>nigresses want to float down the river
>someone tells them the river "goes in a circle and you'll end up right back at the car"
>nigresses take the bait
>end up getting lost and having to sleep on the river bank
>nigresses want to float down the river
>someone tells them the river "goes in a circle and you'll end up right back at the car"
>nigresses take the bait
>end up getting lost and having to sleep on the river bank
Other urls found in this thread:
So fucking stupid.
>the river goes in a circle
>river goes in a circle
Gtfo hahahaha
Did they think they were on a real life lazy river?
>He estimated they had traveled roughly 3 miles.
Every river niggers float on is lazy.
I've known rivers:
I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the
flow of human blood in human veins.
My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young.
I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep.
I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it.
I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln
went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its muddy
bosom turn all golden in the sunset.
I've known rivers:
Ancient, dusky rivers.
My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
To be fair, I've been on a real life circular lazy river... The river was shaped like a ribbon so you could get in on one end, ride the loop, then get out at the right spot and walk less than 200 ft back to the pinch point to ride again. (In New Hampshire)
But that's not common
>river goes in a circle
what is that, a 15 mins walk? 30 if the terrain is rough?
They literally spent the night in the wilderness, cut off from civilisation, hugging a tree for warmth, because they couldn't walk half an hour up the riverbank, back the way they came, to their car.
what river? I'm from NH and i don't recognize it
>the river goes in a circle
Clever girls...
Black Lives Matter should protest the river.
>roughly 3 miles
>what is that, a 15 mins walk?
Not even close.
Holy shit, Muskegon is an ABSOLUTE fecal hole...
There's places that not even the cops go anymore, like Muskegon Heights, and the area around the 'Chicken Coop' that place would drastically improve were it to suffer a nuclear strike...
What did we learn today?
1. broats dont go down water alone
2. lips aren't bait
3. hucklesberry finn wasn't jiggaboo
4. mmm melons sure tasty
5. some rivers are around
Sleeping at the water's edge pictured in the OP must have been mosquito hell.
Average man walks 3 mil/h on straight path.
Considering rough terrain and 3 overweight hypolandicus eleretardus they were, it could take them 6 hours to walk this distance. But I doubt they could backtrack to starting point considering the river goes in circles trololo
>ay bish i aint wakin no mii
>imma grip dis tree an sleeb
>"Not knowing anything, they set off on their little adventure."
Niggers in one sentence.
Walk 3 miles in 15 minutes? I know you're not a runner lol.
Running a mile in five minutes is considered a good time. You would have to have an average of 12 MPH the whole time to do that. 12 MPH is pretty damn fast, mayne.
For a person to WALK three miles through brush and shit it would take... easily over two hours.
>river goes in a circle
Niggers cant nature.
>They literally spent the night in the wilderness, cut off from civilisation, hugging a tree for warmth, because they couldn't walk half an hour up the riverbank, back the way they came, to their car.
Check your map privilege land navigating scum.
So some racist takes advantage of these poor naive girls, and you all just sit here making it out like PoC are all stupid
1 mil/h if you're american
They probably thought that since it took them six hours to float down river, it would take them at least six hours to walk back, because "boats be faster than people n sheeeit"
This is how some of my fantasies start senpai...
So he drags these beautiful black queens from a natural habitat onto his boat and takes them back to white society to be oppressed oh lawd
>They were informed by somebody at the bridge that the river goes in a circle and if they put in there they would come back to their car," he said. "Not knowing anything, they set off on their little adventure.
>Not knowing anything
>Not knowing anything
Sounds about right
I wish I could fuck them both.
I wonder how many average black people could walk their way back to civilization if you scooped them off the street and dumped them in the desert or the woods 10 miles from the nearest KFC.
So did the guy just pick 3 turds floating in the river?
It's like pottery
Been ages since I've been to Twin Lakes.
Shame it's been turned into Detroit's dumping grounds.
I would watch the shit out of a show on this premise.
>it could take them 6 hours to walk this distance
thats the most retarded shit ive read. it takes 15 minutes to clear a mile on foot if youre not walking at the pace of a 3yo
How the fishing going today maple?
I once walked 6 miles to my GameStop for a shitty game and back in chuck Taylor's.
Granted I hike for fun and don't consider my Walmart racist for not letting me ride the motorcarts without a disability.
>Sleeping at the water's edge pictured in the OP must have been mosquito hell.
Hippopotamus skin is pretty thick.
its more than an hour, have you never walked from school
10/10 would read again
>what is that, a 15 mins walk? 30 if the terrain is rough?
Last weekend it took me around 3 hours to hike 12km from the parking at Algonquin park to my campsite, while drinking about 6-7 cans of beer and loaded with gear, and there were plenty of hills, fallen trees and generally shit terrain. Of course I'm not an overweight sheboon with no sense of direction, and a dislike for dem cracka maps n sheeit.
If civil war broke out these are the people im supposed to be scared of.
Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja
>showing a map with no indication of scale
What's the point?
why they dont shoot
wtf i hate america now
How the fuck do you get lost on a RIVER? Just follow the fucking river back the way you came
That would require them to paddle instead flowing with the current.
Or getting off the water and walking back along the shore.
Ain't nobody got time for that.
How long does it take if you're a sheboon?
pretty clever desu
that's some GTA level shit
what teh fuck is this doing here on Sup Forums?
OP is a douche
A racially motivated man endangered the lives of 3 women.
Current news.
It's more likely someone just told a joke. I don't expect to encounter this level of stupid in my day to day life.
Perpetual motion machine finally discovered, turns out it's a river
Didn't you guys already discover that? Isn't that what Kaljakellunta is?
Sometimes it's hard to believe these people built Atlantis and flew around in pyramids.
>the river goes in a circle
>article has pictures of fish the guy caught
This is just too much.
3 miles is like 5km, that's like 40min walk
That's just half a poronkusema.
That's Our Michigan!
God I love/hate this state.
>Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja
Fucking chicanos.
"Many people tend to walk at about 1.4 m/s (5.0 km/h; 3.1 mph).[1][2][3] Although many people are capable of walking at speeds upwards of 2.5 m/s (9.0 km/h; 5.6 mph), especially for short distances, they typically choose not to"
So if you power walk like you suggested it's still about a 45 minute walk. But I'd double it because they're fat and it's not level terrain.
hey man, try bon echo for some fun. algy is cool but lots of tourists and those gay moose. frontenac area has considerably less of both.
fuck i hate moose.
>river goes in a circle
only a pleb couldn't tell that its about 15 miles...
>River going in circle
How the fuck could someone be this thick?
Crikey, we wuz be tryna ride a rip n shit ja feel
Rivers confirmed for having internalized white supremacy. #BlackLivesMatter *fist*
Michael row the boat ashore
Myers canned melon mush, only 36 cents!
>hypolandicus eleretardus
Polan slaying niggers even in the comment section of the asshole of the internet
yall saying its dumb to think a river go in a circle but you believe the oceans go in a circle around the earth
rivers cant flow in a circle dumb nigger.
it's not a river if it doesnt flow.
underrated post
Watch this nigger ride his jetski into a harbour wall.
Cops in Florida used to do this to blacks.
They'd pick them up and then drive them out to the swamps and kick them out of the car and leave them.
>Had to walk at some point
>Real life lazy river
It's close, but not the same mate. If these ladies thought they could get out right where they got in... Come on...