>Daddy, it's great to be home and see you again. College was great, but I need a vacation. I also brought my boyfriend to stay with us. He's name is Jamal and he's studying political science. Isn't he a dream?
Daddy, it's great to be home and see you again. College was great, but I need a vacation...
>I have no daughter
> What're his grades and job prospects.
get rid. I thought you said you loved me?!
Once you've met one black guy, you've met Jamal
Tell her I'll disinherit her and cut her off completely if she continues to see him.
As a Muslim man I'm required to honor kill you for having premarital sex.
Your mother was a dumb whore with a fat ass did you know that?
Ill fuck her instead if she looks like that
Anyone saying "if she continues to see him" or any other question is in for a treat, she'll obviously lie to you once she senses your dissatisfaction.
Cut out the crap, and cut her off. You can always have another one, but for her it's 18 and OUT.
*unzips Beretta*
Daddy, it was really mean of you to tell Jamal you'do fees him his own dismembered cock if he got me pregnant.
He won't even return my calls!
>go to other room
>turn on pc
>look up incest porn
>wait to get "caught"
wud fug
Fuck that, if anyone is gonna fuck my daughter, its going to be me! Now go to daddy's room and take a shower to wash the nigger smell off you. Daddy will be in there in a sec, gotta take out the trash first.
Why the fuck are Americans always obsessed with cucking? Without fail it's a fucking American.
Assume its a prostitute because I dont have a daughter and the only reason a woman who looks like that would ever smile in my presence is if it were at my expense.
So she must be a prostitute, I am broke, so im still not getting laid.
So the dilima is whether I can get away with killing her as a home intruder or not.
Dont act like you wouldn't if she looked like that
Jokes aside, if it were to happen to me, I don't know what I would do.
What a fucking nightmare.
One thing is sure: jamal would become a stepping stone to my soon-to-be permaculture-based garden.
>Trump would fuck his daughter
Come on USA, we're all men here.
what the fuck are you doing in my house i have no kids
>implying my daughterswould go anywhere near a college
I will see my daughters married at 16. They will know the only women who go to college are dumb sluts.
If you wouldn'tfuck your daughter something is wrong with you. That's what daughters are for
When trump is elected you'll need to go.
>to the showers
>political science? What white guy is named "Jamal"?
>You are an adult now. So move out of the house and live by yourself. Forget about the inheritance
>Daddy, it's great to be home
>this got to be nigger or trap shit
>doesn't even study basketball-american history
2/10 spice it up brah
Shut up and suck my dick like you used to do, honey.
By the way, I shot Jamal, thought he was a burglar, lol.
That's great honey, I'm Muslim now so I must perform this honor killing.
>Hi daddy, this is Tyrone. He's my lab partner in my chemistry class. We're going to my room to study for our midterms tomorrow. It's important for us to stay focused while we study so I'm locking the door so you can't bother us, hehe!
i'll pay you to leave him alone and have sex with me instead.
nice post, nice dubs
>Implying I wouldn't have spent her formative years brainwashing her against black cock
>Oh Sorry daddy, Tyrone accidentally knocked over one of your little dolls. I'll pay for it later! See ya
*unzip pants*
Its cave explorer time.
Im actualy going to need sauce on her, google isnt being wery helpfull.
did kek
>raise your daughter with love and support
>When she starts looking for a boy she looks for one like daddy
Ive seen this happen so many times with both sexes, it's not hard.
requesting the cave explorer edit
>does Jamal have a sister? I've been looking for a woman to make beautiful mixed race kids with. Your mom has actually been fucking Jayquan for the past few weeks, and is pregnant with his kids.
it's fucking scary how much my gf's dad has in common with me
>implying it wouldn´t all crash in rebel phase
>as a little girl feel safe and confy around her dad
>meet someone with the same characteristics of her dad
>brain gets hacked and feels the same sense of safety
not that weird really. Except for these wannbe princesses. If someone raised their daughter as "omg my special beautiful princess!" theres a 100% chance shes going to be some crazy gold digger
This. You cannot educate teenage girls with authoritarianism.
The stupid cunts will deliberatley do everything they can to ruin thier lives just to get out from under an overbearing parents.
An even hand, decent values, and a good example will always work better than crazy overbearing shit. Raise her to seek your approval and want to succeed in life.
Nature will take its course and instead of meeting jamal you will be meeting johnathan because you didnt fill your kid full of a spiteful desire to hurt you.
"raisa seduction aplenty"
>meeting anyone
>not choosing your daughter's husband for her
There's your problem. You expect girls to make good choices. But they can't.
Based bobby b
Grades don't matter in the 21st century. Experience and connections do.
Political Scientists have great job prospects. There are hundreds of thousands of jobs for them. It mostly depends no how far they are willing to move to get hired. The big cities might be full, but a lot of smaller towns need proper public management. I know political scientists who help organize hospitals.
Why are you dressed like that in my house you little whore?
Yeah, you fuckin tell that naughty, naughty little girl.
Now you have to discipline her right?