I posted this in /biz/ first

So pham. I am sure that you guys, although not 'anti-samites' like Sup Forums is, know the Hebrew influence of the global financial sector.

You would have to be an idiot to not realize that all of the richest people in the world, also happen to be Jewish.

Now, I don't want to scare anyone, I am simply here for advice.

The Global Economy will crash on October 2nd, 2016. I would like to know what it is I can do, to not die in that crash.

The 2008 financial collapse started happening on EXACTLY the "Shemitah" year. Just as the 7th DAY is "for rest," the 7th YEAR is also for rest. This year is called the Shemitah year.

What is this year, then, you say? What is October 2nd, 2016?

Well, it is the very end of the "Jubilee." Jubilee is every 7th Shemitah year.

If you need more proofs;
William White, the ex chief of the Bank for International Settlements, said

>The global financial system has become dangerously unstable [he's right] and faces an avalanche of bankruptcies that will test social and political stability .... [Uh-huh]
>"The situation is worse than it was in 2007. Our macroeconomic ammunition to fight downturns is essentially all used up" ....

>"It will become obvious in the next recession that many of these debts will never be serviced or repaid, and this will be uncomfortable for a lot of people who think they own assets that are worth something"

>"The only question is whether we are able to look reality in the eye and face what is coming in an orderly fashion, or whether it will be disorderly. Debt jubilees have been going on for 5,000 years, as far back as the Sumerians."



The Chinese YUAN is being added to the SDR Currency basket. This will take effect OCTOBER 1st, 2016 (a saturday) I'll post that next

Other urls found in this thread:


>“The renminbi’s inclusion in the SDR is a clear indication of the reforms that
have been implemented and will continue to be implemented and is a clear,
stronger representation of the global economy,” Lagarde said Monday during a press briefing at the IMF’s headquarters in Washington. Renminbi is the currency’s official name and means “the people’s currency” in Mandarin; yuan is the unit.

>The Chinese Yuan’s Journey to Global Reserve Status: A Timeline

>The addition will take effect Oct. 1, 2016, with the yuan having a 10.92 percent weighting in the basket, the IMF said.

See? It will take effect October 1st, 2016. The End of Jubilee happens on October 2nd ( a Sunday). The last financial crash happened in the last Shemitah.

This is the Jubilee; it is the 7th Shemitah (a 49 year cycle)


Do I somehow "short the markets?"

Do I convert all of the wealth I can into Silver?

The housing bubble will surely collapse on that day. The day the Yuan becomes a reserve currency? I mean come on. It's obvious.

what do I do to prepare guys?

I truly do not know if this is because of Hebrew control of monetary policy

If it is because wealth is literally a form of energy/ power, and this is the natural cycle of waxing and waning of power and energy

If it is a combination of the two

but the fact of the matter is, this is habbening, and I come here in peace, looking for help.

This is the first time I have posted this thread, because I just became aware of this. I am pretty poorfag, so I'm probably doomed anyway. I should at least stock up on ammo, and have myself a backpack with all the survival necessities ready.

Please /biz/, you are my only hope.

In another situation, I would suggest simply shorting the markets, as they say. But the big problem with this is, who knows if the system will even remain?

Take buying silver for example. I give some guys $1000 bucks to get $1000 dollars worth of silver. Well unless that silver is IN MY HANDS, if there was a large enough collapse, in a life or death situation, would these silver merchants "keep my silver safe for me?" I mean, come on

This could be yuge guys. People have lost their survival instincts. Nobody even feels anything?

I can feel the signs coming on.

Right now, the tide is going out lower than it has ever been, further out to sea than it has ever been, and people aren't even seeing this as a sign that the ocean of energy/power is soon going to tidal wave most of us to death.

Thoughts on this jubilee habbening?

again, I don't know if this is because of the Hebrews, or because of some innate cycle of waxing and waning power, but the facts are in, and this may be the biggest habbening of our lifetimes.

pic related; the Economist is owned by the Rothschilds by the way. Check in the back.

their is nothing you can do, black kikes matter is trying to make a civil war and make sure everyhting falls into place, delay the election and make everything a shit hole, chinas economoy has fallen along with the eu, uk might be a safe place but i doubt it because tat was the last straw of triggering a collapse, the eu was tied everyone was united. But now that broke and we are fucked into war
:tldr we are fucked by the end of this year war is coming with possible civil war thanks to welfare kikes

>Let's all live by the same standards as 3rd world dindus it'll be great


Good the more desperate the situation is, the more people will want Trump.

>The world is ending Sept--Octob--November 201--2016 for really realz this time!!!!

