My sister is dating a Pakistani shitskin and she is talking about having kids...

My sister is dating a Pakistani shitskin and she is talking about having kids. She is literally retarded like a blonde bitch and feminist.

What to do?

Kill her to maintain your family's honour, obviously.


"You're not my sister anymore".

Get her pregnant first

honor kill

Abandon her


Post pics of your sister so we can make an informed decision. Nudes please.

Well is he a cool dude?

Danish girls are sluts, speaking from experience

>Well is he a cool dude?
Norwegian here so i know Pakkies. He will fuck her, put kids in her and leave here for a cousin from Pakkistan. Doesen't matter if he's cool or not. This is what he will do or his uncucked family will make him do. Why haven't you redpilled your sister?

Maybe he was secular and civilized

make fun of her for dating a subhuman and talk about it as if it is not a person. Dehumanize him to her.

>My sister is dating a Pakistani shitskin and she is talking about having kids.

Your sister is literally collateral damage in the greater scheme of evolution.

Her total retardation is her downfall.

>Maybe he was secular and civilized

lemme rape her first.

Gather some mates and smash his head in.

It could be far worse, you should be happy she isn't dating a Mizrachi.

what's wrong with Mariachis?

Overt hostility towards her won't work as well as ridicule will.

tell her about white people dying out and make her feel bad about comitting genocide


>Maybe he was secular and civilized
Sure but he's still a pakkie. I'm not saying exemptions does not exist, but those people already had parents who had left pakkism befor they were born.

kys her

>Gather some mates and smash his head in.
The girl is the one who need beating and shaming. No need to fuck with the pakkie

complain online and do nothing irl because real life isn't the internet

hold his balls when he fucks her.

>tell her about white people dying out and make her feel bad about comitting genocide

>White women
>Not the biggest obstacle of race-mixing

yea, they don't care. Believe me.

Just how fugly is your sister if she'd even CONSIDER fucking a paki?

No...wait, you're that one fucking cuckposter that constantly makes up these bullshit bait stories and then gloats about it afterwards.

Kill yourself.

Make the paki boy look like a huge beta in front of her and treat him like a dumb shitskin

My sister is dating a ginger DDR kraut that's also a vegetarian commie and refused to eat my mom's heavenly lasagna almost making her cry

not even joking here, i feel your pain


>1 post by this ID

Deal with it instead of whining.

>She is literally retarded like a blonde bitch and feminist

well getting married to a shitskin will solve the latter. Encourage her! she will discover how liberating it is

I'd rather batter a Paki than my sister.

It's probably the faggot from yesterday who had a sister going to some boarding school

If OP is serious, just this.

Disassociate yourself from her forever. Don't be a fucking bitch about it either. Tell your parents, tell her once and only once, and from that moment on, never be anywhere near her. And whatever you do, don't fucking compromise.

In your case it would be the same thing.

>What to do?
Tell her that you will leave her forever, just like he will when they have kids.

maybe not american women, but danish women are different

seriously, go the fuck back to l.eddit

Kill her and blame the Paki


Make sure you're not part of the same household as your sister, because the Paki will abandon her to marry his cousin and she'll try to dump her children on you when she wants to go out.

Break off all contact with her and let her deal with the consequences of her own actions. The children are not your kin, so make sure you feel no loyalty towards them either.

Yeah, OP is definitely that one faggot that makes up bullshit cuck stories.

Hell, I read this same fucking story not even a week.

Ignore this shit.

watch when they fuck

Introduce to paki's familily, they will expect your sis to stay with the kids, a true feminist would bolt.

Paki's a Paki. It's in the blood.

>hur dur ur a paki
Yes well done Magnus.

Make some fake accounts on social media of another chick and start hitting on him, give her the evidence of what you "found".


Obviously you find a mask and rape her yelling yahoo snackbar.

omg frog take it easy
just find her some good lookin tall blonde danish man instead, unless your sister is a walking toilet of course

Remind her that in Islam, it is considered Adultery if a woman is raped. The husband can then leave her, and according to Sharia, the men of the family can kill her to maintain the family honor.

Also tiny Asian penis.

The second the beautiful blonde babe gene is wiped off the face of the earth by the shit skin paki gene,then i will kill my self gg

How about you be a man and explain to her what she's fucking doing to your country for her "feelings".

