Greek sells Trains for nothing after Migrants Block Trains For A Year

After a full year of Soros-paid "refugees" blockading our train lines and not allowing us to export any goods, our national train company has now been sold for just 45m Euros.

A few years ago it was valued at billions of Euros as it's the 2nd largest owner of land in the country, besides its operations.

China COSCO Shipping, a major Chinese state-owned company, has bought our Piraeus port and planned to export hundreds of thousands of Containers using our trains in 2015 and 2016, towards Europe.
Instead, the "refugees" blocked our train lines and everyone went to other ports in the Med to bypass Greece.

Our left-wing government refused to remove the train blockade for humanitarian reasons. They literally said "refugees" have a right to destroy our economy.

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The communists literally invaded them you dumb fuck

Why don't they just run them over like normal trains do?


You can't run over hundreds of "refugees".

The world would be upset, Obama would probably bomb us.

Any Greek news site has it

Picked one at random

You should start asking for reparations from lefties!

Yes you can.

Thats legit terrible.

Why arent more people voting for Golden Dawn?

Sorry, hellenafags.

That's some bullshit.

This is coming from someone with a pavement ape president.