Why do white people always gotta try to be the victim when minorities speak out?
Why do white people always gotta try to be the victim when minorities speak out?
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Fuck you nigger.
Because minorities have done literally nothing for American society. Or European society for that matter. Don't even bring up slavery; if you dig a hole using a shovel, did you dig or did the shovel?
>uses the same argument he thinks he deconstructed to protect muslims and blm
Was the tweeter of this tweet aware that he is proving his opponent's point?
How come whenever minorities speak out, it always boils down to racism against whitey?
because this is our fucking country you goddamn nigger
This planet is starting to suck. Oh wait.
How come white men always gotta listen to retarded niggers and feminists as if they were actually presenting an argument and not just whining for free shit?
Seriously if we all had the balls to stop trying to reason and just tell them to suck it up or kill themselves they would quit bitching.
Even at their height the KKK was only 50k members and today is officially less than 300.
These niggers need to get the fuck over what was a minority.
Because if you don't give a single shit about our problems to the point where you call us horrible names for even trying to have a shred of pride in our race, forgive us if we don't give a single fucking shit about you
>Muh kkk
Meanwhile BLM supporters have killed dozens of people already but the media protects their worthless movement.
All of their ethnocentric groups and movements are full of hate, "kill da police" and "kill whitey".
Can't wait till the race war in America starts.
>Celtic cross
you're being delusional m8
>block traffic
>shut down opposing political events
>call people racists and bigots for existing
>have people openly advocating race war at your events
>have even more people defend a man who assassinated five cops
>slander a cop who was assassinated by said murderer
>completely ignore statistics and reason
>wonder why some white people are offended
>immediately compare said white people to KKK members
You can't state "I'm proud to be white" without someone thinking you might be a white supremacist, because Hollywood Jews.
You can state "I'm proud to be (any non-white race)" and people will jump out of the trees to suck your tinted cock, because Hollywood Jews.
Literally White Guilt
none of those images are racist
meanwhile KKK already killed dozens of black people just because they happened to be black
stop crying, you're hypocritical
>muh race war
go home monkey
S'gotta point. For white americans to be ethnocentric again they need to find a calling or slogan that's palatable. And "White Pride/Power" has already been poisoned.
My suggestion would be "Basic." One, it's taking a word used to discriminate white women as having very little culture or character and neutralizing it. You can use it in an alliterative sense (Basic Bitch, Basic Bobby, Basic Ben, etc.)
White people literally have the entire worlds blood on their hands tho
when do people understand that if you say white people are racist and you actually mean the KKK that the other % of white people who aren't racist speak up?
No it's not. It's the Native American's land -_-
Ancient magic PKers
They can come and take it if they're so pissy.
this is exclusive to western faggots and their victim olympics and has nothing to do with "white people"
also, "white people" is a meme retarded racemixed to hell and back brasil lite americans came up with because they no longer belong to any ethnicity anymore so they just call themselves "white people", a pale arab or mexican is american 'white'
>Why do white people always gotta try to be the victim when minorities speak out?
Maybe because niggers like to snipe white people at "peaceful protests".
Whites are the victims.
I'm talking recently. When was the last time the KKK killed somebody?
You don't think a race or civil war is plausible now? Haven't you seen the media raising the racial tensions in America for the last 4 years? These police officers got killed as revenge for the dindus that got shot. Just imagine when there is another one getting shot or a cop getting off without any charges from earlier cases that happened.
Whose fault is that? Git gud.
Am I one of those few blacks that realize race relations are kinda awful now? Like it was just fine a few years ago, but now I don't even know. Like who's really to blame here. The media? Sjw? Obama? Or people in general. I kinda blame the Trayvon incident more than anything
> I kinda blame the Trayvon incident more than anything
That's where it really started to go downhill. "Obama's son" and all. Pew research stats show the same.
You weak people let the niggers do what they want.
I'm not proud of being white, but honestly it does feel great to be white !
race relations were better before the welfare state
Because the reality is white people are the only acceptable people to discriminate against in liberal society. White people are the victims.
Because white people are a minority.
>Lennon and Ono were cucks
color me fucking suprised
We aren't. We don't try to be the victim, we just use that tactic against you liberals fucks because it pisses you off and proves your narrative wrong. The reason you'll never see us crying "Wazism" is because its beneath our fucking dignity and we have a ton more self respect to stoop that low. Only the lowest forms of scum and filth cry racism because they are so worthless as human beings that they never stop to look at themselves as to the reason why their life sucks so much.
You weak spics can't take Gibraltar.
Because they are the real victims.
>there's no difference between white pride and white supremacy
niggers are literally this dumb
nice girl.
> -_-
Im sure she was nice to rape too
Yeah, it's a shame, really.
This entire thread just seriously responded to either obvious bait, or literal autism. Why even feed it by responding?
>Why do white people always gotta try to be the victim when minorities speak out?
Because white people are the victims when minorities act out.
burn the coal pay the toll
culturally enriched
>Why do white people always gotta try to be the victim when minorities speak out?
Because we want to win, and you guys have proven that victim status is an invincibility bonus.
because no body wants your bitching, nigger.
because the darkies need to be fucked off
Exactly. All white people are evil, dangerous, murderess warmongers who only care about themselves, you're absolutely right. So explain to me why you're trying to make them your enemy? I guess that's lefty logic for you though.
They should be happy we didn't kill all of them.