What's your vocabulary score?
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OP I don't believe it's possible to get lower than the 99th percentile in a facebook test
of course its easy when you cheat
Scores ~29300 a few days ago, top .27%.
I hope Hillary gives you free college.
It's possible. Here's what happens if you pick the first choice on every problem.
I got 22950, top 5.08%
Good enough.
if I wanted this shit I'd still be on Kikebook
we had this thread the other day. im happy with my score
I can't tell if you're fucking me right now
Neat ID.
Apparently I have the vocabulary of a 14 year old US teenager
Stay in school, kids
What sucks is I remember learning these words in high school.
you retards really got less than 30,000? I got 30350, top .01%
Good enough for a non native speaker
Mah nigga
Your English Vocabulary Size is:
I can screenshot. Even.
At least I beat OP.
Where you finna be at home room period niggah
shit nigga fuck bitch nawmsayin?
Pretty good considering I stopped learning English in primary school.
No idea what jejune meant.
Can I join you guys.
I guess I need further education.
Top 5% for me. Good enough
Are you guys even trying?
did I dun gud?
everyone has an extra super awesome vocabulary according to this test.
nothing wrong with that.
were all special snowflakes today.
wish I knew what I got wrong
Took the test once answering fast to the answers I didn't know got a 10 year old score. Took it a second time taking it slower still not knowing the answers and got top level white collar.
Your World Atlas Score is:
Christopher Columbus
Same. Just got 10250, which is weird considering whenever I speak with foreigners they praise me on how great and better than most natives my English is.
That's pretty gay. I knew most of the answers and still ended up with 6k or some shit.
Anyway as long as you can make the difference between "its/it's" "your/you're" "there/their/they're" etc. and don't type "should of" or "alot" like retards you're good desu senpai.
I'm a half-retarded frenchfag though and I still managed to beat 50% of them so I won't cry over it.
I guess this is too easy if even I, not a native, get a high score.
Top .01%
And I'm an eighth grade dropout.
top .01%
cheeki breeki
is time a factor in this?
Same score!
Same score man, I think we did pretty damn well given that most of the more difficult words are ones I've only ever seen a handful of times in 23 years.
lets all take this quiz now guys!
>the dumb test
Here's for your data mining.
I have never before heard some of these words.
29625, top .19%. EE student, entering junior year. i used to be great at reading and writing.
>all these low 20k scores
fuggin plebeians
School makes you dumb, is the lesson here.
Top 6%. I feel proud.
The test would be a lot more accurate if they could eliminate the possibility of guessing the correct answer by having a "not sure" or "skip" option.
The SAT all over again.
Top 5% nigga.
I thought I would do better
What is the max score?
God you faggots are dumb.
I couldn't even get 10,000.
Says I have the vocabulary of an 8 year old.
I hope that's good enough for a non-native speaker.
For being a foreigner, that is actually really good. You have a better command of the English language than most native English speakers.
I used to read alot of books
When I was in school the teachers praised me for my vocabulary. The other students all teased me for not talking at a sixth grade level when I was in high school.
23k better them most americans. :)
Fuck these words.
it's lit senpai
>all these people using dictionaries / thesauruses
I mean, I've never heard any of these.
all that shitposting paid out
>tfw I know most of these words from video games
You got anything like this for German? I haven't studied it in many years and I'd like to see if I still remember some vocabulary
I made educated guesses for quite a few
my nigga
I got 29800 like some of the others and my verbal fluency is horrendous since puberty. I constantly get words stuck on the tip of my tongue...it bugs me so much.
t. spic
I'll have to say this test gave me a run for my money once it reached around 40/50.
My score was way to low to post, everyone got around 10k above me.
bretty gud
I am a failure.
Sth around 10k. Whatever.
keep in mind lots of people are cheating, and people only post if they get a good score.
wtf burgers
I googled all the options and I think it's salubrious, which means helpful. I can't wait to slip this in everyday conversation.
Fucking native speakers meng. Why would you even pass this test if English is your mother language?
>someone got a higher score than me they must be cheating :^(
>I know most of these words from video games
90% sure i knew 'alacrity' from vampire the masquerade bloodlines
cool beans, i got laudatur in english back in high school meaning i was in the national top 5%
I'm told this is the highest score possible. I read a lot though.
Highest score by googling, if you got more than this post it.
You did better than I did. I haven't read a book in over 5 years.
Topkek English is third language and I'm above natives embarrassed for you guys
Beat it
if you dont get purple you are a pleb
I expected
Barely passable but it is troubling to be compared to a US HS student while being 24.
lower desu
I actually missed a couple just because I didn't recognize the choices even though I understood the question.
This thing is bs. I am not even a native speaker.
And I swear to God, I did not cheat. I had to guess a few times too.
After about 40 or 45 I was just guessing.
I never really studied english in school, and I have just very recently begun reading novels in english in a somewhat regular fashion. I'll be like you someday, senpai.
14 years old. This is a hard test.