What are your opinions on Hitler
Opinions on Hitler
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his actions were not unwarranted
Not white
Not white^
Hero who had his name dragged through the mud by the reds and versaillists. Holocaust a fake
last truly free and based leader of the western world.
He killed 20 million white Russians.
Pretty bad dude.
Asshole fascist.
Amazing speaker with some good ideas, but he fucked it all up by starting/contributing to WWII.
Racist bigot
was about to say the same...seeing some of hi speeches...holy shit!!
Literally Trump
I don't care for socialists.
Could have been a great artist. But no.
Had to go change the world another way.
Hello CNN
Hitler was an evil evil man
A visionary, that came to late. The last chance for the good of humanity.
said by american
ebil nazi or something XD
had a great opportunity to make germany great again, blew it all because of his ridiculous ego
The Russian is not to be trusted
Big government guy. Spoke a funny language.
Has anyone else read Arthur Schopenhauer? A lot of Hitler's opinions were based off of his works.
I think Hitler is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills jeiws and doesnt afraid of anything.
Soon Russia will be the whitest country in the world.
>he invented fanta
>almost qualifies him for sainthood in my book
>but he also commissioned the vw bug, so I hope he burns in hell
not racially or culturally
they have been stained by Bolshevism
Hitler was a SJW with an army
One of histories greatest men
Scumbag that destroyed Europe.
>What are your opinions on Hitler
Probably illegal by now.
Who Stalin?
I mean Russia will be the best we got in the near future.
Genocial drug addict with STD's
yeah man, this video along with the music is just perfect:
What fucking sucks tho is that nationalism will always be associated with him and genocide (wether or not it happened like we're told). The thing is that nationalism isn't about hating other races or nations, but to love your own.
I don't want to see africans and middle easterns in pain, hunger and war. I want them to be happy, just not in my homeland.
I'm not a hateful guy and I never really had this opinion before I realized the white race will be extinct unless something drastic changes.
Dude he killed 60 billion jews
2 million max
>60 billion
this. the things that made him great also turned him into a fucking trainwreck because he couldn't keep his shit together
retard who could be the next Napoleon but instead chose to be Satan because he couldn't control his hate of Jews and Slavs
he might've been a bad guy but he brought germany out of its economic depression. if only he wasn't a shit tier tactician then maybe he would've been around for longer
fuck off
I´ve read around 7000 pages by now about the history from around 1650 till 1950. Mostly focusing on capitalist imperialism, religious and cultural warfare, the flow of money, the weakness of democracy and the banking system.... If Hitler would actually have been as ruthless the propaganda wants you to believe then he would have accomplished more. He was probably the best public speaker ever seen on the face of the earth. His system wasn´t perfect, but the best system humans have created so far, creating a strong collectivist race working towards a common positive goal. Sadly, the forces trying to enslave humanity through debt and fractional reserve banking were stronger and had all the other relevant countries on their side.
His ideas is the logical result of what happens when you truly love your own people and want to defend it against external influence with any means possible.
You sound like you know your shit. Is it right to assume that the main reason there's still poverty in the west is because our leaders really don't give a shit? I mean look how Germany suddenly prospered under Hitler. Wasn't it close to a 3rd world shithole before him?
He had good ideas, but the Holocaust was wrong, period.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
He did nothing wrong. Kikes got what they deserved.
I wish there was an Argentina holocaust
9/10 politican and leader
2/10 millitary leader
changed post ww1 Germany from a doomed shithole to the strongest country in
Would have died for desu
It's not like he stood a chance any ways, I think he was aware of that long before the German military leaders admitted defeat to themselves but he tried his best anyway for the sake of Germany, he must have been so depressed to see his work crumble, I can't imagine what he would say to todays Germans and Germany.
I'm like 90% sure they would've won if he had actually let his generals do their job
who knew a fucking war message runner wouldn't make a great military leader?
Germany had the combined forces of Russia, Great Britain and the USA against it, it was just a matter of time when it comes to defeat.
He could have used some black friends.
Would join the Wiking SS and die for him desu
> Is it right to assume that the main reason there's still poverty in the west is because our leaders really don't give a shit?
No. The reason that there is poverty is because they give a shit. They give a shit about staying in power and they use one of the oldest systems possible... devide and conquer. Man vs Women vs feminists vs whites vs blacks vs hispanics vs "rich" vs poor vs middle class vs (for germanys case) west german vs east german vs bavarian and so on. This "system" his held up on purpose in order for the people to be too occupied with stupid shit so they don´t have time for thinking/reading about what is actually going on in the world. You need poor/unhappy people so that the others have someony to look down too in order to feel better and they don´t dare look up. They use socialism to create gibsmedats, creating dependency on the state so that "they" never revolt against the system, otherwise their foodstamps would be gone and so on... devide and conquer can be found/created in many aspects of life, even proxy shills on Sup Forums use it.
>I mean look how Germany suddenly prospered under Hitler.
Well that is used for propaganda reasons too. It is true that nazi germany flourished due to using workers treasury certificates (money backed by work) and barter trade with other countrys. But they also printed their own money and suffered greatly from inflation in 1939.
>Wasn't it close to a 3rd world shithole before him?
Well you had the technological advances, but it wasn´t good in 1932, yes. People had no bright view of the future and suicide rates close to 200k a year in germany, it was really fucked up, high unemploymend. Without Hitler, communism would have taken germany and they would have crushed everything between germany and the USSR and then taking the rest of europe. Hitlers rise to power was the reason only half of europe got communism, not all of it. And that they even got half of it is thanks the UK and US.
What happened to them?
He had some good ideas though. But they where shadowed by his blunders
he did nothing wrong.
Did some good things, but those were outweighed by the negative things he did.
I don't blindly hate him and everything he stood for but I am certainly not a fan.
He tried to ship them out of Germany. He placed them in fun, resort-like summer camps. Unfortunately the war took a turn for the worse and many Jews died from starvation due to supplies being cut off.
Someone post the Hitler raving gif please
thanks man
that he died in 1967
>The commies killed 40 million white europeans
NatSoc Germany made beautiful music
Jewish puppet
Don't forget..
People lose their white status if they're communists.
Hitler is just a man who had his name ruined by the propaganda of his enemies, much like King Richard III or Oda Nobunaga.
France and the UK started WW2.
The Axis did everything to prevent war.
He was a big guy, data miner.
We also love Israel. We love the BBC. #I'mwithher