Or just against gay marriage, adoption, gay pride, drag and other shit?
Is Sup Forums against gays?
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Fuck faggots like op
Im against gys in general
Praise Omar"mags into fags" Mateen
its an issue i wish would just go away because i can't think of any rational solutions
The media and this website has repeatedly tried to instill this idea into my head that being gay is an actual thing that happens to people.
I'm still not convinced that genuine gay people exist. It's just a fad in my eyes that people fall into.
I'm just against gays. I just find them disgusting when they're making out with their partners and hearing about them catching HIV.
Not to mention that most of them have beyond shit personalities and their non-gay supporters are absolute cancer.
The ones with alright personalities are the only ones I will tolerate. I can get over the fact that they're disgusting, but to be smug and arrogant because of it is an awful mix.
the latter
just be happy that gays aren't passing on their degenerate genes
what a load of shit
all that wurst is going to your head
I'm against homosexuality
I'm only against marriage, adoption, poser trannys, and obnoxious amounts of pride.
Drag is fine, so long as you aren't trying to convince people you're the opposite gender. Gay Pride is annoying, and degenerate as fuck. It should be outlawed
Hate the sin not the sinner
I personally could not care less who you marry and as for adoption I could not care less either.
But don't touch my guns kthx.
I'm fine with all of those things.
I was against how Gay marriage was implemented but other than that I could care less. The gays that annoy me are the ones that go around pride parades half naked.
Why exactly? What's bothering you about who other people love?
Trannies are just as awful as heteros. Both love women's underwear, long hair, skirts, make-up and perfume. Fucking poofy cunts.
"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."
Leviticus 18 verse 22
Do you follow the other rules of Leviticus as well?
Gays will always exist. It's a flaw in our design, and humans have many flaws. I have no problem with people being in same-sex relationships.
I hate the "lifestyle" and "culture" aspect of it though. Why are people's lifestyle built around their sexuality? To me it's just extreme non-conformism. I feel sorry for sutble gays who keep themselves to themselves, that the loud and obnoxious ones are constantly in the media representing them.
If they keep it in private and aren't flamboyant about it then it is tolerable. I don't think they should get married and the rest are disgusting.
just against gay pride and public indecency/degeneracy. If i can't tell it's in drag idgaf. Marriage is only an issue if they force religious institutions against their union to perform the ceremony or use of their churches for it.
I'm not against gays, but providing the same benefits to gay marriage that you would to normal marriage is nonsense. The kickbacks received by traditional marriage are arguably there to benefit a man and woman who need to accrue wealth to support an expanding family.
Gay marriage cannot add progeny. It may be able to adopt, but that is arguably not the same, and providing benefits to a gay marriage on the hypothetical that they would adopt would make no sense for the people drafting laws.
As far as pride and drag and other miscellaneous gay socialization shit, I'm not one to decide what they can and can't do, but I think they frequently take things a step further than they need to. I try to ignore it as much as possible, but that shit is just weird.
All that are accepted by the catholic church, not the jewish stuff like Jom Kippur
So you don't eat pork, shrimp, and you don't wear mixed fabrics?
I'm in favor of perversion and consensual sexual deviance. I feel that homosexuality and gender play have always had a home in this realm of decadence and to abandon it for normalcy is an insult to the likes that have accepted them all along. Perv out. Freak flags. Sometimes acceptance is the worst thing that can happen to a good thing.
All the gay people I have known have been GREAT. I have no problem with them being happy, their marriage does not bother me or my marriage (wife STILL does not take it up the ass, though she supports gay marriage).
Good. Because you're right.
Its a fetish at most
love you Sup Forums
The gay marriage ruling was the mistake of the 21st century
just kill all the semitic anti-gay tards
all they have to base their philosophy on is semitic biblical bullshit or their home-grown "psychology"
Sup Forums is against gay "marriage", gay adoption, gay pride, and lgbt culture in general. Many people here say that they can accept gays only when they do this in private. In my opinion this is a fallacy. Relationships are never "in private".
No. Most normal gays/bisexuals are perfectly happy to settle down into normal life and be productive members of society now that they can marry and have kids. The SJWs have thrown them out of the "LGBT" movement now anyway because they've become too "privileged," which is why they're all getting red-pilled.
