Delete your fucking kikebook account right now.
Delete your fucking kikebook account right now
Being on a '"Social'" Site on 2016 A.D.
Good Goym.
I did +3 years ago.
I deleted it because seeing all these liberal bigots spewing their hatred towards the white race was blackening my heart.
Also, no friends to talk to.
Why? I'm not in Germany. We have Legal Right Wing opinions.
7 for me
I never had one in the first place
Fuck off normies
you're on one right now
I did, 2 years ago. RIP social connections
>Not having it for creeping and never posting anything
Sorry, I need it for work, I'm a marketer.
>he's not playing Overwatch™
what's your excuse Sup Forums
Can't delete something I've never had.
I did, 4 years ago
Social connections don't equate to social interactions. And Facebook is making a play at becoming this generation's SS# and a part of the deep state.
Fuck the kikes. Shut them down.
Yeah i know. Still it did cut connections that i had with people from high school
>implying it's possible to delete it
Joke's on you, you can only disable your account.
Deleted mine 5 years ago, couldn't give less of a shit about it since
if that is all it took did you really lose anything?
Never had one to delete.
I do have LinkedIn though. Although it hasn't gotten me any work.
Is it not acceptable to use it to spread propaganda to people?
I've already swayed votes just by posting anti-hillary articles.
I wont delete it because jobs expect you to have one and if you don't you look weird.
You can delete it, go ahead and try.
> Delete my account
> Confirm
You'll be prompted during that process with this " Your account won't actually be deleted, just removed. " ( That's not verbatim )
You can not delete your account, only deactivate it. If you try to log on at any time after that, it will inform you that this account is not active and ask if you would like to now reactivate it.
tl;dr They keep the whole account on their servers, you can never delete it.
t. Facebook account deleted since 2008
Great, when do you leave!?
Having a facebook could get you killed by a nutjob.
I only have a fake one to stalk girls desu famalamaman.
Nope, you can delete it permanently. Google it, takes 2 weeks though. Just did it a few months ago after having it disabled for a year.
>mark of the goy
>current year
Fake acc with anime girl on the userpic doesn't count, right?
Why? So we can all be as lonely and miserable as you?
Delete your account.
Deactivated 4 years ago.
I might start a long distance relationship with a grill from russia. I can't now. I'm in too deep. I never had a gf before.
No thanks, it's an important source of wank material for me
All you forever alone idiots are unaware that you need kikebook for Tinder.
This is wrong actually. I """"deleted"""" my account back in 2009. One day when I was bored I tried logging in with my old info and everything popped right up. Scary shit senpai.
All my kikebook account are to troll Muslims and other leftist rats. I got like 7 of them deleted by the kikebook
you wish!
Instead I'm gonna use it to spread the TRUTH.
And make some profit by it too!
>implying I didn't just get rng sudden memed from rank 65
>no friends to talk to
typical Sup Forumsack
Just spend a few hours deleting every status and shared post you've ever made, then unlike every page, then unfriend everyone and change your security to not show your profile to non-friends, then deactivate.
There's still info on their database or whatever but it's effectively gone as far as HR cunts having any ammo to use against you.
>deleted old fb account years ago
>make a new one with nothing filled in but my name
>have it around for when friends want to plan get-togethers and shit
I cant remember login and password and i've changed phone number and several computers since i've been there last time.