weird, innit?
>atheists prefer being raging liberals to eternal life
stfu, fag
Atheist prefer to live out of delusion instead of waiting all their life for something that will never ever exist
Nice tautology. And nice English too.
You will never get eternal life with religion. Heaven is a stupid fucking idea that is based on the whole "you get everything that you desire" mentality(which the bible specifically speaks out against).
And that pic is retarded, because "god" would just be happy with that girl having that little bear. This "god" in that pic is merely bribing that little girl into obeying him.
Say no to the fabulous gifts and expensive prizes that religion tries to offer you.
>Christians ritualistically cannibalize a zombie every week
Holy fuck what a bunch of psychopaths something should really be done about them
This entire post is retardation. I'm not even sure what your thought process was typing this. Sad!
You say all this with no proof of god, heaven, the "devil", or any proof that disproves anything I have said.
Religious drones, everyone.
Keep up that zombie walk to the grave. It's sad that you have to be bribed in order to be good. Like a shithead child.
sad really.
Causation, buddy
>be atheist because there's no evidence of religion
>still be pro-tradition, agains premarital sex, pro-nationalism
Atheists make better Sup Forumsacks because we actually have to fight for sustainable politics in our nations. God isn't going to magically come down some day and make all the niggers go away, we have to do it ourselves so that our descendants don't end up in mass graves.
>eternal life
it's symbolic you idiot
"if you trust God and give up what the world's given you God will give you something much greater"
Retard atheist become liberals because retard Christians push their religion into conservatism. The pillar belief for retard atheists is everything religion is evil so they side with the more secular.
Eternal life doesn't exist, retard.
4th thread I've seen today.
That term means absolutely nothing when applied to religion.
I don't get this comic.
but if "god" were all loving, he wouldn't stoop so low in order to bribe you. He would just be happy you have what you have.
Not an argument.
why's jesus stealing that girls teddy bear? fucking asshole
jesus was a pedophile
A pedofile is trying to trick a girl with teddy bear.
So you making a deal with him?Don't se so emotional to me...
what's the point of atheism besides looking smart?
I get it, not believing and all, but what's the point of spreading it and telling everyone you're an atheist? nobody gives a fuck
Christians have no souls. The little girls only "loves" her teddy bear because of it's size and quality. She wouldn't hesitate to throw it away to get a bigger "better" one.
>Still believing in ancient Jewish fairy tales based on cuckoldry
Apparently you do
A just God would explain why he wants to take her bear, or even better just let her have both.
>lmao YOU care lol why did u ask then xd
Really nigger? Is your life so pathetic all you have is trying to look smart?
Atheists want a life without God. God will give them what they want.
Oh so when I approach kids in a bathrobe and hobo beard to give them teddy bears people start tossing around phrases like
"Soliciting a minor" and "banned from within 1,000 feet of school grounds and parks."
But when THAT guy does it its just cute and adorable apparently.
That's very nice of him.
Goat-fuckers hate the world (read: landscape around them) and love the sky.
If God was so great the smaller bear wouldn't even exist.
I like you. If you're still in this thread, never reply to posts about religion again. It's always this guy or some leaf abd they just constantly shit post. Because of (((rules))) I can not tell you to sage or report threads. But hypothetically you could sage and report these threads to make room for actual content.
Is heaven without sin? And is there free will?
If the answer to both is yes, why does earth exist?
They also have a long history of religious leaders declaring europe the promised land and trying to invade every few centuries.
Last time poland france and germany kicked em out of vienna and they never tried again. Its been a few centuries, probably due for another soon here......
It's not that fucking complicated, holy shit. The small bear represents worldly things, desires and attachments that we must give up to havr Christ, the large bear represents heaven and salvation and what have you, the promised rewards if you have christ.
It falls apart because the things the big bear represents don't actually exist. That's why this drawing is fucking stupid.
That doesn't even make sense. Do you really think right wing conservative atheists don't exist, or are you just shilling with hyperbole to get your shitty thread more posts? I WONDER HMMMM
Sup Forums is not a useful place to have discussions about religion. Fuck off.
Im not atheist, but I knda always had issues with the whole heaven thing.
Hell = bad
Heaven = good
But when you really read about heaven its just "oh, well you suddenly are healthy again, and arent ever gonna get sick or hungry, or feel bad ever again. Then your free will gets stripped away and you kinda just blissfully praise god for the rest of eternity."
Was life just so shitty when they wrote the bible that thats all they could think of to do with an immortal and suffering free existence? Just sit around and sing hymns for the rest of all time?
Like at no point jesus wouldnt just be like "hey, ya wanna go surf gravity waves on the edge of a black hole or something?"
Don't know. Feel as if they're acting out in rebellion after being told endlessly by media and others that we are all special snowflakes with uniqueness, this and that and the other. No problem with Atheism itself, though, If you make that decision based on actual thinking for yourself instead of what is the cool hip shit for making you popular
>give up that which you hold dear for material gain
>give up that which makes you human for a hollow life and a hollow afterlife.
Is the bible the book with the most ad hominem to date?
Literally : if u dont believe u dumb
I agree, I support a free society where a person can be as spiritual or not as they like.
But just slapping on a fedora and out of season scarf and pretending mocking the ways others find a measure of peace and comfort in a chaotic and uncaring existence makes them more sophisticated is irritating.
Nothing wrong with choosing not to worship anything, but the whole
its like the ultimate way to be edgy and pretend you are some sort of enlightned but opressed minority without actually risking anything.
Right up there with feminazi worshipping white knights.
Not the being athiest part mind you, the attention whoring that a lot of them seem to do.
Nobody looks smart when here an atheist spreading this evolution hocus pocus and Big Bang mumbo jumbo it's all theories that have been disproven the day they came out.
why is Sup Forums so full of "muh atheists dumb hehehe" threads? makes no sense to me.
I was talking about Semitic religions generally.