Lesbians, trannies, and whatever that trendy Tumblr shit is are all still degenerate.
Pro marriage but anti gay
It always amazed me how people can claim that LGB or only gays are fine but trannies are abomination, but usually behind those posts are gays, it probably some tactic to be accepted by right-wing.
>sex/love between two consenting adults
>cutting your dick off
Yeah totally the same fucking thing, Polandball.
Just as I thought, you're probably faggot.
They both don't hurt anybody, and thats what only matters for liberals. For a conservative, they are both degenerates and mentally ill.
All types of faggots are despicable. Castrate them all, they are ruining this great country.
I am gay and in favor of gay marriage (but not through the church, only through the state).
I'm against gay pride, parades, being flamboyant and all this gay cake ruckus.
I just want to leave a peaceful, quiet life where nobody cares that I am homosexual, I want people to just not care, I don't want to be pandered to or given special treatement for being different. I want people to not even think about it, make it a non issue, let me be a normal person on the streets and then have sex with men in the privacy of my bedroom.
Also, I guess adoption or surrogacy, but knowing most gay people I don't think it's a good idea. The vast majority are degenerates unfit to raise a child, I'd be willing to take one for the kids and say that gay people should not be allowed to adopt or have surrogate children.
Yeah sure I'm a half faggot. You got me. You're still a retard if you think most gays/bisexuals want anything to do with trannies and lesbians or support modern social justice. White gays are one of the most educated and highest earning demographics in the U.S. Go get cucked by Germany or Russia.
Yeah people getting married, having kids, being wealthy, and having outstanding education as a demographic is totally degenerate. Fuck off, NEET.
>I do what I'm told as was interpreted by someone who read a thousand year old book
Fucking grow a spine.
Donald Trump runs this board doesn't he? What do you think OP?
The GOP is not the party of science.
>I want people to not even think about it, make it a non issue, let me be a normal person on the streets and then have sex with men in the privacy of my bedroom.
You are still degenerate.
This is a goal of liberals. To convince people they should not care of anything. All degenerates just want to live "normal" life, but this just won't happen since they are not normal.
Ok buddy.
Do you think I care?
In Canada, being gay is fine. No one cares. Just lay off the PDA. Same applies to straights. Hold hands when you walk, kiss your bf good bye, that's fine, but don't make out on the bus for chrissake.
Just don't be a nigger.
>A product of cultural marxis don't like other products of cultural marxism.
I can understand why some think being gay is a fad, but attacks on gay people only makes others want to join the fad more. There are people who genuinly like the same sex but that is such a low percentage number. However, being online, youd think gays are the majority.
I'm against everything said. It's just showing your sexuality in other people's faces. Also I kinda hope the brazilian liberal comes back, it was fun
t. homo
Gay sex is where it's at.
Oh so you cherry pick. By what standards? By whatever the Pope decides? And which standards does he use? Biblical scripture? But then shouldn't he accept all the rules and not cherry pick, just as scripture says? I think you're confused.
>Poland bitching about Marxism
>was literally communist for decades
>the first two letters of my ID is LG
There are diffrent kind of rules in the Old Testament. There are moral or ritual rules. Homosexual behaviour is a moral rule, also homosexual behaviour is also banned by New Testament.
Sup Forums is mostly confused young men looking to be contrarian in whatever form that may take. In the 60's that would have been by embracing homosexuality. In the modern era, where things like homosexuality are more or less accepted by the mainstream, this contrarianism manifests itself in irrational right wing hatred. It's kind of adorable actually. I would assume that, yes, Sup Forums probably hates gays, but Sup Forums is an irrelevant group of people if ever there was one.
>I just want to leave a peaceful, quiet life where nobody cares that I am homosexual, I want people to just not care, I don't want to be pandered to or given special treatement for being different.
Most gays want the same. The normalization of homosexuality needed an active PR and outreach campaign, and that's what pride parades are about. Eventually, being gay will be so uninteresting to others that the parades will die out. We're getting there. Don't worry.
Against all of that, and gayness itself. I care about people going to hell.
Gay parades serve no purpose.
It's faggots being obnoxius on the streets saying "LOOK AT ME AND ACCEPT ME FOR BEING DIFFERENT WATCH ME SWALLOW 20 COCKS".
Fuck off with that. Gay parades are disgusting and should be outlawed.
