Why are right wingers more intelligent than lefties?
Why are right wingers more intelligent than lefties?
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>right wing
Nationalists are more intelligent because we have the intelligence to see past the propaganda.
Measurably incorrect.
Proven incorrect.
While few studies have shown lefties are dumber than righties. Vast Majority of the studies show that lefties are more intelligent than rightists.
In the USA, possibly the most conservative western country, Republicans are 2x as likely as Democrats to believe that Earth was created 10,000 years ago.
If you remove the niggers from the Democrats, the number falls even lower. Repubs then, are 3 to 4x as likely to believe than Dems in creationists non-sense. Same with climate change etc.
Righties are demonstrably stupid.
India Avg. IQ: 82
Nice sample size.
Having IQ of 137 (me) in a country of mediocre IQ ppl i.e 82 is more difficult than being a stupid low IQ Alt-right conspiracy theorist (you) user.
The left is mostly about muh emotions and being politically correct. Even when faced with facts and evidence the dissonance just tells them to ignore it and deny. They are useful idiots. They push their agenda even though it would destroy the country.
I work with a bunch of normies who parrot what they see on T.V and are too stubborn to see the other side. Half of them don't even give reasons as to why they believe in what they say.
Because it's not the default position.
To reach it in the current climate means going against the grain, and that means reasoning your way there rather than just following the crowd.
It's also the position (at least here) of the rich and powerful, who tend to be smarter than average.
This is not to say however that all right wingers are smart, or that simply being on the right grants you intelligence - any more than it does on the left.
Because leftists get cucked
Belief and opinions have nothing to do with intelligence you fucking idiot.
Or maybe it's because because (very religious) rightwingers tend to believe in their own brand of bullshit?
Ask how many republicans believe that race doesn't exist vs democrats. Or gender, etc.
and still you cant poo in the loo
You're fucking insane if you really believe that. It might not be everything but it absolutely plays a large role.
I heard one user put it this way,
Liberals are wrong for the right reasons while Conservatives are right for the wrong reasons. You can give or take on a few issues but overall, it makes sense.
This of course is appealing to stereotypes.
In what ways are they wrong for the right reasons and the others right for the wrong reasons?
average iq 128
Not particularly surprising for the heads of various government departments.
*claps for very original comment*
I think its time your wife's son's father Ahmed gets home. Please go and do the dishes.
Jews are like niggers to us.
There is a struggle between the Aryan races quest for justice and freedom and the Jewish races quest for dominance, only time will tell who will win.
I got an IQ of 220 and livin' USA (Asian)
>mfw I'm talking to a bunch of crazy Americans
Usually I would sympathise, but if you meme, don't moan when you get memed back at.
Tested in China was it?
I guess low iq people tend to rely on their instinct more than people with average iq, who would rather be "educated" by their academic system and the media (who feeds them bullshit).
Relying on your instinct is not a good way to run politics, but they are surely going to hit home often, and trying to learn from the knowledge of intellectuals is good in theory, unless they are "intellectuals" or (((intelectuals))).
You also have people with very high IQ that learn the propaganda, but see right through it, and then:
Nope, from the Philippines
>having a degree means you are smart
>trump is an idiot
pick 1, libcucks
You either side with the Aryans and choose freedom or you side with the Jews and choose slavery.
>heh heh right wingers have such low IQs lol, feels good to be superior
>hehe niggers have such low IQs lol, feels good to be superior
Which one's right. Sup Forums?
That was a joke about China's penchant for cheating on/fudging tests and statistics, since I'm almost certain that IQ doesn't even go to 220.
What about countries like South Korea and Japan, which are some of the most conservative countries, but also the smartest?
They have regulations, not hugely pro-tax breaks for the rich. They believe in climate change, don't believe in creationism.
opposite of US conservatism.
The person with the highest IQ was Marilyn Vos Savant, with an IQ of 228.
I got 220 because I repeated the test twice.
I don't think they are. Lefties sure aren't either.
If you trust IQ, I think Americans did mass tests and Republican leaning were slightly ahead, but the Dem side probably had a lot of basketball-Americans dragging them down so I wouldn't put it on white liberals.
