Black lives matter myths debunked!

ooga booga gibsmedat

>different hairdo
She probably saw that mspaint pic, didn't she?

whats there to debunk? they turn violent everywhere they protest you fucking piss ant cuck

I didn't, care to share?

>brings up 84% white people killing white people
>doesn't mention how much more often black people murder people

haha, well what else could i expect

No. Its about blaming whitey for the societal problems the "black community" has and gibs me dats.
BLM has lied about every police shooting they protest by willfully distorting the facts and chimping out before any reliable information about an incident emerges.
They automatically assume racism when there is no evidence of it.
Should I assume that every black crime against a person of another race?Because that will make blacks look even worse.

And how many of the cases brought up by BLM were unjustified after the facts came in?

what about the lack of consequences when one chimp offs another?

>lack of consequences
>people literally protesting in Berlin for a dead nog