>Be me
>Work at call center with a lot of blacks
>Black dude has a convo with me about random things
>Convo turns to slavery and white people (he watched Roots recently)
Black dude "Only Whites be always oppressing black folk from slavery to racism today"
>Me "Well Jaquan Arabs were enslaving blacks long before whites joined in and so were African tribal kings, slavery still goes on in parts African but white people have corrected their mistakes"
>Black dude "Nigga white people aint corrected jack and they don wanna admit they had slave owners as ancestors and passed the wealth to them"
>Me "But Jaquan the Majority of Americans today trace their lineage the European immigrants that came here AFTER slavery ended and only about 6% of people in the US owned slaves"
>Black dude "Nigga dats som bullshit rite ther dont be trying to act white and shit they dont like chu either too. any way ima go on break"
Talking Facts to Black People
Other urls found in this thread:
A wild nigger spears!
Go spic!
Spic used facts...
It's not very effective.
Nigger got away.
>A wild nigger spears!
>Go spic!
>Spic used facts...
>It's very offensive!
>Nigger got away.
As a White, I appreciate this, based beaner.
Indeed, stay strong Mexico
I just try to defend the truth m8
They still have to pay for the wall...
You have to go back
Don't encourage him.
>Talking to blacks
Black people are like women, low on testosterone, act feminine, only dare to do things when in a group. Worship the white man.
Blacks are inferior and you should not talk to them
did you read the American part Cletus?
>they don't like you either
Sure I do. As a New Yorker living in such close proximity to Manhattan I've grown up surrounded by cheap labor. I sip a beer watching the game as frijoles cut my lawn and spread mulch. Win win.
I'd never associate with Mexicans outside of allowing them to tend to my labor intensive needs. He's right about that.
>Be me
Muslim here. Bangladeshi origin.
What do you think about us limey muslims?
Not very fond of you guys at this point desu. I meet some broteir Bosnian and Albanian Muslims in High School but they would always "joke" about killing Jews, taking over the world, etc. Now i see they were not joking. I still love those guys though cause they're assimilated I guess
Fuck off and die.
Your own experience should of proved how futile that is. You could tell a nigger 2+2=4, but if he thinks a white man invented it then it must be 22.
cuz dem crackas dont knw sheit gnomesayin
also enjoy youtube.com
Come on Sven. Do your research. Don't make baseless claims.
why do spics on here love to suck white dick and lick white ass.
if you can't grasp the concept of white privilege or choose not to you should be killed.
>An amerifat defending their nigger lord
Why am i not surprised?
I hope you realize that statistics and science nowdays are used as Propaganda. Whites in general are stronger, smarter, healthier, than blacks, and we tend to have more testosterone.
You probably didnt know this but, testosterone doesnt make you violent. And niggers are violent as fuck.
If you need help gaining testosterone, just ask me you magnificent living burger
>Whites in general are stronger, smarter, healthier, than blacks, and we tend to have more testosterone.
That's not what Swedish women say.
Great memes. Now go choke on a burger while getting robbed by a nigger
It doesn't exist. It's racist af to assume that all whites are born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
Most blacks fail to succeed because they don't even try.
>Father worked two jobs while studying comp. sci. while Mother watched his two young children
>No leeway in budget whatsoever. Mother made everything she could from scratch to save money.
>The government now takes 3/4 of his money through taxes because of how much he earns
>People still say he doesn't pay enough taxes
Quebec a shit.
>trying to reason with facts and logic
>a black person
nice try bro, i'd sit across the table from you any day.
-t a blond hair blue eyed white guy.
sven I'm pretty sure blacks have more testosterone but the extra usually gets converted to estrogen at a certain point
so they do have more test but they also get more emotional and act like monkeys because of the increased estrogen
HOLY SHIT, i have to fucking screencap this
Kill yourself, parasite.
I'm just giving facts you faggot
Whites are the strongest and a small increase in test isn't that big of a deal considering how much gear it takes to get to be a strongman, powerlifter, or weightlifter
jesus I know you don't like blacks because your entire family fucks them but there is no reason to make shit up
>I'm just giving facts you faggot
Stopped reading there
Whites are better in everything. Niggers are inferior.
Now go suck that cut jewish cock
>tfw will never have slave owners as ancestors who passed the wealth to me
the other user literally gave you a chart showing test level by race
you are just as bad as the nigger in OPs story
A chart with no source. And even if he gives me the source, its probably made by George Soros or some other zionist kike.
As i said before, science nowdays is used as propaganda purpose. Not that an amerifat would understand
feel free to find anything showing the contrary then
I already stated it really doesn't matter
the only thing blacks are good at is running and that is probably due to the same reason they are so shit at swimming
Congrats, you are a nigger
>Sweden trying to talk to America about science
Most hood rat blacks don't understand facts just muh feelings. I know I've been around them my whole life. Its the reason they walk in the middle of the street instead of sidewalks. ITs the reason they shit in public pools. ITs the reason they fight police. Its the reason for everything wrong with their culture everything is based on muh feelings and no logic.
>Slacking off at work
Checks out.
You should have told him that there were black slave owners in the US.
Really watch him chimpout.
All the amerifats defending their nigger lords. And using Sweden YES memes
Please dont type too fast, i dont want you guys to vomit from exhaustion
>Mfw swedish and ill never be an amerifat
Blacks need fact checks, not welfare checks.
That's a line a guy in Florida would use. Good job though, user. Keep fighting the good fight
Kill yourself user
What's the point of even trying to improve yourself if the government is just going to take it from you?
Be me have irish heritage some White privilege supporter She saying how white never really have had to face racist & bigotry in America.I chim in A say no not tru my ancestors where indentured slave's when they first came to America From Ireland & was seen as subhuman Drunks & where called white niggers & fought bigotry & seen just As bad as black & hada fight with Blacks for same shit jobs which I bet I you didn't know about.Im not privileged my ancestors livebA hard life for my family to haveb A better so stop being A bigot.he stoped posting.I'
I'd be scared for my life there are a lot of blacks where I work I would have been eaten alive
>Black dude "Nigga dats som bullshit rite ther dont be trying to act white and shit they dont like chu either too. any way ima go on break"
my black classmate told me the same thing. honestly I don't give a shit. I can always go back to Asia if they don't like me
facts are fact but they like you 100% user you are asian
>2nd point
Stopped reading. You have to go back.
>>Convo turns to slavery and white people (he watched Roots recently)
>Black dude "Only Whites be always oppressing black folk from slavery to racism today"
>Roots remake Written by (((Lawrence Konner))) & (((Mark Rosenthal)))