ever talk about trump to these people.. actually you should tell them you vote hillary this way you still can help.

just coincidences goyim remember the six gorillion

holy shit how can anyone be so autistic?

but they are the chosen race user surely .?

Yous seem incredibly unfamiliar with Irving then.
As much as I respect Irving for what he's done for freedom of speech - allowing us to question everything it's more in the methods in which he concludes things.

Trevor-Roper argued that: "He [Irving] seizes on a small, but dubious particle of 'evidence'; builds upon it, by private interpretation, a large general conclusion; and then overlooks or re-interprets the more substantial evidence and probability against it. Since this defective method is invariably used to excuse Hitler or the Nazis and to damage their opponents, we may reasonably speak of a consistent bias, unconsciously distorting the evidence".[5] Finally, Trevor-Roper commented: "When a historian relies mainly on primary sources, which we can not easily check, he challenges our confidence and forces us to ask critical questions. How reliable is his historical method? How sound is his judgment? We ask these questions particularly of a man like Mr. Irving, who makes a virtue of—almost a profession—of using arcane sources to affront established opinions".[4][6] Trevor-Roper ended by writing "He may read his manuscript diaries correctly. But we can never be quite sure, and when he is at most original, we are likely to be least sure".[6]

The British historian A. J. P. Taylor called Irving in 1978 an author of "unrivaled industry" and "good scholarship" regarding research in the archives.[4] Taylor criticised Irving's double standard with historical judgements, using as an example Irving's claim that the lack of a written Führer order proves that Hitler did not know about the Holocaust while at the same time claiming that the lack of a written order "proved" that Churchill ordered the "murder" of General Sikorski (In Accident, Irving claimed that there was a written order for Sikorski's "murder", but that Churchill had it destroyed). The British historian Paul Addison in 1979 described Irving as a "colossus of research", but criticised him for his view of "Churchill as wicked as Hitler" and "a schoolboy in judgment".[4] In a book review published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on 18 June 1979, the German historian Andreas Hillgruber for the most part offered a highly unfavorable judgment of Irving's work.[7] Despite his criticism, Hillgruber ended his review with the comment that Irving's work "amounts to an indubitable and in no way small merit of Irving".[7] In 1979, the German historian Jost Dülffer wrote that Irving was very good at tracking down and interviewing Hitler's former servants, but went on to write that "One can draw no appropriate picture of Hitler from the perspective of his domestic personnel. What kind of importance has a questioning of Hitler's valet or of other such persons?".[8]

Argue facts please.
I'm extremely open minded I don't eat shit from kikes or stormshills.

he was a failed academic

You had much courage to speak. I respect a lot. Some people may even take the redpill.

If I did that in France I'd go to jail.

are you able to produce any autopsies showing zyklon poisoning?

copy pasta ..

The pool was for guards you dumb nigger and of course they had a hospital. Laborers had to be healed as well as guards.

Why are holocaust-denial fags so delusional?

You don't have a lot of freedom of speech in school retard. I don't agree with that, but that's the way it is

>When a historian relies mainly on primary sources, which we can not easily check, he challenges our confidence and forces us to ask critical questions.
That's the entire basis of revisionism.

If this is the first day in class, you probably can get out of it and get your money back.

If not, just get out anyways. It also sends a message that you won't be tolerating their brainwashing. It would be best if you said it yourself, in front of the class.

they were burned in the crems

no one is claiming no jews were killed, there were plenty of jewish partisans, in war, you kill the enemy

we do claim that there was no genocide of jews, and that gassing was not used to kill jews

why no pics of the imates having a swim ..?

Read and make your own mind.
Would you take anyone who uses these methods seriously?
Imagine degenerates using these tactic to push their claims.

1 and a half million seems far fetched maybe a few thousand at most

He wasn't - was an extremely intelligent guy that actually provided us with so much that we know of the Third Reich today.

It's just unfortunate that a lot of his work cited footnotes that didn't even exist and when they did he often twisted the context completely - because people like you don't do your fact checking properly.

Now be honest with me.
Once you find out a historian has manipulated facts/data - do you continue trusting them?

Because the official narrative makes no goddamn sense when yoi actually look deeper into the logistics of the whole thing.

Mathematically it's impossible for the number of people they claim were killed at Auschwitz to have been burned in the time Auschwitz was operational. People don't realize how long it takes to cremate a body. It takes hours.

Plus the gas chambers are retardedly designed. It'd lead to contamination of the guards and workers. It only makes sense for them to be designed the way they were if they were a delousing chamber

>Yous seem incredibly unfamiliar with Irving then.

I'm quite familiar with Irving. I first read David Irving as a teen in the early 70's. Books on military history such as Convoy PQ17, Desert Fox, and the Destruction of Dresden. Long before he'd been tied to the holocaust, which he'd not previously showed much interest in. I've watched the trajectory, through several decades, of David Irving going from a respected author to the object of wikipedia smearing and the defamation that he's been saddled with. For having a big mouth and the wrong opinion.

You, on the other hand, know squat about David Irving. Kudos on using google though, and your cut and paste technique.

counsel, are you informing me that there is no corpus delecti in this action?

case dismissed!

I just got my co-worker to say "So that's why Hitler killed the jews" after explaining the power that Israel has. The secret is making them feel uncomfortable for what you say, not uncomfortable with you, and be playful, say things like "pfff, Donald said that he did not liked rapists and drug dealers, thise who immediately think of Mexico are the real racists"
Like your asian prostitute said: Be gentile

Ah, yes - you were a teen in the 70s.
Well, if you're that old you should be a lot wiser than us.
Do you trust his methods?

