Did you buy a $30 MAGA hat?
Now that Trump killed his own campaign with a neocon VP... What will you do with the hat when Trump senpai loses :(
Did you buy a $30 MAGA hat?
Now that Trump killed his own campaign with a neocon VP... What will you do with the hat when Trump senpai loses :(
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Just gonna kill myself
Donate to goodwills for the Mexicans to wear
Do you shills just mssg each other on which topics you're going to make and post it?
Tons of people have doubted every move Trump has made, and every word he has said. And look where he is now, the GOP nom leading in the polls against Clinton.
i did not buy the hat
Also checked
>leading polls against Clinton
i give him 35%
>neocon VP
At least a hat is disposable. Berncucks love totally tattooed the man's receding hairline into their flesh
this shitpost didn't work earlier, why would it work now?
reeces peeces
Any of his current VP pick-list. They are all neocons (aipac shill, pro-middle east war policies, religious right)
If he picks any of them. He pretty much gives Clinton the presidency
Trump loses, then MAGA goes into the trash
>If he picks any of them. He pretty much gives Clinton the presidency
why? Hillary is also pro middle eastern wars.
Can't he just pick a libertarian or something? anyone have the list?
first i am trump support but now i see this and i am #hillfiremissile
I Bought one for me and my pupper
>implying the VP has any real power
Joe Biden has done fuck all.
>Joe Biden has done fuck all.
is he VP?
Rand's a good pick but hes not gonna make it
Trump wants to solify the dying old establishments of the GOP party with his neocon pick. But it closes him off to expanding the party (grabbing dissatisfied independents and democrats for the general)
The GOP is literally dead. Their last dead cat bounce momentum was the Tea Party of 2010, look how that turned out since the past 6 years. It was a co-opted libertarian movement that turned into a redneck neocon sponser cringe
Only way I see him getting out of this hole is picking Ivanka or someone/thing unconventional
I think, haven't really noticed.
Keks confirmed. No neoconservative VP or bust
haha, I guess that proves the VP ain't shit. but it is important for fishing votes.
Sage shill threads
So the circus is complete?
>still no proof that pence is Trump's VP
Fucking Christ. If you're going to shill at least have some proof you faggots.
Until Trump makes the announcement, it's all bullshit speculation.
Do you remember 2008?
Obama/Biden vs McCain/Palin
The Sarah Palin pick was the laugh of the election season
why doesn't Trump choose Kerry? he's competent at least.
or Al Gore (it would get him most of Bernie "prostate infected" Sanders' voters)
Jim Webb would honestly be better but unsure if he wants to be on a Trump ticket
>The Sarah Palin pick was the laugh of the election season
this. It made the entire republican party a joke with no chance for years. They were still in denial that no body liked neo-cons anymore
Trump Campaign denies this is true.
>Jim Webb
what would make him better?
McCain is on Obama's side. the McCain campaign was planned to fail, to allow an Obongo victory.
See how McCain and Obama are buddies over Syria conflict, both love to support the terrorists with weaponry and equipment to take down Assad.
Although it may not be Pence, he's still looking for neocuckservative VPs
If trump picked Kanye it would be a better pick and the best election cycle ever
What's with the pics of the beta Asian friend? None of those girls would dare "ruin their friendship" with him.
>pic related of their bedrooms
asians are per capita the richest people in america. So they are obviously going to pal around with thecountry club richfags
Marine corps, worked under reagan, blue democrat, was on Obama's VP list, says unconventional things and stands by them like a man, against the wars, still an aipac shill but better than neocucks
He can grab bernie votes and independents
as long as shillary doesn't get elected, I'm fine with whatever Trump does to get elected.
Thx for the (You)
Gonna use the hat for yard work
Probably keep wearing it. It'll still trigger lefties.
Should I buy the hat after the campaign?
This all reeks of shills doing it for thrills. We should take a chill pill, the chances of hill are nill.
It would be sold on ebay
Didnt buy
all these """"men"""" are like 3 feet tall
burn it for warmth
>Now that Trump killed his own campaign
What happened? I'm not following all that much. You, faggots, better make him a president, i sware on me mom!