They do have fucked up morals though. Virtually everything leftist is ridden with envy (especially "social justice" or egalitarian stuff) while they reject freedom and loyalty.
Guess that explains a few things.
>Only my specific idea of conservatism applies in this particular scenario.
wew lad
Can confirm.
Conservative Republican from the south who unironically believes that the earth is 6000 years old, and has a tested IQ of 90 here.
I still know how to shit in a toilet and not drink water from the same place we dump bodies, pajeet.
Then you took a bullshit test, or they bastardised it somehow between comparing the different scores.
IQ has a hard limit of 170, at which point you are literally the smartest person on the planet.
>Repubs then, are 3 to 4x as likely to believe than Dems in creationists non-sense. Same with climate change etc.
>Republicans are 2x as likely as Democrats to believe that Earth was created 10,000 years ago.
All these things are first only for a small minority, second irrelevant.
Meanwhile lefties unironically believe in equality, which actually destroys countries. I'm a biologist and I don't give a single fuck if people don't think like I do on some technicalities of theories (even more so when these are non operative theories like evolution). It's the same as if the common guy guessed the interband inversion in semiconductors wrong.
By the way, treating "climate change" as indicative of anything is proof enough that whatever study you refer to (without source) was so incredibly biased and filled with preconceptions I wouldn't even read it if you produced it. Literally every prognostic of the GIEC for 40 years has been proven wrong. Climate science has an even worst record than long term bond market predictions.
I live in the South. I love it but some whites here are living stereotypes. Let's use Islam as an example. I may be talking to my neighbor about Muslim immigration and he may imply they're all terrorists. I'm very anti-Islam, but that statement is incorrect. He probably doesn't know that many Muslims support or are tolerant towards Extremism. He probably doesn't know that a majority of Muslims vote Democrat. He probably doesn't know that Muslims breed at much higher rates than Christian Americans. He probably doesn't know that the average IQ in certain Muslim countries are lower than the American average. He probably doesn't know about the crime they commit. He has an anti-Islamic outlook which is right, but his reasoning is incorrect.
> these things are first only for a small minority, second irrelevant.
Stupid britbong, nearly 50% of republican and lean repub voters think the earth is 10000 years old. And not irrelevant. If half of your movements followers think the earth is 10000 years old, then there is something intellectually wrong with your movement.
> Meanwhile lefties unironically believe in equality, which actually destroys countries
The only ironic thing is you talk as if equality is something wrong.
UK user likes to prove my point that Conservatives are idiots
There are extremely intelligent people and absolute retards on every level of the political spectrum.
They aren't. But in my experience right wingers (male and female) are much better looking for some reason.
>The only ironic thing is you talk as if equality is something wrong.
Any outcome enforced by the state is wrong.
This is similar to the UK and attitudes toward the EU.
Many people voted to Leave, which was the correct choice, but did so for reasons that weren't entirely accurate. Conversely, they were completely in the dark about the genuinely unpleasant things the EU gets up to.
It's simple compensation tactics. Those with nothing have nothing to lose.
It was an online test (answers are the same)
I kekked, you fell for bait
Left wingers are usually more intelligent because the establishment is leftist. Meaning that to get high up in the rankings, as smart people do, you need to conform to the leftist establishment.
It's pretty hard to be anti-EU if you want to get a job in the European parliament. (Unless you are a Farage, of course).
It's pretty hard to be anti-immigrants, if you want a job in the mainstream media.
Show me one person, just one, who ever took POO seriously.
We're on an anonymous forum. There's no need to try and save face here, though I know it's ingrained in a lot of you.
Answer: 80982641
Mahatma Gandhi, considered father of the nation in India thought SA niggers were lesser then him.
Stay cucked by niggers in SA
Overall those types of people are good people and they help keep our nations grounded, but they do have a lack of information. I have a lot of those people in my family, I love giving them the data and research.
There is no intelligence test or quotient which accurately measures true intelligence.
True intelligence might not even exist, as we know it, only sentience and aptitude for skills which are fortunately beneficial for a person's personal milieu.
