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I think its true that its not confirmed, but it may still be pence, we really dont know. Watch this is a tactical leak, he leaks pence, see's the reaction, and decides accordingly. A true madman we are fortunate he is with us.
>Decision has not been made
Is Trump literally going to make a last minute decision on Friday?
Lord Kek wills it.
>actually believing this is Trump's pick
>thinking the "leaks" have any merit
>not remembering Trump's antics, that he leaks things to deceive people and make the Media circus dance to his tune
>not realizing that shills are raiding us
>responding to the bait
You faggots are really disappointing me.
Trump will not pick Pence and its going to be Newt. Use your fucking heads Sup Forums, you're all acting like complete and utter faggots
this x1000000
It will be Ben Garrison
There's no evidence to actually think Pence is the VP yet Jewbook is exploding right now. How will Trump make the media look when everyone finds out that this pick was bullshit reporting?
>Newt the globalist kike is a better choice than Pence
No dude. With Flynn you win.
Use the meme magic, guys.
You're all going to be fooled. He's going to pick the Zodiac Killer and none will be the wiser.
You're so smart, we adore your great insight here at Sup Forums
We hate to disappoint such a great faggot such as yourself.
>Is Trump literally going to make a last minute decision on Friday?
I'm sure he's already decided. But he hasn't told anyone.
This whole "leak" was put out there by Trump himself to test the waters.
The guy is a fucking genius.
>Want to test public sentiment regarding certain VP choices.
>Have an "anonymous" source "leak" top info to the press.
>Get massive press coverage for Trump while also getting a FREE opinion poll from voters WITHOUT revealing your hand.
>Once you get the free press and the info you need, gain EVEN MORE PRESS by putting out releases saying the whole thing is just a RUMOR.
3D chess!!
>not picking Vince McMahon for VP
Praying to kek for this, I would sacrifice my left nut.
Rand could be an attack dog better than any other potential pick.
Trump is in the process of cloning himself and will be his own VP
Shills are making plenty of treads about false VP candidates as a way to slide other threads. Someone came into Trump General yesterday and warned us that it was going to happen, (and since then, there have been a lot of threads about it.) Just ignore them because we won't know who the VP pick is until the Don announces it tomorrow.
So wait, did he pick or did he not? I live in Indiana and our news is ablaze saying it's confirmed. Granted, this is the most attention we've had in a long time, but what's the deal?
Some sources are claiming it's been confirmed, others are saying it's not, nobody fucking knows shit.
>fake leak vp on thursday
>announce real vp on friday
>dominate 48 hour news cycle
trump is a master
FOX is saying it's all but confirmed. Newt said today that in his gut he thinks it'll be Pence.
This is what every bernout was saying in the days leading up to the endorsement.
I'm surprised he didn't just pick one of his kids at this point.
He's going to get up on stage, say "The next Vice President of the United States of America is..." and in that moment, make the decision.
True, but on the other hand, outlets like Breitbart are reporting that the campaign itself has denied the rumors.
Again - nobody knows shit. Trump is just as likely to walk out on that stage tomorrow with Oprah Winfrey next to him as Mike Pence.
so will we hear something this friday, or was that a ruse as well?
Is it really they bad if he picks a guy that disagrees with him on some issues? That basically is saying he doesn't want a "yes man" and welcomes being challenged and has an open mind about things. I'm not loving Pence, but it can work if he's the guy.
That's an official announcement from the campaign and the only thing anyone should take as being credible in the midst of all these leaks.
>it's going to be Newt
Newt is literally the most neocuckservative choice possible, he's far worse than Pence, and Pence is fucking bad.
A surprise Rand pick would destroy Hillary and would get normies on his side.
It's one thing to pick a candidate that disagrees with you over minor issues, it's another that fundamentally opposes you on foundational issues in your campaign
He picked a man who's most known political stance is hating gay and believing that gay marriage literally destroyed Rome.
>Trump/Rand 2016
Just creamed my knickers.
>Trump leaked out the VP pick himself to test the waters! Guy is a freakin genious!
Not knowing others have done the same in the past.
Being this new to politics. Of course you vote for Trump.
I'd cream myself so hard if it ends up being Rand.
and of course experience geniuses like you vote hillary right ? fucking faggot
This pick would pull votes from Gary Johnson supporters and some of the pissed off Bernie supporters. Not sure which new voters flock to Trump with Newt, Pence, Flynn, etc
>Decision ‘Has Not Been Made’
Considering they have less than 24 hours until the announcement, they had better start working fast.
Keep your nuts, m8.
The groundwork has been laid, now the trigger just needs to be pulled.
Jim "Gook Slayer" Webb.
Vince "Does not mince words" McMahon.
Mattis is fine too.
If it's Pence or Newt then Trump is a retard.
Fox reporting Pence suspends his reelection campaign
>Not sure which new voters flock to Trump with Newt, Pence, Flynn, etc
This. I just don't see it... Trump himself basically covers all the demographics that these people themselves might appeal to -- I guess maybe he'll be able to sway some 'consistent conservatives' who would still have voted Trump to stop Hillary, but where is the huge voting block that Newt or Pence will help Trump with?
Take a look at Rand -- this is a Republican who managed to get normie liberal fucktards on reddit to be up all night and post about how they admired his 72 hour filibuster and who's father is basically the 2012 version of Bernie Sanders (most Sanders people were fighting for Ron Paul in 2012)... He would be the best pick.
With this pick, Hillary would have no chance! No chance in hell!
Newt would bring in the Lunar vote
Not a false flag, trump is testing the water, Newt and Kristy are making speeches soon.
The sad thing is, he's never going to acknowledge webb.
>Fox reporting Pence suspends his reelection campaign
i havent seen that report
Winfrey would actually be the better choice -> minority votes
They can't vote, they don't have citizenship or 3 dimensions
No they have 5, thousand, yes 5 thousand.
Doesn't guarantee anything, it's like when Newt just cut ties with fox everyone thought it was because he was being named VP
Breitbart is reporting that Pence just reserved ad time for the governor campaign
Smoke and mirrors everywhere. We won't know anything for sure until tomorrow morning.
This is all according to plan - Trump's campaign is going to be leaking rumors left and right until 11 AM tomorrow.
Just look at what it's done to MSM in the last hour - everyone's completely lost their fucking minds reporting all these different leaks and rumors.
Trump is going to have every network in America arguing about this until the announcement tomorrow morning - genius.
Pence may have just been promised a high cabinet position and used that as an excuse to get out of a tough race for gov.
Honestly though Pence would be a great diplomat.
Rand is litterally THE BEST POSSIBLE OPTION...
Someone in the fucking Trump campaign needs to really think long and hard about this and find a way to marry Rand's political agenda to Trumps in a two tier strategy where Trump administration sets the tone for a future Rand run... Trump administration would be a reverse course to correct the ship by strengthening American industry and military... And after that is stabilized, move to Rand's more libertarian agenda.
This so much.
My vote has been for Webb since day one