Why doesn't Putin just kill the kike giving the orders to the west?
Why doesn't Putin just kill the kike giving the orders to the west?
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because the kikes comtrol russia too
He is trying to avoid a war.
Watch and recent speech of his. All he has been doing lately is trying to warn the world of the West. He is not scared to fight, but would like to avoid it for the safety of everyone. Look at Nuclear stockpiles alone and you'll see Putin is doing the right thing by trying to resolve it first.
He has an international arrest warrant for this jew and has been waging debt-based economic warfare against the Rothschild banking cartel
Dudes trying, cut him some slack
Yeah but why not just kill them? hes more than capable of doing it without the public noticing.
This too
Putin is doing the world a favor
Kike boi wanting ww3?
> West controlled by Zionist
> Putin should just kill them
> US won't be a the puppet for retaliation
> The jews never used the US for their own gain (what is WW1 - "The Balfour Declaration" )
Putin is doing every thing he can. You have to remember he is a lone wolf of Superpowers against US, Europe, and NATO as a whole.
You have no idea how powerful these people are
They don't even go out in public, these are just actors listening to their "hearing aid" earpieces while they are hooked up to literal machines underground while giving orders
Or maybe not but it's possible
These people are way harder to get than even the POTUS
You're understanding of the world is very brainwashed
Presidents are just puppets unless Trump
The Jews would literally use the entire first world to false flag an invasion of Russia if he started physically killing NWO elite
Hitler tried something similar to this (he didn't kill them, but booted them from power). Almost literally the entire world ganged up on him, and he's now officially the "biggest bad guy in history".
>implying you need to be a world leader to engage in globalist removal
ask any russian nationalist they don't like putin
Holy shit putin teared that guy a new one open.
JFK started too also
Lincoln was about to go after the national bank
They kill powerful people who name the jew
Ben Garrison is already tracking em down as we speak
>takes out earpiece
>but why Mr Putin?
>i am not going to b needing to listen to this sandnigger for next few minutes
Alpha as fuck
this. Putin is a little bitch.
Shill for the stars you globalist cucks
> russian nationalist
>don't like putin
Shills are getting desperate these days