I couldn't believe this either when it happened, thought I'd share it with you all.
I couldn't believe this either when it happened, thought I'd share it with you all
so zuckercuck thoughtcrime is in full effect
Their entire jew narrative is to weaken the western races to extort and manipulate them.
Guns stand in the way of that objective.
>using goybook
>Using Kikebook
>Complaining about censors n shit
Wow, really jiggles that noggin, ya?
I bet words related to islamic terrorism arent banned
Did anyone try this out or do you guys just believe everything that comes in the form of an image?
You also can't share certain links through messenger, not kidding.
It's not confirmed until we get multiple people trying it, and confirming it themselves.
when i tried it again, it let me send it. BUT STILL.
Daily reminder that it's us Europoors alone who are fucked and that the US is literally perfect.
No arguments and memes about my flag in: 5... 4... 3...
>using kikebook messanger
>not using Signal
I feel for you though. You used to be the land of Vikings. What the fuck happened?
I liked the sweden from a few years ago better than the current state your country is in.
We are on the same ride, so we gotta stick together Sven!
Doesn't matter unless he photoshoped the "send failed" part of it, kikebook should not be reading private messages.
But why is 5.56 ยทยทยทยท censored?
just tried it and it sent no problem
haven't heard of this will check out
W3LL L00K5 L1K3 1T5 T1M3 T0 G3T B7CK T0 L33T5P37K
> I suck at leetspeak
yea like i said, it only did this to me once. I screenshotted it and tried again and it worked fine. Still spooky though.
Because it's used for [REDACTED]
Seems to happen randomly, either way Fuckbook should not be concerned with what people send to themselves in private. Absolutely disgusting.
>implying its not B4CK
I'm definitely on some list now
Why don't you just use a OTR plugin for goybook chat? Its easy to use and doesn't get your shit logged by goybook. You will probably be flagged for using it and have all your encrypted messages logged, but they're useless without the key.
>it let me send it when I tried it again
then it was just a temp problem, faggot.
can this actually be done? it seems like that would go against facebook's mission statement of invading your privacy and policing your speech.
Me too.. me too.. When I was growing up, we had like 3-4 Bosnian families in a town of 2000 people. Now it has a refugee home and probably 30% are Arabs or niggers.
Sup Forums should stick together, and we all should realize that our countries are FUCKED if nothing happens soon. I don't mean "HAHA OMG BURGERS BTFO BLM RIGHT? FAGS" or "WTF WHO LET THE GERMKEK SPEAK", I mean that we should stop taking out our frustrations and live in denial. We're ALL fucked. It's not America vs. Europe, it's us vs. them.
It seems like every country get's fucked so hard by politicians, to a different degree for every country. We can make jokes, since we laughing for KeK (pbuh) is for the good cause but i stand with Sweden, Muricans and every other faggot on Sup Forums.
Grew up with some russians, bosniens and other from that area, we always fought and made peace after that, it was more banter than hate.
Trying that with our current "migrants" will get you probably stabbed and then arrested for provoking them...