This is not an argument about the epistemology or the metaphysics of god's existence or lack thereof. This is an argument about the usefulness of religion. Religion provided many things to society when implemented correctly. The truth is that most people are sheep and weak willed. Myself and most here included. We need something to give us purpose and keep our actions in check. Religion did this: >gives people a reason to strive and contribute even when their lives are shitty (i.e. afterlife) >prevents and punishes degeneracy >creates strong in-group bonds that gives strangers reasons to care about the others well-being >keeps female hypergamy in check. Maintains the family. Promotes marriage >Has an ever-present big-brother(god) that prevents many people from committing immoral actions.
Many of you will counter that nationalism is a secular substitution, but it is not. Even Hitler needed his neo-pagan religion to keep people in check. Even the Jews would collapse as a force without their religion to keep them in check. This is why even "atheist" jews still identify as jewish and participate in jewish customs and rituals. It's a way of maintaining community and cohession
Sure religion has helped instill the idea of community and groupthink. But now we've got FREEDOM to independent thought and objective morals and ideas of justice and how to treat fellow humans so we don't need your religion bullcrap.
Colton Nelson
Kevin Kelly
18+ only in here
Lincoln Adams
*tips copy of Beyond Good and Evil*
Zachary Morgan
> objective morals Do you know what objective is. Religious morals are by nature objective because they derive from god. Atheist morals are for the most part subjective. Unless you are a Kantian which most atheists are not. >FREEDOM to independent thought Get's all opinions from Hitchens,Dawkins, and (((Harris)))
Austin Hughes
Kantian=autistic so yes in a way atheists are Kantian
Tyler Stewart
Why do you think Kantianism is autistic. Other than the fact that the categorical imperative is very spergy.
Adrian Rogers
Modern technology is ultimately what killed faith
The simplicity of farm life and pre industrial life is tied to strong morals and religion and really the Internet and Computer was the death of the soul.
Amish are totally right. Its more than mere ritual, the masses need to have their very lifestyle be simple and narrow.