Don't kill yourself. Kill the people who make you want to kill yourself.

>and feminist

Your sister is a dumb bitch. Cut all ties and disown her.

You have to frame him for cheating on her with a goat. Trust me I'm from Pakistan. Pakis love very few things more than goats and little boys.

Punch some sense in the bitch

I'd rather my sister marry a paki than a britcuck

tell her that she needs to find a real man, not a shitskin.

cum on her tampons? can't get pregnant if you are pregnant

Have fun playing with your nephew Mohammad and niece Fatima.

Masturbate while thinking of her fertile belly being inseminated by his brown cock.

did you also hear the sounds of him plunging his penis into your sister’s vagina?

This is serious. We better shoot all the niggers too just in case.

Here is some useful advice.....

You are literally the pot calling the kettle black.


Go beat the paki, and tell you sister to stop dating him or you will transform her life into hell

It worked for my cousin who was too close with a muslim.

Dont listen to these idiots on here.

Her hormones are obviously going haywire. If you push her strongly against this, she will do the exact opposite.
The only way is to be subtle. For example, tell her that you're worried about her, because you read somewhere about some Pakistani dudes who are all cool before marriage but then turn full whacko and ask women to wear burqa.
Tell her that you had heard about how they suddenly become conservative.
Leave a couple of articles from the internet lying around. Let her ask him about this.
it will create a tiny rift. YOu just have to exploit this rift

>t. paki

Curb stomp him in front of her. This will teach her not to date subhuman shitskins next time

>tfw 1/4 Mizrahi

STFU ;_;

Honor killing. Do it like your viking ancestors would have.


Frame the fucker and get two birds stoned at once.

Already collected you.

Redpill her on iq and the white race you faggot

My cousin is marrying a Muslim and he's actually fucking converting. This dude is a republican too. Or was. Now he's literally turning into some low energy cuck beta right before my eyes all to marry some ugly brown muzzie.

this desu

Disown your sister. And humiliate her if possible. Ruin her life. Make it a living hell.

Flæskesteg er min livret

Good on him

Try and red pill him before it's too late.

Introduce her to some single Danish men, maybe she will see sense. If not, introduce her to this site and she will be exposed to examples of how those shits are ruining Europe.

Impregnate her with your superior Aryan seed, it's your duty. After that telegony will work and the kids will be Bro-tier

I've been searching for this.Thanks user you've helped me dodge a bullet.

Rape then kill her, kill the paki along with his family just like Comrade Stalin would do

How the fuck you let this happen, fuck.


What have you said to him about it? Nothing I'm guessing...

You would say that Ahmed.

thats some crazy shit

saving it

Story time.


Her betrayal of 100,000 years of heritage is sinful abomination

Can't happen you illiterate nigger.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to fully remove a recessive allele with no negative effects? It just means the two genes (putatively, there could be more) that control blonde hair color would likely be unable to penetrate, but they'd still get passed around.

To make it simpler for you illiterate nigger pollacks, let's assume blonde hair color is monogenetic.

OP's filthy coal-burning whore of a sister has recessive (b/b) since as a blonde she'd need two recessive blonde alleles (b) to be blonde,

and her filthy shitskin, allahu akbar nigger would either be homozygous for dominant nigger hair (B/B),
or his filthy nigger ancestors also raped some blonde whores , so he's carrying a hidden recessive copy of blonde (b/B)

(b/b) X (B/B)
Means all children will be heterozygotes and carry on the blonde gene as (B/b)

and if the nigger raping OP's whore sister was (B/b) then you'd expect 75% of kids to become heterozygotes and 25% of their shitskin mixed abomination children would be blonde.

This is like grade 10 biology lol

Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, assuming no real fitness change from carrying recessive blonde genes and assuming some other unrealistic assumptions means even if some crazy PakiNigger version of Hitler came into power and started systematically raping other blondes like OP's whore of a sister, it would be virtually impossile to eliminate the recessive blonde (b) allele

The paki isn't the problem guys. You can protect someone from the occasional bad choice, but you can't protect them from their own stupidity unless you wanna care for a retard for the rest of your life.

This. Tell her she is disgusting and her children won't even look like her.