K... Keep me posted

The biggest thing I don't understand about this is that I would have thought that the Rothschild/ Rockefella money is basically coming from the west and based there. Although it would be understandable based on US-China-Britain relations that these guys got their tap into China long ago, and they already get their Jew-Cut from China regardless, so if Europe/ America crashes they don't lose their stranglehold on world finance anyway, and they rather enjoy having a billion good lil' work slaves who are far less likely to revolt and can handle worse working conditions and harsher governments without doing so.

I just don't understand why people who have a stranglehold on power would rather have a world population that KNOWS they are under control than one whom thinks they are free. Is it because since the rise of the internet they feel that too many people will realize if they don't do something?

I wouldn't think that mattered. Does it even matter if the entire country has heard of the Rothschild and Federal Reserve control? Don't most people go "yea whatever" because their standards of living are keeping them docile?
yup. And the problem is, liberals love that shit.

The Yuan coming into effect will royally rape us. We can greentext argue about what the difference is between a gold backed currency and fiat money, if anything, but the fact of the matter is, when faced with a choice between fiat money and gold backed money, how many investors will go with the gold backed? The answer is most. And that's how markets work. They work on what people believe in. People always argue "Well, fiat money works because people believe in it"

What happens when they can believe in gold backed money? And that gold backed money belongs to the government that has cornered the world's industrial market?

What do? Are we destined to be slaves in the next 20 years?

Is this one of the reasons why Whites aren't having kids? Can they sense that struggle is coming?

Can't wait for a madmax type scenario

>The Global Economy will crash on October 2nd, 2016.
Oh, look. The biannual ECONOMIC MELTDOWN thread. There is always one stating IDS HABBENING in the spring and one that iIDS HABBENIN in the Autumn.

As always, I will be called a shill and be told of the confirmation of my $0.05 transaction. And as always when nothing happened I will be here telling, I told you so.

I've never made a habbening thread before.

I am not a broken clock.

Look into it yourself. Look into Shemitah and Economic Collapse.

>What is this year, then, you say? What is October 2nd, 2016?
>Well, it is the very end of the "Jubilee." Jubilee is every 7th Shemitah year.

Get with the times, the Shmita has alreay passed. That's what the September 2015 Habbeing was all about. It was *THE END OF SHMITA*.

>The last Shmita year began on Rosh Hashanah in September 2014, corresponding to the Hebrew calendar year 5775.

Now you Habbening tards are not just pushing it. You are outright lying.

yea september 2015 was the beginning of it..

the end is October 2nd.

Like i've said, I have NEVER made a habbening thread before. All I'm saying is, this would be a really good time for it to happen. If you are going to argue that the world economy can not collapse, then I would call you a shill.

I am sure you realize it CAN collapse, and you just want to believe that nobody can predict it, right?

It's going to be much more like the last of us but without zombies

Oh yea?


>Sanhedrin Declares Jubilee and the Third Arrival of the Jews in Israel
By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz July 11, 2016


>How is this Jubilee different from other Jubilee years?

The Jubilee of Mercy that Pope Francis has called, from December 8, 2015 – November 20, 2016, is an Extraordinary Jubilee. This designation as an "Extraordinary Jubilee" sets it apart from the ordinary cycle of jubilees, or holy years,

See, Pope Francis even said this year is Jubilee year. Sorry that Sup Forums had a different date for the Shemitah and Jubilee, but I am still going to go with the Hebrews and the Pope on this one, I think they are a little more knowledgeable in this field.

>searching Jubilee 2016




"Bull of Indiction"
"Jubilee of Mercy"

>The end is October 2nd
How do you figure? You said this date was "the very end of the "Jubilee," which is false. You even added the word "very" to emphasize that it is the specific point of termination.

Just admit, you're the shill. You, and every other economic shill, who wants to cause panic in the markets so you can buy low when people sell off their hard earned investments, are scum.

May 28th 2016 US Dollar collapse is a HOAX!
>The US dollar isn't exactly healthy, but May 28th isn't the day it all goes down either. Find out why in 5 minutes!

>the Economist is owned by the Rothschilds by the way
These people always tell you before hand what they are going to do. That is the rule they play by, the way they see it it frees them from moral responsibility.

>what do you mean you lost your 99.9% of you 401k and its our fault? Stupid goy, we told you to get out before it happened.

That Jubilee is for the Roman Catholics. There is a difference.

>In Western Christianity, the tradition dates to 1300, when Pope Boniface VIII convoked a holy year, following which ordinary jubilees have generally been celebrated every 25 or 50 years; with extraordinary jubilees in addition depending on need.
>extraordinary jubilees in addition depending on need.

The Roman Catholic Jubilee is not as systematic as the Jewish one. For the Catholics, Jubilees are something of a tradition and meant for specific occiasions rather than a perpetual holy mandate from God.

whatever bro

The information is LITERALLY in front of your fuckin face

All you are doing is posting Sup Forums memes. Wow! crazy! The guy posting actual press conferences of spiritual leaders of the Hebrews as well as Pope Francis, he must be the one lying!

