Are there seriously people on this board who claim they wouldn't breed this?
Are there seriously people on this board who claim they wouldn't breed this?
Yes, here's one
Why? We are all same race, same genes, i can fuck myself, it's all the same.
Heres another.
Could you imagine her smell? Oh god. I wanna throw up just thinking about it.
Yes, niggers are awful.
Like roses from the garden of Eden
More like weeds from Pooja's designated shitting street that is next to a fish market.
I'd BLEACH it, but only to whiten the blood line and hopefully help the genocide of her race. No way in hell i'd stick around and raise the nappy haired little shit.
I dont have sex if I have to use a condom and blacks have high rates of HIV so I would have to pass on this average looking girl with the extreme close up of her ass.
More like the snake's regurgitated rat.
Id prefer to in fact
>tfw no godess waifu
I would just to bleach her but she looks like a man famalan
The only other race white men are allowed to fuck are Asian girls. But you are not allowed to breed with them or you will get fucked up kids lol.
>Be a fucking white male
>Have 7/10 dark skinned Latina GF
>Can never see myself having kids with her
Shits weird to think about but like I do not want want kids with her because I want white kids, not mixed.
This. Gotta fuck up, not fuck down. If the race you are mixing with doesnt have an average IQ higher than your own races average IQ, you might as well kill yourself.
those are black albinos. I personally don't care about the skin color, but you just reinforced the point that their facial features are awful.
I'm a white male with good genes to pass on. I'd breed any woman if she wanted. Don't expect me to stick around though.
I'm a real white nigga.
> allowed
Autism intensifies.
I'd fuck her brains out in a week of passion using a condom and then never speak to her again, if she tries making contact I fake my own death and move to Europe.
Of course not.
It's a win-win situation if you do it right.
Impregnate the nig, and then go back to your wife.
You improve the black gene pool massively, while not damaging the white race in the slightest.
It's what the imperialists did.
But user... white Asian female kids are adorable.
If it's a male sure kill it with fire.
I wouldn't.
>if she tries making contact I fake my own death and move to Europe
this is the most autistic thing I read on Sup Forums today
Hating niggers doesn't stop me from fucking their women, just saying, just as they fuck white women while hating us 24/7.
Racism doesn't really turn my dick off, more on the contrary, i can even imagine i'm fucking my nigress slave and roleplay with her. I'm pretty sure more than one nigress fantasizes about a dominant white male who treats her like a slave
Like actual white brits I'm not an ass man. Furthermore I personally don't find brown/black girls attractive.
Then my work here is done.
I'd fuck her for hours.
You guys are crazy about preserving the white race.. it's too late. We will just be one race eventually in the fullness of time. Don't worry about it.. we'll all be long dead.
Evidence shows that white people wouldn't even rape it.. So yes, I would assume most people wouldn't want to fuck it.
Ooga-booga where the white women at?
I wouldn't have children with her but I'd sure as hell lick her feet.
ha faggot. If the white race dies, I'd still want my bloodline to be as pure as possible. I'd rather not breed than to have chimp descendants
I would bury my face into that chocolate mountain
I'd eat dat ass
Whitest thing I read all day.
fucking an ape was never my lifes ambition
white girl detected. Sup Forums is an oil drilling board cunt
Can confirm, I've dated 3 black girls and 2 of them were into being degraded by me with raceplay
Female hapas are equally as insane as their male counterparts.
I don't even know what it is about the asian/white combo that spawns insanity, but it happens.
looks like your average "white" american
all women want to submit and be degraded. Most women who date interracially probably get turned on by raceplay
Breed? No.
Fuck? Yes.
asian autism + more passionate, uninhibited nature of whites = Elliot Rodgers + Mattress girls
>and 2 of them were into being degraded by me with raceplay
Such as?
I wouldn't is not that I care about the white race or whatever it's just that my dick literally goes soft, there are no hot black women
most nigger cunt stinks of rancid fish as they dont clean themselves
Why do you retards keep forgetting Elliot's dad was a Jew?
race traitor faggot
I have something to tell you.... Youre a fucking faggot
Having a black sex slave is the whitest thing you can possibly do. You don't have to care about them or anything.
I honestly would not.
I don't even like his music, let alone want to fuck him
Spic here, wouldn't touch it with a stick. ESPECIALLY not my stick.
he's an anglo, which is not much different
oh gods just imagine the kids