Are you ready for the day of rage?
Are you ready for the day of rage?
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indeed. I live in South Carolina, so the nigs are pretty numerous here, but the keep in line for most part.
Is this like the their attempt at the Day of Rope?
It's really not in their interests to make the American culture war turn violent.
Always ready , always 110% ready
I am lethal , up to 25 feet , torso and neck.
>literal race war
Who comfy?
>consider warning some people I know
>there all blue pulled Normie's that don't know better
>they'll never learn otherwise
It's best not to warn anyone.
Comfy in the car with this and burger
- T. American ccw
Absolutely. I live in a sleepy small town where none of this shit matters, I'm ready for a comfy weekend of swimming, going to the range, and then coming home to sip on some scotch and watch chaos on the news (assuming it happens, I think this is all bullshit honestly).
I hope many of you /pol racists end up in their sights. You people disgust me and definitely deserve it.
Theres a protest in my city tomorrow and i past through the area to get home.
I might just leave early tomorrow.
Negroids are all talk. Nothing will happen. Screenshot this.
>the race war is hapenning and I can watch it from the comfort of my computer in an advanced and civilized country
Shit, I'm Californian and I don't own a gun. I have a cavalry saber. It's a real one from the Franco-Prussian War, it's sharp as balls but I'm not a swordsman.
Do niggers fear cold steel Sup Forums?
A fucking leaf.
Its always bullshit , but its always good to be armed , even if you leave the house for 10 minutes to grab a thirst buster at the circle k on the corner.
Idk who plans on making me their victim. But if they come unarmed , they picked the wrong victim.
mmm that jerk turkey sandwich. just had one while i was down. of course i bought a gallon of sweet tea too.
That was a hell of a conversation that autistic PFC had with the cops in Dallas user
Something happened, the old rules aren't applying anymore. I think it was king niggers race baiting
this is what I'm talking about all the vile hatred on this site. Always calling for the death of PoC. Discriminating against people just because of the country they are from. Everyone of you that dies is one less hate filled soul. That could only be good for the world.
Comfy as fuck
You know this is made up bullshit right?
>live in AZ
>nearly everyone is armed
>their plan failed before it started
So it's supposed to happen tomorrow? Where do you think would be hit hardest?
Bring it on. Race war and martial law. Sounds like a happening.
>frozen beef patties
brah u need to sort that shit out nom sayin
what glock is that?
Fuck off you maple syrup drinking, tree fucking queeroid.
Starting shit on Fridays is literally Muslim-tier. In one of our states, Muslims go to mosque on Friday and riot after the prayers.
I live in Columbus. I cannot wait.
>ball rounds
That video why would you post somthing like that
Literally shaking
I think I'm going to be sick
>9mm fmj
wew lad
Minnesota and Baton Rouge will have protests, none of this day of rage bullshit that Sup Forums made up and is now bringing it back up
damn it time to get another Publix sub
>mismatched shoes
>unmade bed
>frozen, unprepared food in bedroom
Get your life together, user. Jesus
Stale pasta from 2014 being recycled. Fuck off with this shit.
although i really wish it were true, nothing is going to happen you dumb fucks.
I love it when stupid kaffers get fragged...
lets discuss this here i have the map for all the areas thanks to op last night
>frozen beef patties
>not just buying higher quality ground beef and making your own better and for cheaper
Aw shit race war? Do my black wife and I have to kill each other now? Damnit I hope I wake up first!
Holy shit is that Rhodesia?
All in favor of a field trip to Cleveland?
my thoughts. he's a big guy
Gosh darn that's smooth
/ck/ here. Stater Bros burgers are the best. I keep a bag in my bed too.
Anything happening in delaware? I dont think so
It will be comfy to watch the rest of america burn down while I sit here nice and comfy in the middle of nowhere state :)
Lmao how much of a faggot can you be
I think it was Congo. Look up Africa Addio its a mandatory redpill on feral negroes
ok since this is day of rage general, take the chart i guess
Oh boy time to go buy some 12g buckshot and or slugs.
So Sup Forums is not in cahoots with anonymous right? You guys did not do this right?
It's just the TV license patrol you fucking leaf.
>I keep a bag in my bed too.
Oh and now a homophobe chimes in. Wether or not I enjoy penis has nothing to do with this.
Lazy fucks didn't even change anything from the 2014 posting.
In case I wake up and need a burger. I have a hotplate beside my bed that stays heated.
Check out /ck/ sometime. They have a lot of tips like that that make the single life wonderful
4 days till shtf in mistake by the lake
> the 15th of tomorrow
> didn't change anything from the 2014 posting
Just gas yourself
Day or rage has happened the last few years and nothing major has happened. Just usual libcucks blocking roads and getting gassed.
Better get some hollowpoints f.A.m
I wasn't talking about the date. The list of places is identical.
DOTRage when?
Proof it's made up?
If they rage and act upon it,
they'll end at the noose.
That's how it goes.
God damn fuckers calm down, I'm comfy is all
Nothing is going to happen, you dip.
i dont know man this weird seems odd, if you noticed all the shit has been happening, and the armed black panthers for the repub convention tomorrow
>mfw in civil union since I moved out of parents house
>mfw missed out on single living andscuffing like a degenerate slob
I envy you user
I was just busting your balls user. Comfy on.
Get your penis out
>Parmesan from a plastic container
>>Parmesan from a plastic container
b-but that's the way it always comes.
jeez, naah
you like making reviewbrah threads a lot
Day of Rage was orignally posted 2 years ago in August protests with literally yhe same message as tomorrows.
Nothing will happen and anyone dumb enough that talks about wanting to kill people on social media is arrested before any happenings
4/10: Not subtle enough.
This is barely satire anymore. This has to be their thought process in some cases.
>Nigs Nog
>Trump gets more support
So what's the issue here?
Most of these "protests" are in liberal shitholes...
I hope the enjoy all the "benefits" diversity has to offer
Literally the biggest nigger gun there is.
>wearing shoes indoor.
>muh freedom
Fucking kek.
welcome to costco
i luv u
>less than 1% black population
Yes, I'm ready.
Honestly mate so long as it's sharp and you know not to grip it by the blade then it's going to do some serious damage to most niggers regardless because most niggers aren't swordsmen either.
If you're really worried then just look up some HEMA videos when you have the time.
So someone tipped FBI right?
>white people
Oh I am laffin
have you been watching what they want to do, they want to delay the election, 2 years ago it was just lousy bull shit.
Anyone got one of these? Would be my first pick for home protection 2bh
the feds know this already
Why? The FBI doesn't go after criminals anymore.
I live in a Stepford as hell area, so, no. I will, however, be looking forward to watching heavily groid infested areas burn live on the news.
My nigga. I used to fucking drink that shit by itself, much better than faggy lemonade.
>field trip
>field triments
>fioop reinforcements
>troop reinforcements
I dont mind a field trip
>tipping the FBI about stale pasta from 2014
Why are people lying like that on the internet OP ?
What do they get out of it ?
>live in Columbus
>on the biggest street in the city
I'm so ready, but I doubt they would head in my direction. They would have to go through the hipster part of town. My car might have to be moved for safety though
Jim said he might stream it
Oh shit I didn't expect actual proof
OK maybe the niggers are still retarded
I'm still gonna get /comfy/ with my guns loaded tho