Get a grip
That is exactly what it is. And I don't blame them. The way they see it, all of THEIR people can tell. If you were a hebrew and you saw "oh this year is jubilee year" well then you know exactly what to do. So to them, this is open information for everyone to see. If they would just look, instead of talking shit and misleading people and posting old Sup Forums memes that I have never even seen before.

>Its another "its shemitah year" episode

so what you're saying right now is that both the roman catholic as well as the jewish jubilees are just happening to fall on the same date, but BECAUSE they are falling on the same date, that means that there will be absolutely no impact.


kind of strange how I post a thread with all the necessary information you need to know, and some guy comes into the thread and just constantly answers my posts negatively without reading any of it.

I could post a thousand links showing you that the Jubilee is this year and ends this year, for Jews as well as Christians.

have people talked about it before?

I guess you have understood that this financial system inevitably leads to collapses due to debt / worthless money. But what most of you don't get is the fact that this isn't a band thing. Even the poorest guy nowadays is better off than his ancestors. Learn about Kondratieff Cycles. Yes, there is a lot of debt and the central banks' interest rates are steadily below the natural rate. This is what keeps the economy running. We are basically having a party where even the riskiest and partially unproductive investments can be pursued. Then the collapse occurs and we are all shitting our pants. But then we realize that we have created real values (capital) in the meantime. In the end the financial side doesn't matter after all. It is simply a memetic fuel making us overcome our inhibitions.

Yeah, lots of times. I have written the same shit and posted the exact same pics as you in multiple threads.

Have you missed all the other threads? They are around since last summer. Every time something slightly drops in the stock market another pops up.

Still would be better

oh, well I didn't post it because of some small blip, I posted it because I, like most people, can sense a disturbance in the force, as well as I just recently listened to some information about this thing. I just want people to post information on what we can do, what we can do to prepare, etc

Oh I have seen the Economist pictures before. But I just heard the thing I was listening to mention the Economist

It really does make sense; the whole "they purposefully warn you"

When it comes down to it, if someone was dedicated enough, and smart enough, they could predict all of these things. Come on, let's be clear, this is also a way of them communicating amongst eachother, but yes, mostly of shirking any responsibility. It's an occult thing, but it's also a psychology thing

Psychopaths also always feel the need to leave little hints and clues, everyone knows this.

it is a bad thing if everyone in my family lose their houses.

>The Global Economy will crash on October 2nd, 2016.
How are you going to explain on October 3, 2016 when nothing happens?

>s I just recently listened to some information about this thing.
Did you just watch the stgreport?

>it is a bad thing if everyone in my family lose their houses.
Their house? Its the banks house.
If its _their_ house they wouldn't lose it.

Useful Reminder:

The Economist is co-owned by The Rothschild Group and EXOR, a group owned by The Elkann Family (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Juventus Football Club)


I will apologize on October 3rd, if nothing is happening

But you really see absolutely nothing wrong with China's currency becoming a world reserve currency?

You think that will have absolutely zero effect on the west and their fiat banks? A gold backed currency? and CHINA'S no less? I mean, this is what Libya was overthrown for......and who would be a bigger threat, Libya or CHYINA?

>tfw it won't effect us


Stop being a whiney faggot and make sure you have skills to offer to society.

When is the Jewish Jubilee?

Is it in 2016 as this article suggests?

Sanhedrin Declares Jubilee and the Third Arrival of the Jews in Israel
By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz July 11, 2016

Didn't the Jubilee already pass in September 2015?

This year, 5775 since creation (Sept. 25, 2014–Sept. 13, 2015), is a Shemittah year.

>The Yuan coming into effect will royally rape us
wtf are you talking about? Please before you type walls of text do some actual research so you don't end up looking like a fucking idiot.

I'm not Jewish idk

>wtf are you talking about?
He is talking about the fact that China has been hoarding smaug amount of golds for the last few decades while the US has been selling its (and other countries) gold off to keep the USD floating.

Have fun becoming a third world nation.

Ok Sven enjoy the death spiral of your nation because you're a bunch of nu-male faggots. Us burgers though we'll be fine, you should really be more concerned about your own nation but I guess projection helps with the infinite ass hurt you feel over the muslim invasion.

haha I think it will amigo

just like the holocaust, the upper tier jews don't care about the lower jews. Everyone knows that.

youre going down with us

>do research hurr durr
>how could the worlds industrial base having it's gold-backed currency becoming a reserve currency effect me at all?
>this doesn't fit into my keynisian model of economics at all! so it must not be true!

The Yuan is not gold backed you're literally as retarded as your Abo picture m8