It's indecent and disgusting. Being gay is NOT normal and should NOT be celebrated.
Moral laws =/= ritual laws
St Paul says gays will go to hell so I believe him. I do follow the laws of the New Testament.
Oh so only moral rules apply? And you can ignore the other rules in the Bible? Where does the Bible say that?
op is a faggot
Yes, all gays will burn
I have bigger problems atm
My only problem with gay is that they're mostly liberal hipsters brainwashed by the medias and not actually gay
>She feels irrelevant.
Rinkēvīč OUT
Gay marriage will never be legal here
Wow you're angry.
I Toronto, everyone participates in pride parades. Even cops get their own float. Every ethnic community group gets one too. And religious groups. And all the major politicians, including centrist politicians. And any other category you can think of. It has become not just a celebration of sexual diversity, but a celebration of love itself, whether you're gay or straight or bi or whatever. Families come out. There's nothing indecent. Gay pride parades in Spain must be entirely different if you're that tied up about it.
I know, but I don't mind that desu
See this:
Galatians 2:1-3; 5:1-11; 6:11-16
1 Corinthians 7:17-20
Colossians 2:8-12
Phillipians 3:1-3
Colossians 2:16-17
Hebrews 10:1
Acts 10:14-15
Nothing but faggots dressed in leather and bsdm shit and being indecent on the street.
Sorry but no, gay pride parades are not a family event.
Fuck off with your degenerate indecent shit.
I got a lead for you GTAV fags out there
Get this
Combine it with this
Plenty of straight people do the same. You know there is no shortage of evidence of that. You act as though straight people all have sex like June and Ward Cleaver lol
I have no problem with any of those things, all the le shocking photos from gay pride parade are actually from some shithole like brazil or a private street fair for adults only
But that's not what a pride parade is like in Canada. Why do you assume that all parades are the same? I see more button down dress shirts and khakis at pride than I do leather.
Clearly a bias free list! I can surely trust that author!
Gay is only okay if it stays indoors and is not public.
I say this as a massive faggot myself.
Well you can google the sources or whatever
This. Parades just make people kinda hate us more
Hmmmm see this :
So you shouldn't be allowed to hold your boyfriends hand as a straight couple would as you walk down the street?
Yes. Don't ruin someones day and yours
I'm not going to work to verify the claims of someone who doesn't even want to try to appear to be serious and credible.
Sharia law in the US when? If we get shillary in office it will happen.
I wasn't asking you.
But I will ask you a separate question: Why do you hinge your emotional well-being on the behaviour of others which doesn't encroach on your freedoms one iota?
Against any ideology that promotes death and disease amongst the youth. That means absolute and total opposition.
Holding hands is ok but stuff like kissing in public should be frowned upon.
I'm tired of seeing faggots everywhere.
It's not normal and I don't want it to be normal.
Is this like a where's Waldo thing?
I don't mind gay people and have even had gay friends, one of which was meant through an attempted pass on me.
Gay people are fine and majority of the ones I personal know are upstanding citizens.
What I hate is the flamboyant bullshit shoved in my face 24/7. Just act like a civilized human being and I could care less what you do with your life.
> t. Hetro White Devil
>pretending that being gay isn't a fetish
They're not normal people despite what the (((media))) is trying to sell.
>pic related
>Holding hands is ok but stuff like kissing in public should be frowned upon.
I dont want to see anyone making out in public, gay or straight. But if you want to kiss your partner goodbye for one second at the train station before they leave, as normal couples do, I'm fine with that, gay or straight. Are you OK with that?
nice quads
I'd rather not see it, but whatever.
I don't give a fuck about if someone is gay the problem is gay pride.
Fuck gay pride and all that shit, you don't see me having a fucking parade because I want to fuck women.
If you want to suck other dudes cocks, have fun but I don't want to hear about it in every fucking tv show,game,movie and news broadcast.
I don't want to hear about it.
>Why are people's lifestyle built around their sexuality?
Because they used to be oppressed for it and so building some sort fo culture was the best thing they found in order to protest in some way.
Also, people spending lots of time together separate from the main group ends up creating a culture, no matter what. Be it a certain class, types of profession, hobbies, sexualities, etc. It always happens.
>Says the person who posted an image from (((social media)))
Okay then ...