Explain me Central and Latin America, Sup Forums. Why aren't all those Spanish-speaking countries a single one country...

Explain me Central and Latin America, Sup Forums. Why aren't all those Spanish-speaking countries a single one country? What is the base for, say, Nicaraguan or Guatemalan nationalism? As a European, I find it difficult to perceive.

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You speak English, why aren't you a part of the U.K?

Latin America/Area
8.135 million mi2

Image result for area of europe
3.931 million mi2

really makes you think.

They tried, it didn't work out.


Because in some countries there are many niggers and in others there aren't many niggers.

>Anonymous (ID: wMlbqsWb)




Most of them didn't want to be. Mexico used to control all of Central America except Panama but the Central Americans broke off and then balkanized even more

Colombia(which also had Panama), Venezuela, and Ecuador were all one country but broke up for political reasons.