I think the question you're trying to ask is,
"Why are conservatives more rational in their emotional reasoning and analysis of sociological systems and economics?"
Fuck off Fedoraman
Far-right > far-left > moderate left > moderate right
>something right
Pajeet, my son. Institutionalized envy isn't right.
>two posts by this ID
Fuck I have the same iq as Hermann "paint my fingernails" Göring.
People, learn to fucking sage. It goes in the options field
Any idiot can put their fingers in their ears and shout buzzwords
If intelligence is being capable to notice patterns or having the balls to be open about it instead of shitting your pants at being labelled a racist/antisemite/xenophobe/etc (oh noes) or even simply not being a weak willed faggot who accept the narrative stuffed down his throat, then I guess indeed right wingers are smarter.
But who really cares?
Taking an online IQ test means nothing. If you actually want your IQ tested, it's normally administered by a psychologist in a series of tests.
because left full of mentally unstable people
pic related is one of many atrocities these people find normal and share on everyday basis
true baguette
Also pic related.
Intelligence is a very ill defined term, but in terms of feels versus reason, there is no comparison between left wing people and right wing people.
For retards, the F/T distinction is Feeling/Thinking.
Republicans dominate every Thinking type and Dems have muh feels.
Why would someone draw that?
>believes conservatives are stupid
>uses left-wing propaganda to justify beliefs.
Because the first impression and simple explanation are 9/10 correct.
Between the common sense people who accept what they see and the smart people who understand why, there are the legions of useful idiots who accept convoluted "theories" about why what is plainly correct is "wrong."
are you new
"Why do people who analyze data all day not support my beliefs? Must be a liberal conspiracy".
10/10 sample size
Actually all studies indicate that leftists are the most intelligent, wealthiest, and best looking people
Meanwhile conservatives are always of less than average intelligence, poor, and ugly
Why'd you reply with that to someone who made a post with an image? You learn to sage, you stupid nigger, you can't sage if you posted an image.
The worst part is that you know people masturbated to this.
Because being left wing requires mental gymnastics of an insane calibre
I ain't enlarging that image.
And now I see a Russian flag icon and it explains the stupidity.
Remember guys, obesity is only an economic problem if it applies to white people!
If you're so smart, why don't you have a face?
>checkmate, atheists
>hard limit
So a person's mental age is, at most, 1.7 times higher than his physical age?
At least my penis is a 2 digit number when measured in centimeters.
Mine is 2 digits when measures in inches
Nah m8 more like
Alt-Right > Moderate Left > Moderate Right > Alt-Left
Anyone who is an alt-left commie fuck has the brain patterns of either an autistic child or a woman.
>right wingers more intelligent than lefties
It's genetics, the communist side is populated in large part by spics, niggers, and other low IQ shitskins.
hawt post pics
> nigger detected
What side has nearly all the blacks, spics, and other shitskins that make up 40%? Yeah, it's not the right. There is no way around it, the democratic party is the low IQ party.
>le epic librul feelings meme
Social-conservative-fiscal-liberal > Social-conservative-fiscal-conservative > Social-liberal-fiscal-liberal > Social-liberal-fiscal-conservative
Fuck off, faggot
Hispanics vote for Democrats roughly 2 to 1, but you all act like 100% of them are always going to vote Democrat.
Hispanics really highlight the stupidity of the GOP because you have this hardworking chunk of generally very religious people who would love the GOP's social issue positions, yet the GOP continues to royally fuck up with that demographic through arrogant displays of racism and ignorance.
I honestly think that is wrong.
When you look at the leftist world view it is frequently very complex compared with a right wing world view. This is because leftist need to think hard and come up with rather complicated explanations for phenomena which would otherwise go against their narrative.
In this way Western intervention in the muslim world are to blame when jihadis blow themselves up while shouting allahu ackbar and quoting the Quran, and poverty and oppression is the explanation for why niggers commit 52 % of murders in the US despite being only 12 % of the pop.
In reality the simplest explanation is also in politics as elsewhere most often the correct explanation, even if it doesn't take as much brainpower to arrive at.
tldr: Leftist think really hard so that they can believe really stupid things.