NO ..but some things can be embellished ..Not lies but unsubstantiated evidence maybe like someone telling him things ..?

nigger, I ain't reading shit, if you want to make a claim, at least give us a precis

>Wat do?
Go back in there and scream "HEIL HITLER" like a man.

Yes Your Honour I do say that an there rests my Case for the Third Riech , kek

You can't go about it this way, if you want to do this you must concede a point first, something like 'They most likely only burned them in ovens because there were no traces of any chemicals in gas chambers' etc., gotta argue in bite-sized pieces.

an a nazi salute jack boot marching in

That's your problem.
You want quick snippets - the shortest of the short.
Read in full - get the context - see how they work.
Same as the kikes do when they manipulate their shit to fuck with us.
The world is lazy and lands up eating their shit too.

what is this tangent you wish to argue about?

allegations of fraud in some authors? well, since we're not using those authors, how does it affect the matter at hand? namely, do you have evidence that the holyhoax occurred?

they would still turn on him an get him arrested for hate crimes kek

no, I want a precis

wow, insults? are you running out of arguments?

> that there is no original and just copies instead.
This is true for ALL so called "evidence"
nothing but copies of copies
No originals to be found anywhere
And if you ask, they just give you runarounds

>hey now uncle hitler didnt kill those people, he just rounded them up into camps where they all died from typhus, innocent mistake

You see - that's your first mistake.
Exposing yourself as a newfag.
Instead of wasting time (and trying to tire out the other person) with prove that the Holocaust happened - we could actually have a nice conversation about what really did happen during the Holocaust.
We could exchange info, figures, stats etc - as we've done on this site for over 10 years.
When you have the approach of "no one died - it was typhus" or "Auschwitz had pools - it wasn't all that bad" your opponent is already put off - and no, not because he's a kike - but because he's been on here for long enough talking with stormfags that don't deny the basics.
Calling you lazy isn't an insult - it's the truth, if you actually were interested in this topic (not just to be edgy) and wanted to learn, you'd read.

whilst young kids nowadays think it fashionable to rebel all things about soiciety mention the Jews dying in camps they darent question it as the kikes have indocrinated them from babes to believe these lies , I think the best vid I saw was a jew called David Cole who debunked the lies

Sources for any of these? A bunch of text boxes crudely thrown together in MS Paint don't mean anything if you don't have the sources to back up what you're saying.

*david stein

he's a jew, remember.

>your opponent is already put off
oh nooo, and I really cared about my opponent

if you have some evidence that it happened, present it

23yr old here. I fucking hate it. We need a good old war to thin the ranks and purge the weak

So were the nazis so humane that they trapped all jews in camps and let them die of typhus and lung diseases just for being born jews?
Really changes my opinion, stormfronter.

Keep arguing. If no one can provide evidence then tell them they aren't making an argument.

I see you in these threads a lot arguing with holocaust deniers but otherwise having positive things to say about Nazi Germany.

What exactly do you believe? Do you buy the standard 6 million argument completely or do you have a different theory?

No he spoke to the boss at Auschwitz
an he is a revisionist on the fact the trillions did Not Die ..

>We need a good old war to thin the ranks and purge the weak
that's why shits how it is all the good people died

yeah, jew david cole is based

but this one is my favourite

some so called death camps had only ONE so called eyewitness, yet people were executed on the basis of his hearsay

Shut the Fuck up you Nazi. I hope you are kicked out of school, Fuck you.

>not mentioning the swimming pools, cafes and theaters in every camp.

You dun goofed.

answer number 6, you can get the details from the auschwitz wiki page

How would you know anything swedehead your nation were cowards you were educated by leftist socialist freaks...

Take the class idiot, get a passing grade and never look back. Be a fucking man

I was certainly surprised /shocked how the Zionists told this huge lie ..
an Its virtually impossible to have killed so many kikes

Guys i know how stupid this sounds but god am i glad i was taught ww2 history by a German immigrant.


>be me in secondary school
>be sitting on table with school edgelord
>we're drawing 卐s on the table
>some stacy whore says "oy vey never forget the 6 gorillion who died"
>we're kicked out the class

One should always be wary of "eyewitness testimony" to wartime atrocities.

6 million would have wiped out every Jew in Europe at the time with enough left over to eradicate them from the rest of the world.


Go fuck yourself you beat dog.

Top Kek
we were lied to badly lad ..

>be me at 10th bd party
>had a kikes lad there
> Harvey Pogrands
> forces him to eat a pork pie ..
>pissed his pants an started crying
>wasnt bothered never brought a present the shit

I used to have a friend who was a complete fagtard. He was a Bernout who claimed to be against the 1% and their agenda but easily fell for their propaganda. He thought the EU was good. Lmao. So many ignorant statements he made. I btfo of him so many times. I'm not trying to toot my horn either. This guy would deny evidence. We once got into a discussion about Islam. I sent him definitions, opinion polls (one from Pew Research), and he had no rebuttal except skewed "facts" and opinion articles. Truly embarrassing.

They're now saying it's 20 million and not 6 million. There was very arguably not 6 million Jews even in Europe at the time but there most definitely was not even 20 million Jews on Earth during the period.

Also some kid got kicked out of our school because he was a "white supremest sympathizer" back in 2005 and his Mom sued the ever living fuck out of the school, they ended up having one of the swing sets torn down by hooligan neo-Nazis too. A lot of teachers had to resign.
